HomeMy WebLinkAboutRocky Mountain Hardwood PCD ODPoC(23(2.+�22. Cove-Y cif- Sfia(fr— C-F Co[0(046 3' G C/ ROCKY MOUNTAIN HARDWOOD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO PROPERTY DESCRIPTION PARCELS OF LAND LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER. SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 59 WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., RECORDED IN BOOK 2242 AT PAGE 717, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS WITH RECORDED INFORMATION DENOTED BY PARENTHESIS I): COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 16. BEING A FOUND IN PLACE W DIAMETER BRASS CAP L.S. 13212 IN RANGE BOX, FROM WHENCE THE SOUTH 1116 CORNER OF SAID SECTION BEING A FOUND IN PLACE 3" DIAMETER ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 10843 IN ALUMINUM PIPE BEARS N 00*19116" W IN 00.21' W), 1320.95 (1320.79) FEET, WITH ALL BEARINGS CONTAINED HEREIN RELATED THERETO; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION N 00"19'16" W IN 00"21'W), 529.50 FEET TO A FOUND IN PLACE NO.3 REBAR AND THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE N 00'19'16" W (N 00.21' W), 234.95 (234.90) FEET; THENCE N 89°40'44' E (N 89'39' E), 638.90 (639.00) FEET TO A POINT ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ROBB STREET: THENCE ALONG THE SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY S 00'17'53- E (S 00*19'36' E), 234.95 (234.90) FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK; THENCE ALONG THE COMMON LINE WITH WHEAT RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK, S B9°40'44- W IS 89°39' W), 638.81 (638.95) FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CHARACTER OF DEVELOPMENT The Intent of the 4877 Robb Street Planned Commercial Development is to enhance the use of the property from a vacant piece of land (located in between a commerclatlndustnal property to the south and residential to the north) to a usable property that will be Improved and maintained to complimant the Robb Street corridor all while maintaining a large portion of the open agricultural nature of the land. The easterly planning area (PA-1) is proposed to have the hard Improvements for business operation whereas the westem planning areas (PA-2 & 3) env proposed to maintain most of me existing site features while having some softer improvements to support PA-1. PA-1 will likely include buildirg(s)for business operation (office, shop and retail), parking, drive aisles and Robb Stmet improvements. The buildings will front Robb St with parking surrounding both the front and roar sides. PA-2 will be used to support business operation with storage (bode outdoor and minor indoor) and other support slsments including a nursery, greenhouse and lumber milling. While some seasonal uses could include Christmas tree sales as wall as a fermeya market. The two existing irrigation dachas will remain in usa with the possibility of piping a portion of both- PA-3 will for the most part remain axis and undisturbed with some outdoor storage use in the area shown. Only outdoor storage of natural materials is allowed, including tree storage, shredded branches, mulch, and drying wood slabs or slmllan. Otherwise this area will remain in its native state. Access will be via skid steer. Planning areas (PA-1 & 2) could at some point have a caretaker resident onsite, however only one woukf be allowed for the entire property. The adjacent uses consist of agricultural and residential uses to the north, mukHamily residential to the west, and comrmerciagindustial uses to the south. Fencing or naluml screening will hB required where adjacent to developed uses. The existing fencing along the portion of the north and south boundary can suffice to meet this requirement. If outdoor storage of natural materials is proposed in PA-3, it will need to be smasned from adjacent uses by a V opaque fence or natural hedge wall. Areas along ditches should be urifenced and unrestricted to preserve wildlife movement. I The frontage along Robb Street will be improved with curd, gutter and sidewalk to match the existing portions to the south. In addition, the area behind the walk will be landscaped. These improvements will compliment the street rnrridor similar to the imrovements across the street (east side of Robb St.) all providing a uniform and updated character. The Wadsworth Ditch will be completely piped throughout the site. Conservation bufferto be defined by future easement agreement with dkch company. The Swadley Ditch will remain open with exception to the "new" crossing location. The Swadley Ditch will be within a 20' buffer (10' each ski This 111 buffer will allow for continued wildlffe movement and create a transition from allowed uses in PA-2 to PA-3 maintaining a native, nondisturbed character. CASE HISTORY WZ-21-09 STANDARD ODP NOTES This outline development plan is conceptual in nature. Specific Development elements such as site Payout and building architecture have not been addressed on this document. As a result, a specific development plan must be submitted and approved by the city of Wheat Ridge prior to the submi lrJ of a dghtof-way or building permit application and any subsequent site development DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All parking and loading shell be in conformance with section 26-1109 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws, with the following modification/ addrdons: Free-standing commercial buildings may provide surface parking at a rate to be determined based on the specific proposed use as approved by the Community Development Director and shall be provided in close proximity to the primary enhance for all primary structures. All exterior lighting shall be In conformance with section 26-503 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws. All fencing shall be in nonfoonance with section 26-603 of the Wheat Ridge code of laws. All signage shall be In conformance with article NI of the Wheat Ridge code of laws. Architectural, site, and stmetscape design shall be In conformance with the architectural and site design manual (ASDM) section 4.2 and streetscaps design manual with exception to the following: 1. Aluminum/ Metal siding is allowed as a primary material. Secondary non-metal materials (I.e. stone or brick veneer) shall be used In addition to the primary aluminum/metal material on the front facade. 2. Parking and drive aisles shall allow for either compacted road base or pavement. The fast 25 from the edge of pavement on Robb Street into the site shall be paved. In PA-1, recycled asphalt Is required In the areas neamst to the building with heavier vehicle traffic (i.e. customer parking, loading areas, and accessible parking spaces). Storage areas must be built co that the materiels used as the parking surfaces stays contained within the parking pad (with the use of connate curbs, railroad lies, etc.). Outdoor Storage: Material and Inventory am to be displayed In outdoor areas in PA-1, PA-2, PA-3 cempfying with Wheat Ridge code s-flon 26528, 28529, 26531. In PA-1, outdoor storage will not be permitted between the front of the building and Robb Street, except for displays of merchandise for sale as allowed by 26-631. PA-2 will be split 50-50, where the SW will be eligible for parking, structures, etc., and the NE will be designated for landscape, nursery plantings, display, etc, PA-3 allows for outdoor storage of natural materials only, If screened, and must be located In the approximate area shown on the sketch plan. Standards for Accessory Structures: Accessary structures shall be allowed, provided that the total building coverage of all buildings combined (primary +accessory) shall not exceed 25% of the overall lot area. Accessory buildings shall be comprised of forms, materials, and colors that am compatible whh the architectural qualities of the primary building. PLANNINU ARLAS a`s Total building coverage of all buildings combined prime'accessory) shell not exceed 250% of the overall lot arse. A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 114) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW IA) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO VICINITY MAP 1"=1000' OPEN SPACE & LANDSCAPING PA-1 -10' Landscape buffer to be planted in accordance with Section 26502 required along Robb Street. PA-2 -10' Landscape buffer to be planted in accordance with Section 26502 required alonq Robb Street and north property line. Landscaping in PA-1 and PA-2 shall comply with Section 26502. The total required number of plants and shrubs for these two areas may be concentrated within one planning area ordistributed along these planning areas. PA-3 shall be maintained as native uninigated open space. Any existing times that am removed shall be mitigated on a "Ilke for like" basis at here of planting not maturity. For example: If a 2" caliber bee Is reproved, a 2" caliber tree (or cumulative sizing. Is. 15" tree may be replaced with 3.2" tress) shall he planted elsewhere on sae. PROJECT TEAM APPLICANT: SURVEYOR: Rocky Mountain Hardwood Processing LLC Power Surveying 800 Kilmer Street 6911 Broadway Golden, CO SIMI Denver, CO 80221 Contact: Sean Imfeld 303-257-4788 I Contact: Frank Zwolinskl, PLS 303-fl.. A!517 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE CIVILENGINEER: Tahoe Consulting LLC 2N Civil LLC 5730 E. Otero Ave, Ste 220 6 Inverness Ct E Ste 125 Centennial, CO 80112 Englewood, CO 80112 Contact: CJ Kirst 303330.6947 Contact: Eric Tuln, P.E. 303-925-0544 SHEET INDEX SHEET OF 2-COVER SHEET 2 OF 2 - SKETCH PLAN OWNER'S CERTIFICATE The below signed owner(s), or legally designated agents) thereof, do hereby agree that the property legally described hereon will be developed as a Planned Development in accordance with the uses, restrictions and conditions contained in this plan, and as may otherwise be required by law. I (we) further recognize that the approval of a rezoning to Planned Development, and approval of this outline development plan, does not create a vested property right. Vested property rights may only arse and ascrue pursuant l o the provisions of Sectdo 2ZI21 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Kityyui e Slnvlietrnante Company, LLC State of n ,lomdo ) )� County of TGE-A4-'^e^ 1 Tit The forgoing instmrnent was edcnowletlgetl beforeme this day of ;v AD. 20 9 i by V-?, Jk vn'L Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: I LjL,,JW1'r' Notary Public SURVEYOR'S SUU RVEYORI'—S—CERTIFICATE I rt IICAA�d a do hereby certify that the survey of the boundary of 4877 Robb Stmetwas made by me or under my direct :survey and to the bast of my knowledge, information and belief, in acmmance with all applicable Colorado statues, current revised edition as amended, the accompanying plan accurately represents said survey. _ I O 6A COUNTY CLERK AND' — RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE State of Colorado ) )ss County of Jefferson ) I hereby certify that this plan was flied in the office of the County Clerk antl Recorder of Jefferson County at Golden, Colorado at 4:31: 12 Fao'clack �M on the�3 day of e7V11_- In Book Page Reception No. T. 2.a22dGa i9H Jefferson County Cleric and Recorder By ckn kflP�+WC1l- aura,,,,,, cur. . D.p Y A�} �Y ..a PLANNING COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Recommended forapproval this 1 /"1 day of Fn,—r GL, �( ' by the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. 'S�W1(11- CITY CERTIFICATION Approved this as day of tit_ AT l Z=t by the Wheat Ridge City Council. Attest Mayer I I Co . unit)1D velopme - rector - 303.925.0W www.2ncivil.com 0 0 �O J Q ci W g W O W 07 zoo god a5t� W N Cl m on ti 00 t r� oa m� w O W w w ow K ODP PLAN 1 OF 2 # 2a-L 0 Ga 5")''; ROCKY MOUNTAIN HARDWOOD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONING: PCD AN OUTLINE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO A PARCEL OF LAND LYING WITHIN THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 114) OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SW 114) OF SECTION 16, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ZONING: A-1 / SITE BOUNDARY BUFFER FROM ,! " DITCHES 10' EACH SIDE AREA TO BE FIRESERVED IN NATURAL STATEAREA //y/ SEE NOYE�. ELIGIBLE LANDSCAPING, OPEN SPACE, - CONBFF04� -- I f /I NURSERY PLANTINGS, OR _ • - W / DISPLAY- � I - AREA ELIGIBLE FOR PLAN N IN G -� ! S S' EACFERH SIDEROM f OUTDOOR STORAGE OF «/ DITCHES 5' EACH SIDE NATURALMATERIALS AREA 3 1.3 ACRES / ocy PLANNING �- FENCING OR NATURAL W AREA 2 SCREENING REQUIRED IF USED FOR STORAGE. .l W a 1 .1 ACRES y �F \ �OP� p- BUILDINGPAD 'p y /} PLANNING SUE Ii 0/ '�p AREA 1 ° AREA ELIGIBLE FORT? 1.02 ACRES /J W 6 BUILDING, PARKING, STORAGE, HARD SURFACE APPROXIMATEDETENION _11 POND LLOCCATION , / PROPOSED DITCH CROSSING _ PR. FENCE �� COMPACTED ROAD BASE P DRIVE AND PARKING ,. X-,X X= PERMITTED. S = SPECIAL USE PERMIT, USES NOT LISTED SHALL BE DEEMED EXCLUDED PERMITTED USES PA-1 PA-2 - PA-3 _ Animaldaycarefacitien IAm/dance/muslcstudio/gallery X _ X Auction House X Auto service, repair and maintenance shops, minor X X Automobile and light -duty truck sales and rental Automotive parts and supplies sales X Bicycle stores X Boat,recreational vehicle and trailer sales, rentals and service. See note 4. X Building or landscape contractor's service chap and storage yard incidental to an office/showroom princi pal use. _ _ Cabinet and woodworkine shops X X X X Caretaker residence(only l unit for caretaker or mana er) X % Contractor's storage yard(outdoor storage yard with no main building)See Note X Small Daycare center child and adult, lar a orsmall X Eating-mblishments,sitcl-n - Equipment rental X X X Farm equipmentsales, service and storage % X X X Farmers' markets Farming (general) and raising or keeping of stock X - _ X Flaralsho s Garden suppl Y stores GreenhousesandtclscapE nurserles,retail Greenhouses and lan_d_scape nurseries, wholesale X % X X X -Hardware stores_ X Kennels S S ILiquorstores - 'Lumber I ards and buildi r4 supcIly stores % X X . Lumbermilling X X ZONING: PID LAND SUMMARY mmn ARE APP(tL x*mTEt. NOTES: 1. DITCHES MAYBE BURIED AS REQUIRED WITH WRITTEN AGREEMENT OF DITCH OWNERS. EVEN IF DITCHES ARE BURIED, A CONSERVATION BUFFER PLANNING AREAL 1.02 AC WILL BE MAINTAINED ADJACENT TO THE DITCH. DITCH CROSSING LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECTTOCHANGE WITH SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN WIhi PLANNING AREA 2 1.1 AC WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM THE DITCH COMPANIES. PLANNING AREA 3 1.3 AC 2. PROPOSED DRIVE AISLES, SIDEWALKS, LANDSCAPING, PARKING TO BE DETERMINED AT SDP SUBMITTAL. 3. WATER QUALITY AND DETENTION MAY BE REQUIRED PER CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REGULATIONS. 4. THE WADSWORTH DITCH CONSERVATION AREA SHOWN HEREON SHALL BE FURTHER DEFINED BY FUTURE AGREEMENT WITH WADSWORTH DITCH CO. THE EXACT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS SHALL BE DETERMINED AT TIME OF SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN. THERE IS AN DOSTI14G EASEMENT AND LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE WADSWORTH DITCH COMPANY AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN FOREST PRODUCTS LLC DATED NOVEMBER 17, 2021. DITCH OWNERS: PERMITTED USES PA-1 PA-2 PA-3 MMicicrobrewery, microdlgdEnry, ur mirntwia..y; wilfi algA room X X robrewery,micmd6&"bp,ormicrowiw_'v_. withou[a tap room Motanycle salesand service _ Office!;: General administrative. business and professional offices X X X Parking of automobiles of clients, patients or patrons of adjacent commercial or nonresidential uses _ Parking of not morethan3mmm_ercial truck -tractors and/or semi -trailers Pet stores _ Pharmacies Places of Worship Produce stands X X X X X X Recreational facilities indoor and outdcor-1 X R_etai I Sales X X X RV, boat, trailer and travel trailerstora Shops for custom work or far making articles, materials or commodities to be sold at retail on the yremiso X Stone cuttiry or polishing works _!l Tailor,dressmakingarclothingalterationshops Temporary Christmas tr". pmalum and beddlp Ism sores lots Tohacop stores ,L X _ I 1f Y X - Urbangardens Veterinary hospital (large orsmall animal, enclosed) Veterinaryhospital-(large orsmall, outdoor runs/pens) Warehousinpand outsidestorage Woodworking or carpentry shops for the making of articles for sale upon the remises, such as cabinets or mstom fumiture X S % X =X Outside storage (tyP-! 1t X Storage of natural materials (subject to screening requi rments) % WADSWORTH DITCH COMPANY 7005 Grandview Ave, Arvada, G> B0002 303324-42B7 SWADLEY DITCH COMPANY PO Box 2335 Arvada, CO BIX 720-885-0821 NOTES: 1. APPLICABLE USES SHALL COMPLY WITH THE SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS SET FORTH IN CHAPTER 26 OF THE WHEAT RIDGE CODE OF LAWS. 2. STANDARD ALLOWED COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT ACCESSORY USES SHALL BE PERMITTED IN PA-1 AND PA-2. 3. NO ACCESSORY USES SHALL BE PERMITTED IN PA-3. 4. SETBACKS FOR RV/BOAT STORAGE AND CONTRACTOR STORAGE YARDS SHALL BE 150' FROM ROBB ST, 10- FROM COMMERCIAL TO THE SOUTH AND 12' FROM RESIDENTIAL/AG TO THE NORTH. A LANDSCAPE 13UFFER OF 12 FEET FROM LOT BOUNDARY SHALL BE REQUIRED FROM RESIDENTIAL. WITHIN THE 12, LANDSCAPE BUFFER, AB FOOT VIEW OBSTRUCTING FENCE OR DECORATIVE WALL SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED. CURB CUT FOR DRIVEWAY SEE NOTE 3 - 10'LANDSCAPE BUFFER (HATCH) -�-- - 6STRIPTOBE DEDICATED AS ROW By A FUTURE PLAT SEE NOTE 3 CURB CUT FOR DRIVEWAY ZONING:PID 303.925.0544 www.2ncivil.com J ZONING:PCD (� W O U W w0r Z d o 44JZ -� a' W UJ U) 0 m m 0 n iF aC�+ W a o N op W m w m z tw m m U 0 w O WWI SKETCH 7 PLAN ODP 0 1n. PLAN SCALE: 1- 3V 2OF2