HomeMy WebLinkAbout2355 384 ~.I.I.I.\Ii\."~IIIM(III. 1141' j ,) I;, ............l\.l,~,:"~,,..Rloord.r, 011I .J'. l.~; " '" 'I' DC ~'O;~ U\'" " , RI'. OR~,O:.IAfTI ~...,.'? il -4~" r,,;:;: II ~~'~ ,..~:: '\1 r- _ ~ I ~~' C~. ,--I I .. ,I of the : 'l~ ,,,.., 1\' dS fC I "' '1,::)-" an tate 0 00" g t:.r ~~ ':1 :JII<. II d ::a nl~e~ . JEFFERSON COUNTY, a ho y 0 _.1 C:lOo II d :a !f'..... X::t: po Ii tic an a eorporati('n oJ"l1ontzed and c)'isting under and hr virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado :f \ ,.[ the ",eond part; I! WITXF.SSf:TH, That the said part ie:3 of. the tint part, for and in conaidl ration of the 111m of ,\ On~ Dollar and other good and valuable considerations----------- .-------~A':RSUii to t..hc ~ajd part les.,r the first part tn band paid by the Hid party of the second part, the n:cipt whrrcof Is 1\ hereby confe8s~11 and acknowledged, ha vcranted, barptned, lold and conveyed, and by thut! presents do ~nnt, bnrg'Ain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the ,aId party of the second part. it, .ucces~o:.tI and asli~1 forever. all or t.he fol1o,..;n~ describt'4'lrY or parcel of land, .ituate,l).'tn&, and being in the Count~" ot Je fferson and Rtate of Colondo, towtt: Reco roM at............................., ..0'tlock............Jrl'., Rce.ptlon N4~4 ... ...... ........................................ lIT,,, Dno .." ~. "" .. · -,." 19 71, ootwem ...t>. '"-.l 00 ~ CLIFFORD G. l~Sr. and D\;l\mE R. RICHTER Count}. 0'( udo, of tbe first pArt, and ....... Beginning at a point 500 feet East of the West quarter corner ~f Section 29 Township 3 South Range 69 West of the 6th P.M.; thence East al,ng ~.o North line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 29 a distance of 135 feet; thence Sout..~ and parallel to the West line of sdlli Section 29 ,;t. di:>tance of 65 feet; thence Northwe~terly along the arc of a circle with 2)-fo0t radiu~, center of said circle lying 6S feet South of the north line an1 61; feet east of the west line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 31.42 feet; thence West and parallel to the North line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 115 feet; thence North 45 feet to the Point of Beginning - containin9 O.l~l acres - FOR !lOAD PURPOSES ONLY ':OGETHER ~riLh all and .ingular the heredltamenta and appurten.nce. thereunto be.onrinlt' or in anrwis~ .ppertainlr.g', and the reversion and reveralonl, remainder aDd remalnd.l1I. renta, lllaes and )ronts therf'ot; and a.n \ (.he csute, right, title, Intere.t, claim and demand whatlocyer or the Mid partJ .teB of the f fit llttrt. either In law I,' or equit)", or, in atld to thf\ above bftJ1:'&lnt'd. premise., wJth the heredttameDu and appurt..en"I.ncl" I. TO HA YE A:sn TO HOLD thoutd premll'esabov. barraJned Ind described. with the appurt..crancel. unto th~ I[ sold party or th(' ~~cond part, 11. .urcc.llon and 1111"1& 10fev.r. And tb. 1111I Jlart iea or the firlt pnrt. {or them.elves thei)rclrl, eJCrcut.ot1l, and admlnt.traton,'do l'\Jveuant, Iflnt, bMrgain and a!:f(" to anti with the said pc.rty of the !econd part, Ita IUct'ellOt"l and ....Ign., that at the tittle of the tm:lu1inl-! nlld dell\'rry or I thele prclenbl, are well .eIzed of the premlsea above ~onvered, .. of rood, IIUI'(\. pt'rl('ct. absolute I.l"\tl indefeasible estntc of inherftanre. In law, in fee aimple. and have JrOOd rlrht, fun powrr and ls-K!ul authority tt' \ I:'rant. bare-ain, "t':I and convey the s:;,!ne in manDt'l' aDd form... aforesaid, and tbat the urne art fr~ and dear from all form(lr Ilnd oth!r J!Tanls. barJZ'ail1ll, olea. lien" taxn, aueasmante and f'n('umbranct'l of .ha~\.et' kind or natUM! \ \ """'" '~ <1' ;rj . \ ,~ y ,r\~l.~ and th~ !\bo\.~ bare-alned premise. in the quiet and peaeeful potlae.sion of tJ:e aaid parly 01 thf. second part, iu. ," - SUCC"~8!lO: nne! :l.ssibflfi, .G'nin!lt all and every penon or per.ona lawfuny claimlne or to claim the whole or any par q\~ ~ -Z thereof, the .aid part ie,.,! the first part shall snd will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEXD. :--L, 111: WITNESS WHEREOF, The aaid part iellf the first part ha vc hereunto Jet hand ri_J./ - and Jet.l t.he day and year first nbovl' written. ,1 V ". ~ :" (r, JZ.. A / 1/ 'J...-;t<:- . :i "::J =l"'/" 'f r=,(' , - - t >-") !SEA,LI1 g ~ :J t. .' j /;;.-;- I r\ ~ ...l .. , i. ':JCu.1cf. !-'\;r ,c. .(,q~'l.1 ..::, i \ \,1 [SEAL' , /1 I II i 'I , lloeTer, Signed, Senlt'd and Delivered in the Prcsenee of STATE 0'" COLORADO, / J -' ... County of ) c' / It Ie ),0> The foregoing instrumC',JI.t..,..n a0kn6,,~dged before me this #? v 19 I , ,by / (.!/,t < ) 1./''7 ~ " ~ / ~- -. - c V,,A //'L.4--LL 7-'-f...-k:t.~6,,_ ....'--, day. of , , l:/., '/",1,. My commillsion e"l);rc~ . ~ II, WITNESS my \~.~a:i?.,f;'ej),r~.;, ?'" ,..~'........LS~Ld7~' l":-'{/' :i o.\t_ ....~ '!' ...f,,.,,, ~~,...... ~ N'~~"" r~'hi'I;. I ~ '(.~'1) . '':J J..:.'IiT';' i! .~I.....~... .. .d N'o.9S::. WAJULA~J)~TOco.....ttoM-r_""""""'~ '-, \,. -...I, -.;:....i~ " . -Bn4for4 Pultlllhllll.l Co..IIU-U Stoat St.rNt..De'l'ft'. c...lo"'-l-,. '.'~'-.s.,.,.-< ,.,,,. n. ". /- 7/ /,;' C.:'.~ \-'-. ....