HomeMy WebLinkAbout2447 796 ":\ ~t \' 9 J, II , 1loocr4..s 'l.~"'''1L v Iloocptloa No - .----iIT'iI'r:'JiiT.-.-- -- ----..--_ ICO~. Ii J i Tms DUD, lfacl. llIla / ~ 7f.. cia,. of bmrMn AnM A. Edens ~~i\:~r- .. 0 ~~. r- <" (: :: ~ ~ :;1 j::-; ~ ~~ i: ;;.: ~4' ~ I~ ~ ~;~ "" ~ a- :::~~ g ~::I: <i~2I I = ~ -= :;:g~ I ~ C~~~~ Novelllber.1t72 !~ ofUMo C<>1mtT 01 J e f I: e r s on ADd Slate of ColorftClo. of tilt tint Put. &.. CITY OF WHIlAT RIDGE, A Colorado Municipal Corporation, of tIl. C<>1m\J of Jefferson All... 01 Colorado, of tho He oIld putl WITNB88BTEr, '!:'bat tho oald party of tilt tlnt p..t, 'fir IIIlIIa 1I411114t.,.""'. of UMo r1lJ2I ot FOUT Thousand One Hundred and Fifty ($4,150.00),.---------- I>or..LAllS to th. oaId pan Y 01 UMo fIm put Ia baacI poW bJ ..14 Pu\ Y 01 CIo1 .oo....s p&rt, tbAI ncolpt .'hm>of I. hnobJ eoafoued ,,04 iW:aowledpa. . s IftIlll4, borpJaect, 1014 IIIlI ~d, IIl4 bJ 11M-. p.._'- doe:; ......t, bupIa. MIl. ooanr IIIlI e=1Irm, oto tilt MI4 ..... Y 01 tilt .ad plZt, it S"1ln .Dd ...d.... tor- _. all th. foll,,'bl. d-u..4 lot or pullet cd 1aaId, Illa1U1, llIIlI: InlI bolq Ia tI.. C<>1m\Jof Jefferson lIIlIsw.of~towltl That part oJ the NEI{, Section 22, Twp, 3 South, Range 69 West of th~ 6th P.M. dellcribed as follows: "'."" Beginning al: the SE corner of Lot 180,!"Clearvale Subdivision said point being the SE corner of said C1earvale Subdl.visionj '~hence Southwesterly along the South boundary of said Cl.earvale Subdivision l, 077. S feet; thence South and parallel. to tho 1!ast line of said NE '- a disunce of 75.0 feet; thence Northeasterl.y on a line 75 feet South (,f and parallel to the South,boundary of said Clearvale Subdivision a distance of 1,077.5 feet;) thence North 75.0 feet to the point of beginning, County of ,Jefferson, State of Colorado. 'j t~l ~~_ ',:',~}i:, TOGB'l'BBB wllll allllllllllDa'Glar tile .....'1 "1II"'~"'nto .....~. or I" ..t,..b. .~. All tl.. nnnI... IIIlI ..._11_. nm.1>ocIfo &lid......... "lau. &lid proftllllbo:oot, 1.1d all lbo _to, rIPt, It:le, 1Il~ o1abIt IIIlI domalI4 .IUI.... '" tIoIll.14 ~ Y of tho ftnt~. oIlJlor bt Ia.. t1r equI\J, cd. Ia _I to tho aboft bapIDac1 ~. tile ....1lUM..... &l~ TO UVB ANI) TO BOLD tilt MI4 __ alIw_ ~ W ~ wl. tilt a~_, ant. tbo oald port Y 01 UMo -.I part, i tsWn.... ..... tWnw. A>>4 tilt ..sel party 01 tile IIn1; part. I tor herHl her Wn. oxoeatmt, IIIlI a4IIIIaIIlra\Gn,. es. -to 1lIMt,1oarpIa, aM ...-....... wflh lho oaId part r 01 tilt -.I part, its"'" &lid .... CIoal at 1M till. cd th. -u.ll &lid ",,'I11'1l'1 III of u.- p-to. is nil MIso4 cd UMo ~.... CIIlIm1'cI. u cd.. -. perfool. al>oolubt &lid \Ddotoulbla oobte ~t ~ ill law, III foe 1IIap1o,,,, W.~;':', 1'OOd~"" rlaD pcIllrII' &Ilcl1J."tal aa1borl\J to ~t, !lupin, .un IIIlI ooanr tile _ III _ IIIlI I_'u at.-I4. aacl that tilt _ an l!rM ...el .1_ from all formor alI4l otIwr --. ~ oaIoo, .... tuoI, III -k IIIlI ~ ot n.lntr kl:ld or ...tu>o 1ClO1'I1'. . aDd lho .boN barplnod pnrmIoes Ia th. qu/ol &lid ~1lI.,....Joa ot 11M oaIdl-"Y of thu ooeoN r.,\rt, its bobl. a,,1 ...,.... .pIan alllllll """7 ,.....,. ..-lawfallJ e1,:mtn. or 10 d.!m tho who!. or OllT port lhontof. ,;be aid put Y 01 th. tint ..... oball &lid wII1 'IV AJUt.~rr AND rOUITJ:R DEl'!:l/!), IN WITNESS '91'B1CRl1:0r, lho ...Id part Y of tho fin' JUt .S _,.,."to olt he r band atuI Mal tho d'T &Dd .,.. fIm _. writtoD. ---,-~_. } ,..:..;., .I ~ ., ' ,,"~\' '''''''I',;/~ )j:-_t~/~\.-4 _ _,___... ,: ~r. :.;:u.... . ~')~. " :,.', ('rJ\)i:".o1I~'COLO~RADO 1 ' .f", .11/ ~ ~_. IL 'f.,' ". :,.. i' ~11l\Jof ~ ' " ~ _~III","- ...~... w.... _ llIla \ ~,le' I~,,:t ,,:J<-Allne . E~ns. , .'.. .tl,. -...:IIl.J... nzptre. 0: / ';,,, ' ~~. 1','11/11 .1.' at: ,co. i. ~"It~~..!~~:~ ~a,1..~ . , _,__(SIt!.L) ...____,_.(SEA1") _..........._...\S&AL) 'I ;IJ( I ""7 ot ;!A'''Jt...., ~ / "'- 'M7 baJod :t.2~ ...1. , -:(~2d,~---_....:::=---. I" )tr.,.....llI.... -------.-- ----.,-----.---.-- . No.931. W"-D.A..'fTT tIID_F...........,... .......-..................Ot., mwn...., ,....... .o.."*', lcllOftlIq.-..72 01 (...) ~) Jl C:X;, ,,-,