HomeMy WebLinkAbout81081287 ~ 8 J 08 I 2 8 7 !ltd,I" <<.!IfNI... 1I4tI., to, 19_. "'" f i r " 1fUw~lIlmll,g~1T~Sl.-~ ~t ]l,orb~. J" LARRY N. REED AND RA}IlNA L. REED, J. T. rhe Grantor (X Gronlorl, " " 0' Ihe and Counly of Jefferson ,and Staff of Colorado . tor and in cor.siderQtion of Ihe sum of TEN DOLLARS and other QOOd and wluable conlid.rations to the laid Grontot or Granlors In hand paid, Ihe (l!ceipt whereof is hereby confessed' and ocknowl<<JO<<f. haw oran'tH, borvo1ned. told ond comtyed, and by !hu. "",.nt, do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unlO STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado ,he Gmntee,HI aucC"",", and aaiqnt larew" the following ''''' P'-'Y.1Ituchd In the Olonyaf Jefferson end Slut. of Colorado, toawit: A tract or pnrcel of land No.3 of the SUte Department of lliglnlays, Division of iigh\lays, Stnte of Colorado, Project No. FCU 070-3(4) ~ontainbg 900 sq.ft., more or less, in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 16, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of t!"'!c Sixth Principal Heridian, in Jefferson County, ColOtaJ", more commonly known as lOI8S If. 49th Ave., h'l:cat Ridge, Colorado, said tract or parcel being W're particularly described as fol1ov..'s: j~~ Sec. 1 1- .. jg , - I ~l : ,~ -- 1\ Beginning st a point on the east property line, from which the E 1/4 corner of 16 bears N, 16024' 30" E., a distance of 2,031,.60 feet; Thence S. S'I' 34' 30" \01, a distance of 90.0 feot to tho west propert)' line; 2. Thence S. 00' 02' E" a10nr, said line, a distance of 10.00 feet to the south property line; 3. Thence Ii. 89' 34' 30" E., along said lino, a distance of 90.0 feet to the c~st property line; TIlence N DO' 02' \01., slong said line, a distance of 10.00 feet, more or less, to the point of bcginning, 4, The above described parcel contains 900 sq.ft., more or less. .1L!l 1li:l;.P:Oltir. PI.lASt MAIllOt "~ i.;t';l~:-".l\tnt 01 H.g~w~ If ttll ~~ II CoKKlCS') ;'. ,H" O'llet 8ulldll'lll 1,0\ ~"t ~.r\l;IT11!~ ,\....nut ~ ~I'\~ ~r. CCl:'ll"tdO f!Cl2Zl. ~ rtEf'n"lOlt ~t of w.y s.dk41 - --~,...- " I::,:,:::.::.:;. :OG ET HER ."h 011 and ~"qulo' Iht _i_. and 0""""""'- _ "langlng, or in...,...... _'*""'a. crd ... ..- S'Q(l Oil:! ~r$iOnS, t'1mainr'ler ord remoindet'\ rent,,- iss"," and DrQfltI therIof. and all the 111m.. r\ohf. fttt't .,fertSt, dq(m and dIMond ...M~SC~'I'tf of the saId Gmnlor or Grontor\, either in law or equity. oft in and to ttM abcrwe ~ pwni....with IhI hmditcJrnWlscrd It'l4I 1l....:. '!I'lOnces. i J HAVE ANO TO HOl.D lhe said premises obo.... borQa\ntd and described. with the ~ unto tht tcid Grontet OM It.. sue :essors ord oniql'ls forever. And the sc;.d Granter OJ( GrQltors. for thtms.rws. rheit heftI. atdOAort Md tJdmInfstmkn. do COI9"Cnt. oranl, h')rqain and OQrte 10 and with the said Grantee and i1~ lUCC"'orl ond oniQM. thot at 'he Ii~ of Ii'll ex.cution Cl'\d d ';vlry of These IlI'esent\, they were wel! ,,(zed' of the ",...nins above COt'IY.yed.ot 01 oo<>d..u,..~ect.d:ItokJtt and ln6fflcalba. eCate of iMlrilanc:::t. 1;"\ law, ,n Fee Simple, and hod 900d riqht, full po'flftf' ond lawful authority loQl"Ot"lt,baroaln, ull and convey thl lam. in Iht manrwcrd 'CW'm of:W1!SOid; thot tr'Iesol1'lltcnf,... and cleor ',om 011 ot"'., oro"'" borooint, lOin. ll.nl. to.... OIl.""*,,, and cncurnbrancet of whot- e...er killd OJ( !'lOturt ,oe"." by, IhrouQh Of unde1lhe GrQnlor or Granton; that the lold Grantor or Grontorl will WARRANT AND r,:-wE /ER DEFEND th~ abo.... bo'90in,d premil", in the qul.1 and ~OCtobl. pot,",tol\ at lhe said Gron1... and II, lueen,on '1nd oSliQns, oQomSI 011 and every person 0( persons lawfully ctaiminQ or to claim tn. whole<< Otrt port thtrtaf, by, thrOUQh Of under l1'le s'''d Grantor <x GrafllorS. 9 q, _(),c.J..Q.b,~.L _______, A.D., 19..N.. IN WITNESS WHERE.OF, lhe said Gronlor or Granlorl hav. htrtunlo ..t their hand, this ':>lc;ned it' the p"esen~e of STATE OF~A<;,x.".,Ia ___and County QL;;r-~".\' e .-:=..,.. doyol ~~~ '11 (~<:aN LARRY N. D ~ ~~~ RNIONA L. f-EED !.~ The 'orI90;no ;fls'rum,nt W'OS otkncwl,doed btfOft me thl.LdoY of () r.. ..J- "h f:S ~ LARRY II. REED ^ND IW\O~:A L. REED. J. T. !'y WITNE.SS my t.ond and Official Seal, My ComminiC'n upires: __~~g:~ STATE OF ~__ofld Counlyo'_ .19..lL, ~~ttL , . , ,O'J ,~, ,J ..~...' "- I ().. \.\., (' _ --rr;... '=::('/~ ~", \ " I c.:, \..n ",- ~~ .\ ,'. __0 _"I.):. ,.~ }.. , ~,~'. ...'"'.... :1." ::~ r: .' ty _______ ":"he foregolnq il",slrumenl .....os oeknowledQed before mt fhil_dayot ,19_. WITNESS my h::lOd 01"" Officiol Seal, t~y Commission Expires: r- I fJ)1 ~ l ~~ _ l~l ~ 1""'::' U cr: 0_ \.Ll ~ .. ~j~O ~ j a:g~ ~ "" z Q 0> ~2 '" .., B "' '" ..i '" "' OJ '" o l- z >' ::i 3 .- ~ ",-8 >-f! ~~ :,:8 ()~ _ 0 :r.. ...~ 0- '" !z~ ....~ ::Eit ~10 ...:I: ....~ 00 C ....0 ~3 f-~ "'0 l o '15 ~ 1 8 t i \ _.....~ H J~ I ~~ ~l ~ e . ~ & =:s! Jcf p~ ! I l~ '15 4 . ,,~r loR lIk.s '15 'I: IS... .S ~ o~i 1'15 !! ~ H~ lli .H~ _' ii".l U J" 1l.li''15 j 1 8 .. ! ~H p ~ i 15 0 ~ It.t !>>. . ... (....l i ; PHi ~ '" i %. j ~ tt: ~ ,,4 u. I ~~I~: I ':i: ~! "t ~ :ii I , I I ~