HomeMy WebLinkAbout86032964 . kf'f'nrd,." kt RI'(""pUnn 0..;" IH CORDED IN C01INTY OF JEFFERSON HlnTE UF COLORnDO NlCFPTlON NO. 86032964 rJ/,/O'l/flb '1,,,'15 .00 :ordtr. D21."3.8(" ~Y ~::~~.~:I:E!l. ~I.d.. t1m 18 th ~ KAISER FOUNDATION 1!0SPITAL.') a non-profit public benefit ) <'''rflfltn(H}n dilly (\r~anill'" :tn.J ('~I'dirle unllt'f and by virtu' at th. law. nfUwl'tnt..nf Cali[ornia "ftlll'fir'l.lIIRrt.flncl the County of Jefferson. a body politic and corporate d{~)t.~KJX';UCIX dill)' llr~ani1.('d I\nll "xi!llin~ und('r anct h)' virtut' o( tht lawA OfU1l'!ttRtl'nf Colorado ,.(.1, ,"di""t.whUlfOlpftftl ..101""" 1700 Arapilhoe Street, Golden, Colorado 80419 RECORllER'S ST.\~IP dlt)' nf Harch .19 86 i '1 ,.. WIT'\;E:-;~r.T1f, That t \11' ";\101 1'.Ht \ of till' flr!lt I':nt. for and in conllhll'n,lion Q(th.. !'U", o( other good and valUilble considerations and ten......................................... IlOLLARS tn Ow ~:Hd JlIHty of tIll' flr!tt !,arl III hllll'\ pltid hy tht' l'.l1Ill,.rt). o( the Ir~ond I"Ht.the rl'~ript wht'reof j" hl'rl'hy ('on ft,~:<,'d IU\.llIrk nllwlf'd~t..1. hat h ~rnr,tnl. h:ar~:\i"f'.I. llold nncl ('onvflYfld, and by t ht'lt' prearntl dors grant. hatR'ain, !I('II, ron\','\' nnd rnnflrm. unto t hI' !l1I1.1 pArt)' or the> ~('('(Jnlt part, itl 'uc~eaAors and ...Iltn. rorrvflr. .1I/tftfrp1/~Jr/1. /!'~/r/llJ those /.,fpan't.j s oflalld.~itlll\tt'.I).inRanllb(Oinlfinth~ Countyor Jefferson MHJ~I:llf.llfl.lllorlldll.{n/44 which are more particularly described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference CD a:> 2:! ..... a:: n.. <: Tho ~ithin doed is nocopted th:3 I ~ c:~y or_A..P..~Jh____l0,'~: r:,~":".D 07 COt~l1Y C:'~..:.:~:7!('I'r!Z\~ C:" .:r~'i;:~~:i ~C\1N':Y, c~~ ~j u-. ~,.Okz._2_~___,,_..s: J\ CM1rMal1 al"" 1..11"....0 lI''' !ltp.,.t and flll!l\h"r vacant land T{)C;t:T1IE H. \\ It h all and :<1TI~\Ilar t h.. I1t'rl"llitRml"nh. and apflurtenal1ce" thereunto MlonKinJt'. or in an)'wi!le apl"'rt :11111'11.... :tn,IIIII' n't .'r~I"1l :wd fl'\"('r..mn". rt'mninllrr and temainder.. rl.'nh.. i'~ue!l .nd profits thrreor; and 11.11 tIll' l'..lal.. 1\.:lIt 1111.' 11\II.r,'" dllllll and .h'lI1an1l whntllol.'\'t't of the said flarty of the nut flart. ~ithl.'r in taw or "Qlllly of. III ;'l1d III Ill<' ab""I' l'ar~:littf,,1 r'/'I'rrli.'l('~. with lht. IH'rp,Jilaments an() aJlJlurt('nancea. Tllll.\\.t: \\:1I 'to 1I111.1l111l' ";11<1 prc'1111:<1'!lIt\tH\'C' hRr~Rinr') nnd d(,M~ribl'd. with the appurtenance. unto thl' !Ioaid party "r 1\", "'I""'1I11'arl l! ~ "'1<"1".""1\1" lllld a""llotn~ (urp\,Pf. AfHI tilt' "aid part,. of I hi' flr..t part f"f II..df, It:< :<\lI'\'l'...,Ulr... nn,t ....!'liKn~. finth ("O\'l'n....t. <<rant. bRtJ:llin and aJt'rl''' ta and with thr :<Illd l!llrty of 1 h., ....'."11./ I'alt. 11 >l. "'\I('{"l'!I:<orl'l nn.1 ft"!'li~n". that .t the tim~ or the enjll~aHnlf and de!ivery of tht'J'lr ~ pl"l'''l'nl:< It \" \\"1'11 "1'1,..d "r 1\". I'rl'llIi..('!\ nho\'{' ('un,'pyr.t. a" of Rood. autf'. pt'rft'ct. abllolute and lndf'fl'..ihlf' f'"tatf' of . Illh..nl:llWI' lr) j.",. Hl (1'" "10'1,1., IUlll hat h ~nHd tI"ht. full power and law(ul authorlt.y to Ift.nt. h..rilC"l'IlI'l. !'!("llan.1 rOIl'." t ht, ",lllll' 11l1n,1!1l','r 11\.\ f..rm l1for('...lw!. and thftt thl' "ame art< free and dear from all former and othf'r KtRnh. ~ h.lr)!,\1n" ..nlo'<I;,lu'I1" t.I\.... a....(..'..nH'llls. nnd lIlt"urnhrancfO!'ofwhll.tl"\'f'r kind or nature jIlne,'er; general ad \ valorem ta::es for 1986 and subsequent years; any tax or assess:nent levied by Fruitdale SanitationtDistrict or\lalley Water D~stci~.~Fa~ilities partlci'patio~ , Agreement recorded a RcceptlOn No. 81 OSOb1 b and acldellaa thereto; Oftlcla [X,velorrr.ent Plans recorded at Reception No. 81029':67' and endorsements of re-::ord. "n" tIll' .11""." h,IIl!.\IIl' ,I pi' 1'1\""" In lllP qUlI'l allel Ill'ut"t'able pO!ll'lel'!Il0n oltht' Aald part). of-the ",,("on71 part. It" .~I".l""."""r~ MId :I:<~i~n" :tj.,'aln:<t all :In.l "\'t'ry lH'r!lon or Iwnon!llawfully tlRimin~ 01' to claim the who\r or any part tlll'r....( till' ."aid pari\" "ftlH' flr:<t part :<hallnlltl will WAHHAST ANn FOREVER DF.FJo:Sn. ....;.~t~........~:...~" ,.... \nT~E~=, WJl~:Ht:(Ir. Tilt.. :<;i1l1 I'art,~' of lh~. fir!lt pll.rt hath ~au!'ed i~!' ('orporate nl\",I' ~O" lbtifi,Ot'~-~~~, "l1h.wtlh.'d hy It!l \" 1 ce 1'1".."I..nl nnd It !I COrflOTllt(' Ileal to be ht'rl'unto a(("cPtl. RUl'.tt'd h)' 1\1 ,...\; ......t.. '..' ;"., \. " ...".' OOt! . ','.. """'r..faq. !lw,ltl.l'lln"\..':lr(,r~l<lh"n."fJtlt.n, ... '-J.... ; f.r('l" 7\'P~ Altc'''' ~: !.. .. A ...... J-.... ~~~ ~~ISW-F..9!J~QATIO~. .-_HO~P.'#~ f.;: ., ~ t,:, g;~ ny.iit((dd:/:;1:~,!~~,,;:}:'r;; f :,,~ T~ ." J. C'fi "'.' ,~..I...nc ,", .. ~ ~ . 'Q -' rz) .. ........ ," " ~ ". . ":JO'.;a ~JS'" " ":; .......",. \n~ " "" t-':'!J UO''':/ March.".."',,, " Vice l.rt"~I,It'nt anrt benef it ''tY'f'I'f'/'f 1'/''I''f'Niy'Y .:J . ~ I :l' , . ~ : , ~ . '" I ~ ~ .~ C, ~...t.I.J..-, (.t(..,....__ f~04 .....-..1 (..............(...... :-iT-HE ()~~ ('()UlIL\PO. ..( ............- 1,.. Ci ty and ('1l1HlI\" "f Denver Th~' r"rl'~"lnl: III ~t r n IlIl'nt W:I:< a.-kn.\\\.j,.,II:\,,1 lor..fort" Inf' t II '''86 I" David ~lcK. Lawrence of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, a t;:a;J.i,f;"''',(J.ia corporation :":', \~,\\~ [,ll> /2 .f- ~ ...~.' ~"'-'. /1': ~f)" 'lflt:'rlal.('on\lni!'~ion t'xf\lr.. ~ ...o.r. '. If' . ..,..,:: "~Ii " yo "'. Wltnt'"l'lmyhnndanrlofl9ftrrl. x:::': . \' ___~_....:~. T.; <J i ~ I'. ^ "',/.;!f .... .~'0. i:"l ~,' ",i-:.1.~ t- ....l~ HI~~tof1..,f l'tt:l-.ll ''''p"r ."nn I.. C"'I"'n"..n ,t' r.) - ~ u y(..~ ~~L:: ;0:,,1..,,1.,,101.... 1._ --..-.-...... .Jj t41 _ DrarHnrd '.uhll.hln..e....u\tfl Ill"..t fl:lrpp,. n...n.....r.('..I(>,.dh/!7J.bOI11- '" ,'5,~ . EXHIBI1' A . c2 PARCEL A A p"rL of t.h~ II. JIll "f ~~et.lon 20, Tovnshlp 3 ll<lut.h. R&nee 69 Vest of the 6th Prlnelpol ~~rI11.n, Coonty of Jerferson. St4t.e of Colora4o, ~lnc NOr~ port leu_ l~rlT 1~~eri~1 ~~ tollovs: COMM!:IIClNG nt th~ ""rth~n"t corner or t.he Jl1I 1Jl. of said Section 20; t.h~ne" 5ao'25'25" w (b~arlnp,. are based on t.h. Eaat line of t.he S1l 1Jl. or Rectlon 11, Tovn.hlp 3 South, "'n~" 69 Ve.t., ~Ylns an ..au.e4 ~rln& ~f JOO'0~'21. v) , r ';'Jr'.h lir., of ..ld !Ill JA, a distance of 65.00 reet. t.o a pol'll. on th~ V..t.rly rlght-~~_v,y Iln~ or Stat.e HlchvaT 172 (knovft as Yard Road); th~nee C<Y.l'Ol'I~. r: ".lo"g ..411 lIut"..IT dcbt-of-nT 11M. alld plnl1d ..Ith tl>4 last Iln~ or ..Id If. 1J!., , 11.tanee of ~.95 teet; thence. 89.~'~" E, .1on<< ..Id V..t.rIy rl"ht-of_vsy line. a distance of ',00 feet; t.benee 9OO.01'1~. E, alana ''lld W..t.rl1' rl~ht-of-vny line .nd parallel vith ..Id East line, a distance of Ill.R1 f..t to a pol'll., ..id point bel", tbe TRUE POIIT or B!OIWWIJG; th"nce con- tlnuln~ 800'01'14" E, along said VesterlJ rlght.-of-vaJ line and parallel vlth said FAst lin., a ('!otanc. of 220.63 feet; tbence 189.56'.6" E, alon& a&ld 1I...t.. ""Iy rlr.ht.-of-v,y lln., a dlotance of 10.00 fe~; thence 800'01'1." t, alon<< .,11 V..t.rl1' rlr,ht-of-vny line a~ plrallel vlt.h ..ld East. line, a distance or ;.'''',12 f....; th.~-. r.H'1.8'1.';" V. a dlnance or IS,S. f....t; tllen<:. lI'Y.l'OI'I~" v, ~,".ll'l vlt" "IA. ~"t Iln", . distance or 1.29.35 reet; tbeftee 11.5'O?'21" E, a 11~~~nr~ or 7.0F :~~t t~ t~~ ~~JE POI., or BEOt'.l~. FAIle!!. B A port <f ,~. "J ~ nf f,~ctlon 17. ~hlp' &oath. ~nle 69 Velt or ~he 6th Tdr.dpol ~.rI11.n, Count1 or J~rr~nOft. State or Colora4o. kine ~re plrtlculul1 ~-t~r1t~1 &. !cl1?V~: CO'~~:Ir.J at tho Southea.t corner or t.h~ ~I 1Jl. 01' ..14 Sect.lon 11; th.nce S~o'?5'<5" v (~.arln~. are based on t.h~ taat llne or tile SV ~ or said Sectton 11, ~,vl"~ ..n ....~.1 ~.'l~lng of Koo'0~'21" V) alons the Sout.II line or s.14 5V ~ . . 11".n-. of t5.~ f..t to . point on t.b~ Vest.erlJ r1lbt.-or-vaJ line or State RiCh"'y '7~ 'kn~vn a. .,r1 ~n.d); thence 100.0.'21- V, alonl sa14 VesterlJ rl(ht-of-va1 l\n. 0.,1 >,",11-1 ~1th the TAst lln. or sa14 SV 1Jl.. . dlat~e or J5.~~ f..t; th.n". r.oJ'~5'~O" r., .long .old ...t.rl, rlgbt-ot_vay line, a distance or 5.00 f..t; t.henee II~O'04'21" ~, 'l,nns .a14 We.t.rl, rlgllt.-ot.va7 line .n4 par.llel vlth ..14 rAtt. line, 'l ~I.t.no. nf c3.30 f.et to a point, said point being t.he TRUE POIN7 or Btr.IWKl~; ~h.~c. contlno!n, r.oO'04'21" W, along .ald Veat.erlJ right-of-way line an4 parallel ~Ith ..I~ f.'n~ J!n~, a distanee or 281.11 reet.; t.hence 589'55'39" v. along aa14 ......lIt"'rly rll'"h~_""lf_'J"\Y I1nf!. & dlltanc@ or 5.00 tee"t; the-n(:e 1~.obt21" V. a1"""1 ..Id V..t""Iy r~rc~-.f_voy Iln. and parall~1 wit.h &aid taSt I1Dl!, a dlataDee or 50.00 r..t; th.~". nO",,,, "J" '" along ...14 VeaterlT rlcht..or.""T 11M, a dhtllnee or 5.00 r..t; th'n.. '"0'04":- .. al"ng add Veaterl,. rtCht-or."'1 11ne &lt4 poralhl "It" ..14 FA!t Iln", . ~1-t'nc. of ZI~.5~ re~t; thoOnce 889.55')9" v, a dlsta~e of l~.oo reet; thence SnO'Oi,'21" f., parellel vlth ..14 Eaat 11ne, a distance of 5.5.15 re.t; then.e !;~o'2~ "I," '-. . 11,,,.,nc. of 10.00 teet, to t.he TlII.lE pout or Btr.IJIlIIIlG.