HomeMy WebLinkAbout83045125 ~l"'''''''''''''''' '1-....,......"." '" r:::C"'d'd 01 - i.JlmRf.!JlILriO ~~ \t)"I$" S- ,~ ,.J I o'clock_.M Jtff~~:9'l CQijNfl. &&l ~~**-_.__ __u__ __ , 19_. I- ,'2-,1 fl.wa'L__; 'l\no~j(mJB-y~~1'r~smt5 ([hat -t, or h1G. HO{WEN SIHW l'l:F-SCIIOOJ.S 1\1'-10 KINOl':RGARTY.NS, INC. .n Cnlnrndp Cn, p(q'nt lOll lhe Gff)f'\ll)f ()II f,rlln'r;,t\, of ""f and Coo./nf,,,, .h.ff/.r-1IOft .ondI Stot. d r......lor;)lht fOf IJI1d In ~fd~(otJ()l"l oi 'M tum of TEN DOllARS ond ofhe, 000d and wo'uobf. con,id,ra'fOM to..... tQfd r".,l'Jf"I'I?t", c,.,."",?, In hol"ld paid, Ihe flfce,pf "'~,..,.. " hlrr.by c.onfetMd and ocknowltdQed. how qronted. bof9Oi~. tot<! ond C-OI"r'*ytd, onl by th"., ",...nl. do "...by GRANT, BARGAIN. SELL AND CONVEY un'o STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado rho Gr_,It. tuCUt.Orl and 0ttiQnt tor...r.1lle foIIowln; real properlJ,tINaled In Ille er.n.,~ !.. ~ f ,. r "" and Slof. of Colorado, lo"wil ^ tr.,cl nf pOIrr'I'J of l"nd :Jo. 4^ of the State DcpartDf?nt of illr.h-.....,.,.,;. r,j'd I ., r f "r~~h"";lY~t ~";t.'ff' of Cnlc1rndo, Project No. FCU 070-3(4) cont.dninp. 1,100 :';q rr . r'\(,fJ' /If h~~:!'>, In tlH' Sf 1//. of thC" SE 1/4 of Section 16, TmmRh1p 3 South, Rnllf'l' ()r) \o,'('<;t. of rl1" SIxth PrIncIp.11 H,'rIlII.,n, In Jt>ffC'fRon County, Colorado, more commortly kn'.......1l '1 ','Ir) !'lr'] i Sl.. rllwnt Rldp,f', Colorado, '~,1:fd tract or parcel being more p.lrticuLlrJy df".f rlb/.d ;p [oJ J ow';: B('r.1nnlny, at :1 votnt un th,.. ;louth property Ilnr, Croft whIch till: Sf: rf.rN'r r..f -,1,' SrcUon 16 hrnr~ S. 0)" 22' 15" r:., " d18tnnce of 859.1 ((."t; I, 'nH'Ilc(' N, 000 02t noli \~., n dlnti1ncC" of 20.0 f(>~t; 7-. 1''''''11('(' tI. J')o ')1' noli P.., n c1Jnt:nnn:' of 72.9 fH.t tn t'H' W'l'flt rl~~ht lIr '"loTI Iln.' "r ): 11'1In,~ :>t. (^I'd I, 19112); 1. TIwn,'(' S. 00" 07.' 00" r:., nlon~ Rnfd W(!'flt rJght o( way lfnt. a JI"t.lrlll' ;I{ 90.0 f('pt to tile qO~til property line; ,..,., ." <" I. 11H'1ll'l" S. H90 JI.l 30" \0.'., n]onK Raid Routh line. n dif\tnnrl' nf 20,0 fl'/'r more Of l(,llR, to thC' point of bc&lnn1nn_ TIH' "lhlve dNwrll)('d pnfcel cont111n9 1,100 Sq. Ft.. Iborr or l(,f.~ rY> -< 1 MIlR Eli 'LI~,i'. Th" U,.t'Ll"':~.~. .~ I' ..., _. !'~ . thi!')""l (.-1' . p. t,n.. 4201 Lt:!.1''''..... I.~..,;. 0.... ~ltIo WJ.';~' . , '.,1".., .I"'UllR9N. 11,,1., .... "'I ~rl,.<fl ----' , ,',l",,' II'i ,j"" J~'iCIMJll\,.t:"IIl't'fC>JIH-, c,.!.}f~(Il(~.(,JI ii, 01'1",1...: UV\"" ,r ',. )I', '!.Ion ont1 r~"If')n", 'emor~ f)ncj '''l'Mlndef,. ",nt,. It\Uft ond plofl" thereof; and all tM "tot., "fIN, "'''', "."..,,,,t. clrt:tn'T'I "....1 ..,.,.,.....,,,,, ..tvJf'V'lrl"'~ f]I f~ .",t(t ,.~", r, r",?"t'lf\.~""'" rn _~."_,,d,., ottd ItOrrw~~P'"",,,",...ltIlh9hr!'''l!rlt.-;'T~''~ .... 0AJU,1~l'\("~ Tn HAvt ANO TO HOl () lhi! sOld premIses above borqowned and des.crl~d. wlfh rhe oppurt~~. unlo fhfo ~:d G'f)nl~~ 1Jr.1 liS succe'iSors ond oo;~IQno:. (Of(ll\{Cf ~d Ihfl sOld Gron'a Of Grantors, 'Of rhe'mselve!. rh(ltr heif'1, 8I&CutOl''J ond odmHlllilrolor\. do CO-,'_'nn! Qronl, borQoln and OQree 10 and wllh the sOld Grantee and II! successQf'S and Oss,IQfls,lhal otlhe tlm~ of the el"cullnn ond d"'II\r(>'Y 01 lhesf' pH~o;.~nts, Ihey we1l:' w.,11 ~1100 011he D:""mISes above conv.yed,o, of OOOd,Iure, ~('f'!Ct.obvriul! and ,""'~f~lbl" ~I}t'!' I lnh.."t~" III low, In rf!'f! SunCI4!. and hot1 1J')Qd 'IlJht. full pI)WIl!f and ktwful outhority to ~~,bot'J'-:ln, \~llof'lrj (t)n'l"-f lhl! ...,m.. ,f, It,,, ""'1"f""I~ tflt'rn t}tr;wl~..-.i !ht,t ~~"'l!t'l!rI! 0fll1 C~I)' f'{)In 0'1 other qtOnf',botOOtIK,IO~, h.r..s,lo~,fJ"f\vrwtrl, Ilt'<1 ~NrJIT'btl]l'YlIr' rr ...."" f!Y'" lund 01 nofu,jf 'Of'Y"', try.lhrr)lJqtl (JrI1'nt1ret' 'he G,antOf' or Gron'QtI; thot the SOld G,ontOf f')t Gfon'I)'" wll! Wl1f.1PIlNT IlN{) I-ORt VI H 01 F! NO ~ obo.,~ bo'QOtMd pt~mtWS .nthe QUfef and peoceobC!. PMH'\SfOn of fh! tlJld G''''''~~.1)nIj .1" \'.I'f'(r!\'"'' nnd o~~IQn\. !1f)f1l1"lf,I nil nnr1 pVP'Y Pf"r~on or persons lawfully cloimlnq or to clolm Ihl! whntf! ~ on" P('lfl l\'l"u..,l by, t~'<tn'-4"1 rw \~, Hlf' sou1 r"onlnr m C,onlo,.. (/ IN WI TNF";"', WHlHFOF, IhF.' ~old GrontOf' (Jt Granlors hove herrunlQ .~Ilhelf hands Ihl\ / '/ SII'Jned In Ih~ pr~Sf!nc~ of STATE OF { ,'( t . ,/,' ,A D., 191U on<! Count, of ~ '7';' . 1<'____ ""1'" WOOor::H SHOP. :'f'.E-5C"O(JJ.~ N;!I ':""11-;'( ';'T!""". Y'"f o Colorado Corpor.1t I (In j >>Y.- (JA.. e(t... ,I ({' (' J' ( , " '1'" . ,;I:GT('; ': . ....... '':''r .11",-;." ,__,19 j) . , t :-f . . ~ ~ ';' I' J. c( The '0"90In9 Inslrum.nl WO$ ocknowl.dqed before me fhiS~doY of_ I>y WITNESS my hand and Olf,e,ol ~I, My CommtUl0n b.plfU-. , ','/ !~----:';' -( ~---: " .-:' r' f _______-c.._____ , .) , , .. L<"~.<..(J.,"<'..r "'." PI,,-.c , .-J.;" STAfE or and County of }.. by The IOf~QOtnQ Instrument wos ocknowledqed befOtt: me Ihls__doy of.__ _.~ ,IQ WITNESS "'T hand and OffICial Sool, My CommiSSion Uplfl!\ ~ <.J " -0 ~ ~ ..JFt ::; ~~ U ~ 0 ~ !' j " o u '" .. o 0- .. o Ow ',", :.! 0 '" '" " ,.., .. 8~ 58 '" I " ~ "'''' ~~ B;~ <> i:iel 8~ :<~ o l-" r .l ",oS >-e ~~ :r.8 0'" _0 XCI ~ .... o~ VI 1-<. :z~ .... :::e- ~~ ",X ...... 00 C ",0 !<3 1-<> 1Ili'S ~ ......, PIir~w: o 'lI a ,., ~ - ~ ! ~ ~ 6 i r! r t "'- -2 ~l! d. -lI ciS! . c: . ~eJ! ,. 'IIi S 1 I z. " t~~ ~ .! 11 . l,:'e 1~ ~~i .E! !!~ 'lilt ZJ~'l!J~~ _' .. l;>l ~ Z W -li1l !"1I l-~' l ! I j I " . \" f ~ i! ~ <It ~ i '5 ~ . (~~. ~ "If!. " n fi i ; ~ H! 1 ~ :r ~ 1.... u ~~I~!i ~~~~A 4 w ... ~ t ~' .J