HomeMy WebLinkAbout82019516 'J"!lD , j~ 1 dl~ >. ',- f'J ~~ (":0 _ Cl (') -- c -:r 5-,~ C'J 8\\ ~'" ','1"'" , - -1 ; 0 0 0 0 ~ W I- ::> Vl c:i ~ > -1 -1 ",0 '" "'''' :E~ I- ;55 :t:i u g~ 0", -'t I- VlG: ~~ "[Ii 8z <J: Vl w W I- ~ " ,820/9516 R"~l)rdtdl\L-~_o'c\ocL-M., RN~('ption No 1981 MI.!! 2/1 ~ 21 o~ .. COIIn!Y M 1~_I{~!_4~~~l__Q!fc- _ --------~:- -----=---1' '-0:~' II \ ! ",' 1\" il Ii " \1 ,I II il I' II I' THIS DEEn. ~t& ~t'rlill January ,,,82, 30th ,lay or hHwccn City of I'lr,eat Pldge Cit" of ,",eat Ridp;e of the " Count>' of Jefferson Colorado, of the (lrst part, and Coldwell Bankcr Residential Brokerage Company and .!!tate of whoi'l('lcJ.::nl addn." ill nnd IItntc of California dl.hl' County of Colorado, oCthe II('cond part, W1T~E.~RF,TH, Thnt the !l.nirlllnrl 01 the fint purl, for and in conllideralion o(the Ilum of Ten [;bUal's ($lJ 00) and other [';ood and valuable consideration ~:t to the "Illlt pnrty of the firllt part in nnl111 pnid 1-,)' the lInid party ~,(lhe Ilecond part, the receipt whereof is hereby confes~ed IInd Rcknowl('d~ed, hn remised, r(>lellscd, MId, conveyed and QUIT CLAL\tED. and by thelle t1f~,..enl!l. .loth rcmi:H~. re\cue,l'Icll, convey I\m\ QU1T CLAI M unto the Anid pnrf:j o( the sccond' ,rt, its heirs. l'IU(,(,(,l'Il'Iorl'l nnd IUllil~IU, fore\'('r, nil the riKht, titlc, intefclIt, claim and demand which the uid party of the firllt part hnth in And to- th~ followin~ nel'Ciibld lot or nnrC'cl of lllnd l'Iituate, lyinK and beinK in the rml property County of Jefferson and State orColorndo, to wi~: The Northerly five feet of that certain parcel as described in Book 1758, Page 307, being a portion of the Southl<est Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 3 South, Range 69 \Vest of the Sixth Principal r.1eridi. '1, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, mare particularly described as Jcllows' i' Comnencing at the Southeast comer of that certain parcel as described in , fuok 1758, Par:e 307; tnence North OcP22' 00" Hest and along the Westerly line of said p'lrcel a distance of 75.00 fe~t to the Northeast corner of " sai,d parcel, also beinr; the true point of beginning; thence North 89051'30" Eastal1d along I,hc Northerly line of said parcel a distance of 127.50 feet I, to the Northwe"t cornel' of said parcel; thence South OcP22' 00" East and ,I along th2 Easterly line of said parcel a distance of 5,00 feet; ther.ce South 8<;P51' 30" W'Ost and pCU'aUel to the Northerly line of said parcel a distilllce of 127.50 feet to a point on the Hesterly line of said parcel; thence North 0,;022'00" l'lest, and along the Hesterly line of said parcel 5 00 feet to the trJe point of begirming F r rXldl-i row': ses I~is quit "laim deed is cmu:>ted for the p='l"of recon~i n?~o known n'N'trt'l'llfll~ nllm'bt'r vcymg all 1l1terest granted 1n that deed rerorded 9/27/78, I Pcccption 7808~242.) NO ~lTArY FEe R8QL~RED I, TO IIA\'E A:-:n TO HOLD lhe !l1I1l1(', tO~l'tlH'r wilh all nnd f\]n~ular the nppurtenanc'!lI and pri\<ileJ{elllhercunto \wkn~\n~ nr in nnY""]!le thereunto Rrpt'rtllininJ{, and all the "!llllle, riJ{ht, tille, interest and claim whntJlloe\"cr, o{ lhe l'Inid pnrt n(the fit~l ).lllrt, either in In\\' or equily to lhe only proper use, henefit I1nd behoof of the said part of the M(:(Hd part, its bdJ.~Cn~~~~BFifll forevcr. i I~ \\ ITNF.SS WHERF.OF', The JIInid pnrt of the fir!'.t pllrt ha hereunto JIIct hand \! and,,,t l1w,l.y.nd,.,,,r;ntabo,,,w,;U,n, C!,TYp ~lEAl'l~ i",I' BY ~6 ~SEALJ SlJ{ned, S('n\cd I\t'd Dl'\i\'erell in thc rreJIIl'ncl' of STATE OFCOr.ORADO. )SEALI ~{(~~S~;L: ' .- .~gp;,^\.J"It' . ,,~\~';::2;d::>:~::" ,'I , dnyor l'-'L3.rch ~Il:~. ~I Tr ,';' ;Ii':,; , 1 k .~. ....'" , "I' uS C~ty C er, ......or:.~.e,.{lt:~'l' i..'''~ . .......... ,'\'~" . :1", .~' ,I,~..." 1'..( ... \" , . ~, .... '':"--:''1~' I" \ 'r , .(, ," .,.. .. I' , t . ~;.'r ; \ 't~ 1\ , -,.. I' } ", County of Jeffe.rson The fGfl'l{Oinlor in.'ltrllmenl Wtl!1 Rckn(}\','l('d~ed h(>{ore m(' lhis 17th 1082,h)" Irank Stites, as H3.yor, and Carol F. Hant'f, City of M-leat Ridge, a rmmicipal corporation, My commil'lllion expirell 9 - J 7 ,Hlt.s- Witnl:'1\l\my hand sntl officinlllcal. .,j0~<;$::~:E'\' _--22l~_L_-'-- ;( ,~..r~J ~..:.~...1.... 'f"~""v,", ;,;1 j ./ 7~'~" r'-' --<"7 ..._-i 4"C...- ' ;"')/. ~i'''':'''~ :...:,~ ,..1.1,) -: ..1: J 1'- Irl: , : ,;~,"'i ~ ~\ ~~, ....;S"; '*;",..';' ~~ . ~,"'~"'... ' ;/<) "'::;~~~";' ~'''' _,,~;~tiil_I~:' So. 933. 4l".T ct.....",- 1IF.r:l\. --.('''P1rl.hl 1'>117' Ar..II"rd ruhl'.h,nl e., . I~tl..l\ ~t""t 'Hr....t. ['I..ny....C"l"t.....~ \~n.MI\Il--l,.,.. I'ol.ryT'ublit, - JlU_ 1_ *_ . Ii II I