HomeMy WebLinkAbout671 215 --...,ss,-c -- J __ ;ltulW .,-/~:9..s::..._.o'.4e........ _..._~..-4.__._...,..... "'''''' ftl , " .., BeoQUoa NO"...:4804fl1. ..........~_ -". ~... ... "'.__ N9 111 ~ I , , I , 'I ~ " r ,I ~ " II I !' i :1 Ii ,I 'I 'I I, Ii ij ~ il II ji , 'I !1 I' :1 ~ II II II II I I' .I ~ II I I I I' ,I II !I r I THIS Duo. Mad. tIaIa 25th :?ear of our I....t OIIe thoUlUld Diae bllllllred aDd t Itt~ Ill!twwll J. W. Stsphens rmd Inn U. Stephenl April Iqfll III tile 'I II ;1 :1 i' I , " :1 to the &aid part iClS of the first pert in hand paid by the 3lI1d parties of the _ond part, the reeeipt whereof is 'I hexeby confessed and acknowledged, ha ve granted, bargained, BOld and con'n!yed, and by theae presents do I' gmnt, bBrgllin, sell, "onve)' and "onfinn unto the said parties of the lIeeond part, not in tcnanc; in common but in II joint tenan"y. the !!L"V!v!!r !!! the!!!, their assign! and the heirs and assi;;!'.!! !!! such su..'"YiTor f~er. al! the follow- _,il ing described lot or parcel of land, situate. lying and being in the County of J,,:i' -,-'SOl: and State of Colorado, to-wit: il 3et.'ir...llill?, 035.5 1'C3'. S_uth of cent<3r ot St3ction OJ, '...O',"i!:~Lli 3. 301.4,:1. .Ii .1,;13 :1 - . :1 59 "!.}st ot tile 5t!1 _,'.:. and rUl1nillr: thence ;;orth ::U.Ol1L' (;;1,3 ::Ol'th :ull'J. South ~ " :,1 aentJr 1illd 01' s~li<.l :JJcLon. 1277 f<3et to the South 1ino ot '!Jst <;,'lth _v'Jnul!; , tha::c6 :S:':lt alon~ ti!e South 11n!3 ot said vallu6. 559.5: (;!li3::CQ JO-cltJl ] r:d101 ii '.':itil t'E. :'orrh ::iuti. ~I)""<;:l canter lIne of 3actiOll 20, 1.277 tihlt: t:lenco 'cut a:1U o 1l":11e1 to th'.l S3COr..l: course. 559.5 feet to the~oint of oaL'i:--.d :e, i:lcLllling 'J16tn btJN~t in tlB 31::...tar :md...,oo~ ::lltch :1 ;:..l~'J.:;p'i': th<3 ~r,- rt!1 ~cc :' Jot 0;:' South 6,n .fj t''.l'Jt of .. ',v 3St 7[i f' l' ai' t ,l 'j )~:. llU3..r.]r \:"'_- t O.:.~;1 _i .3o~tion;1), '_o";nJ'l~tJ ~~ .30U~.!1, ~ Ji. ~ G9'" Jlt :/ ".,Jl'O ~. ic:;111'1:.' _~)::.:::r;r"l: ::. ,~ill. il,,' or. "!J3t lino :~Ol' ;:1:13t {uartar (::. ) ,I s: : ~ct_o:: :u "-in..l 1.-.~l.J :' J)t :~orth 'Jf oent'3r 0: s"- :,1 S'JCtJ.O~1 .n:1. ;-:4./C f~ Ji 11 ~.. , 'J_' ~ -.it;. lir!() 0;:' ...~~~, .1.~t.~1 V31::'UOi t.ha:'c'J .'or.t.h. alon ~ ill .tl)St li::1U,. 11 :.I.l. "i.....J).; ~,(J:8~ ~;t .1..1. '1 r;.11t31,'iit.l ,Jo'.ltlli..~a Of ~:;uSt "~.l.tJi VdnU'3t ~,'v fa3tl ~, ~'\',... -.~.. " ! t l.:1:J 'J:1 .~~:~ I ~r 11,)1 '::it ~ :;.fOl"'Js1.ii ','lJzt J.i~}tJ, ..)LLJ i..~e'J~; ..........1.3 I j.J.. <.-~'1~ I .- r' ll~l ~"i t _ ':: :::~J~ .}:J. S~1.lth linQ at ~. ~3t 44th V')r2UO. 75 fO'Jt to b) ~il1:..i~1 c,-'. -:,., .....-."t.y!. ll+::::1 ri 'I~tg annurtJuJli i .-...... _._-.( - -- ......... - I i I i II :1 II II Ii II ,I i il I' :1 I[ II !I I I I II II II of the CoanQ' of Ja '('tenon Colorado, of the ftnt part, and Ej gll T. J ans en and El vi H. J ens en an4 State of of the Colorado. of the seeond part: WITNESSETH. That the nid parties of the ftrat part, for and in consideration of the lum .,! 'rOll Doll3l'S :md othJr V',,-luable consid<lr"tlOllSl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Colmty of Jaff'arson and Stete of DOLLARS, :...: J:..-~ )'':: : 01')("': ~.l. i :1. oint 0:1 :l1j"J3t lino of :ztJ ::or.:~)~=:t :1. 1.. 3r (::.. J~Ct~O~1 .~C, l~';-.s:: 1 to.- ....;, '.11...1., _{'.llg8 G9 .,7.)st G41.~ .:",))t :"~)r'.1 of t}hJ Clll;,tu.L. 0: s~,i.J. SJ;::'~on, lrJ.:.r.- :1.130 :,lJ South bOUllLl.::r;y1LD or' ,J::lt ,'"tl V Jl1u,); r_~. ..1 :. "',~ C) ';::~;.-:+ Jon;"'"J 'l"-jl lino OJ. 44th V)llnQ " !.11S 'net) of 95 l\JJt to th<3 tl'"c'e ,),;_J:: ,1' bt3[;i1:;,inC; th'3llcC Sout~l :],.11<1 p .~" ILl! ':;ie l ,),-;')3, 1i:13 Oi' t:le :~ort~1.)_~st ~-.l::~.rt '3r t!~..} ~ i'J.. SJctjor:. 1,]:7 f.j)t: tu',)~~C() -" sl'~<}.''lllal ,','it}\. .3G~tll lill~ 0....' 3St 44t!1 "!."o,)nu~. 150 ~.)Ji.: th'Jl"aCt~ ::O.1"l.il '.;.llU. n .i",'l.llel ..7i t.:! '.')SL line 01' :'ortiHG.S 1~ usr1 Jr ("};tJ q i ,i ':;,'ct 10n 147 ;i<iJt . to, South 1 h,O Ol' "'!o~ t 4.'~th ":)!"lUJ~: _ _J: C') . ~ ~gt .:-~101:' s.:.i ,1 3o:~...h li::~'tBO t-!d., 0~' Il J:.. in~1.:.~~ \:1.' ....,' ~~'1t.~.r ::";:'J.. ui tel: ric~hts ".lr" ~'1 l~t.. ~ , - - , -:- .; " - " , ~ , ~ y - ~ = " ~ TOGETHER with aU and lingular the heredib\ment! and appurtenancel thereunto belonging. or in al'9'wi.e appertaining. and the rcvcnion and reversions, remainder Dnd remaindel'l'l, rent!, iSlues and proflt! thereof; and aU the eltate, riCht. title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever ot the nid parti os of the lint part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above bargained premis.., with the hereditaments and appurtenancel.