HomeMy WebLinkAbout81066887 :, EmHN OWINGS AIm BAIUlARA OWIllGS, J, T, th. GrontOf' 0( Gron!ors. I of the end County of Jefferson . and Stat. of Colorado . for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOllARS and other QOod cnd valuable C(r."idtfctions 10lhe IOl~ Grantor or Grantors in hand poid, ft'je receipt whereof is hereby confessed and ockncwledQed, have oranl.d, bal'Qalned. sold cnd conveyed, and by thl" presents do hlJreby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado the Gron1",1l1 luceo..on ond oulgnt forever, Ih. following roal pr-'Y. tltualed In Iht 0Mty of Jeffprson and 5101.01 Colorado, fo'wit: A tract or parcel of land No, 10 Rev. of the State Deportment of Highways, Divis- ion of Highways, State of Colorado, projcct No, FCU 070-3(4) containing 3,225 sq,ft., more or less, in the N 1/2 of the SI; 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 ,lest, of the Sixth Principal Heddian. in Jefferson County, Colorado, tOOre commonly known as 9605 W, 49th Ave., Wheat Ridg~, Colorado, said tract or psrcel be- ing more particularly described as foll~s: " Beginning at a point on the west property line, from which the II 1/4 corneJ:,of,.;.,,;7. 15 bears N. 31' 23' 30> W., a distance of 2.272,5 feet; ,,"" ";, .....\r; ~\, \' 1. Thence N. 8g0 46' 1511 E. a distance of 92.0 feet; , 2. Thence H. 540 20' 15!! E. a distance of 41.3 feet to a point on the'eaQtl' property line; 3. Thence S. 000021 0011 E., along said ea::.t property line, a distance of 46.4 feet to the south property line; ~ 4, Thence 5.89' 46' 15" W" along said south property line, a distance of 125,5 feet to a point on the west property line; 5. Thence N. 000 02 t .OOll 'W'., along paid west property line t c. distance of 22.5 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. TI1C abov~ described parcel contains 3,225 sq.ft., more or less. .f'1tR RtCQROING PLEASE MAil TO, the D.partrntf\! 01 H1lhw.ys of tI. Stat. of Colorldo Hl(l\ftay Otiklll 8uUdl:1\1 4201 tJII' ANnI" ~""nVf 1>0......,- 11I222 .TTtl'maI. _.,.... ~n, :;;:.~ ;....r,';~,,~, \ v<~ \:\": .. _ ..-;, ,~....:JI';.. . _~: v'1u;f , , ~. y... ,.....lI1.J\...._..' "': 'I .,\,~~,.":. ,,"",! ij I' .',1 J"';~ i'.l,-\~."t)"rr'~ 'WI .~ ..'t,,-k>' .,,"L:' \~;Q ""t~ \ ~ ...:"': ~t;:i' ,...:y..,... r.,iC if~.Jj4 .-.- -, ._ _ .r d.. ,- .. ~"'~ '. - :.~ '. '*- '/ I , " \ " ~ -l~;' ~ 'r :~',- :., ~ . ~ J " .' *,"'-... _' ," 'j' OOMP"CI'I'\IlIf"...'U., JI.-.Iooo4"'-ltrt TOGET\-\ E R wilh 0\1 and siT'lQu\ot the heredHoments and o~rtenances thereunto be'lc:lnQino, er n anywhl ~orlaini:"'~ crd tht rt'VIr- sian and reversions, remJinder and remainders.l'!nts, issues and profits fhereofj onU all the estate, riOht, title, inle"s1, c/uim orA demand wholsoe~r of the said Grantor or Grontors, either In law er equity, of, in and 10 the above borqained premises, with the herr..',!ilam.rts ard in. appurlenances. . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe said premi~s obove bargained and described, with the oppurtenonc.t$, unto tM said Grantee and . q '." t its successors and ossil1nS fOfever. And the said GranIer or Grantors. for lhemselves,their hei~, exec'J1cn and administrators., do covenant, 91'0nt, borQoln oneS agree 10 and wllh the said Granlee and ils successors and ossiQns,lhat 01 the time Of Ihe execution and delivery of ! lhese presenls, Ihey we~ well seized of the ptemises above conveyed, os of l}OOd, surd, perlect,CJb$olut. and inc:lofeoslb4e estate of inheritance. in )t.'W, in fee Simple, and hod Qaoe! riOhl, full power and lawful oUlhot'ily to Qront, borQain, sell and convey the snrn. in the monoercnd IOfm oforesoid; thol the some ore free and clear from 011 olher oronls, baroains, soles, lir;ns, 10xU,ossusmerts and encumbronces of whot- ever 'Il.lnd << nature soevor, by, lhrouQh or under Ihe Gronlor or Gronlors; !hol the said Grontqr Of Grontorl will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND Ihe above barooined premises in the quiel and peaceable possession of tho laid Grontee, and ils successors and ossiQr'lS, OC;loinst all and every person or persons lawfully claiminq or 10 claim the whole or ony part Ihereof, by, throUQh or under lhe $aid Gronlor or Gronlors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor or Granlors hove hereur,Io set their hands this. .A.D..19~, doy of , r;,j,l}f/h ()li~4'.o EDWIN DHI~GS r /'7, /7),' D/l /1_11.4.,r--L"L.-/ ( ''/( /. ~ _. ~ ...,,/-..:> J nARBARA OWINGS / Si(;lned in the ptesence of: STATE OE (oloc",Io ! ss, and County of :Dc?"v~"" The 1oregoino .lnstrument was oc"knowledqed belore me this 2k.+h. dayof A l...{~U:s+ EDlilll O\llIlGS AND DARIlARA OHINCS, J. T . by WITNESS my hand and Official Seal, My Commission up;r.,: Oc t. 5 J I:J f,,, xi Wv1 d.A a- )rJ. Nolor,. Publl' STATE OF }ss and County of The foregoinQ ins!r'/ nenl wos acknowledged before me lhis___doyof by WITNESS my hond and Official Seal, M" Commission Expires: Noto'7 Publ~ ~ ~~I ::;:......' M-rl '''' o ' ...."'> o.c~ p ~J U""'O ,.......... --g ~ ~ :5 $(~ u ;...J> 0 ~E' J ~ ~ r.! r c g ~... "2 ~ g d ~ ~~ .ci.=8. =~1! "i&. '5 'i"8 ~ \ ~!~ ~o :3 ,n: ~;"o , oo",€E" ~~ ~~iq ,.~ g]u.Qe i 8sfj~ 'lS~~ 3-8- ~p ~ "\ ~:2:!'l5~.a~ !;:; _'~:I:~U t; .liiil'SJ;'lS I ! 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