HomeMy WebLinkAbout92130445 ., I ~ EASEMENT AGREEMENT ~ THIS AGREB1ENT. m.~j,..nd f'11w.d ""0'" 01 1M 2..j""... clay 01 ..r".r,4Jd 1911 Afj()I.PH COOR~ COMPA.'('{. A Coic.rado Ccrporat Ion "t by and betw..n \,,/1 n...~~-r""f'r {.,;Ir-<! '(,nrlf.r t ........~!1-w1' J1','lT:mdflC:..n.,. 5mgULu 01' plural) and CITY AND COUl\'TY OF DENVER. d<:lmg by .n<! 'h'lU<Jn ," iVl"RP ()f v.. A T[R COt-IMlSSIOtIERS. lwreinaftn callro "Boa,d- WTTNESSETH: S "'E-t'P WHfREAS h., Rlfthl nf ......J;i Agr"'~&ted Mardi 19, .:0 '27 ,19 l'> . wtnch ~ f€'Corded in rhe records of ,.....Ct,.,......i'lr>dRf'(n'~..,.'Ot'<"'()f.}pft6"l'\l)f'lCountyon ft4rcb 20,10' Jl .191~ .mBnok 17') ,f'ltP...~ ')Il. 66 " II.'. f~. i'.H~ I' ;" r"'~ . .. ~ ;.... '., -"!'litr'.JC~ a w.ter pl...,11M knc:Yn ..4 Ct}n1'1Jil ~,"~JO"'r :1 "'r'," ,~,. hf>rp.ln- ..f'pr ,.~ r l~...l . r')~,," I, ,'l J Apr!: q, "fOr" WHER[A~ "' R"J/'l of "'.... Aq.~f(lat.d J.... lS. rob. IS , I. 19 Sl . whichwu 'l'<or~ ,n In.. ".o,d, o'rI'wCl"f~"NiRiP("Ofa.-n()ft,...,o4.NfffrrVJf'\CountyClft rll!ltl.19, "-r.t.." ~J ), 1151, In~" lOA, 711 4 717 at ".'J-''' It',. :,... in"~ l}l, tt'__ ~..r1 """;>llr.-.1 Uw r1o:;t'1t lo C'I:IftSlf'UCl.....-:ond ...t.t' pl?'f'liM' llnovn "'"' Crm11)\l ~"I't"'r JJ 41.."..:rl")'\. ,,... r,rr.tn",n.r .,....-:rl~ prop.rtr, Mld NOW THEREfORE..nd "' cOM.dwut""" 01 1M ..... 01 .r", r)' .!':,,, I rh, oJ",. . ,(, 7"""'<1" )1.,,.,1,,-.::/ r,l/cry JJ~ ,....J 41~.. 11,".'. (/~':,J.y~.16) _ _ - - - - - - - .nd Olt>.. qnod .nd ,.1u.,0I. co",,,lv1'a',,,,, '0 1M G,.mor in """" paid by 1M Boa,d. In.. ""OO!p' wherrof .. n....by ....knowlw<lojO'd, It>. Gr.nro. ~,.ho; gr.n",o'M Board, itllUCenoonandllMigM. rM "*,..clus",,, and P"fT'Mn<>nl nqnl to f'nr..,., ,. f'nln, occUP'J And uw rt'w hrrf"'lt\ahn ~nhtd proprrty fo construct. maintain. r~ir, r~f', rpmoo",. mlargp .nd opPl'''''' 0fW Of . 'Off' ...,af~ "nd wM'. wain rrar..".,...,... piprinn and aD undeTground and surface appurtenanc~ fMff"to mdudl"9 .!.chl(. Of Of~r ......,t'd cnntrol IoV'rf'r116. undrrground cabin, Wtfn And connechOfK and surfact 'wort"",,(", Ro; "''''' oI...,.,pI.p .nd n"t by way 01 &milation. tIw partin intmd 10 includw .....thin In.. l.,ms .P'l"'li~ - and 'dppurfrn.\r1c .' ~ !~.. I( .11....... 'r'l ...~.l'r'" M~J I f)fldul", \o'~. vMlh.. manhoIe1.. controllYStt'ms. VNltll.!lon, and the hke, In, Ih,no.J9I>, 0<<' ,!Cd ....r"" rt>. tr.n.""""'1 ~,thwd pare"" 01 t.nd lituat., lying and bwmg m tn.. County of J.rh'rS()n .'lnd Sr4r. n' C(J")f~1 fo"",,, (For t."Jt.ll [)4.'scr1rt 1t'I1, ;,1."."'''' 'h"" Exhibit "A", .tt.ch~d hereto and made a pan hereof) q2\30....:l RECEPTiON NO, 35.00 \0t\3/q2 1..,12 RECORDEu IN FfEPSON QUNTV OF JE C E OF COLORADO STAT IT IS IIEREBY MUTU,\ll Y ""'e".a~ted and aqr..,d by and bot"",.n 'n.. par1",' he,eto a< 10',1,,,,, 1. n-.~ Bn"rd ~h.l11 h,wf' .lrei ~"Cprc!Y th~ nght of tngr€'S..-"i and egress !T1, to, over throug~ and ,Kroc;S r:'1:.? al,rl\/f' ~ prOP'f'rt'. tr'f M":\o Pll!"f't)";" ;:.~p~h..;! fnf t~p full m~'T:Wnt of any oth~ nght of occupanC\i nr use p!"nl..~de-:J for hf';'f'~tl ~.. , ...... t.. .__ ..- -.-- .. __~k~~_~_" 2 The Gr,lI)!(,r ..,hdll nol (O')<;!rucl or plarcany slructureor huilding, streetlight, power pole, yard light, m(1il box or sign. If'mporilr\,' or r-l'rm"I~I'n! Of pl.ml ,my shruh, tree, woody plant or nursery stock, on any pMI of the ilbove describC'd ",\SI'rrwnl Any c;frurlurp nr hlJlldmg, street light. power pole, yard light, mail box or sign, temporary or permanent, or shruh, 1 lfl'" \\/oody pl,lnl or 11Ur",('ry sInd;, of ,my kind situated on the above described eilsemenl as of the dJIC of thIS Agreement, 0- m,l\. l,p TI'mm.'r>rl bv fhl' Rc),nd \VilhoUllli1hility for damages arising therefrom [;O:lSIlllQ il'nnn'l d\,>turbed or deslroyec by the Board in constructing its facilifies sh"ll be replaced hy the> ROMd to II!'> nrl<JlIl,JllO!KIIIIClIl ,1~ 11(",n!:.- ,1<; m,lY n..'ilsonably be done, however, the Gri1nlOr shill1 not ('(m~lruct new fencing ",cross or within till' I-',l.....m('r~r Ill'rPln rlp"tcnhed without the written approval of the BoMd. ,l The Gr,\:1l(lr 91 .lnfs to the BOilrd the ri~lhtto occupy the easement in order to prolect its interests in <1nd right of OCCUP,lr,CY ()f thf! ec->l'rni'nl .,1 all tlmps dnd particularly during timps o( cnnc;tnwl;nn, H'fMir. removal, rep];-Kement or enldf~wmpnt of Wdrl'r f,ll \!ll:.'s 5 All \..'atcr Pl\1C1iIW<; InSI,lilpd \l.'lthrn the ahove describ('d easement shall be laid not less than two and one.h<1lf feet belo'", thp n,'tur,ll S\lTI.H " nt llw ,ld)"cl'nl qround. 6. The Bo.ud sh"l: hdW "nd I'X('fcis{' the right of subjacent and lat~ral support to whatever extent is neceSSilrY or deslTablp for the full. comp!prp .mollnmolpslpd pnjoymenl of the rights hereinabove described. It is specifically agreed between the IMrties thdlth~ Gr,mlor .,h,ll1l,lke no action which would impair the earth cover over, or the lateral or subjacent support for .lr.y waler pl!1e!inp or hnc5 ,)ncl "ppur1~nances within the easement, provided, however, that upon obtaining the specf~c wntten permISSion nf th(> Bo,lrd. the PMth cover over any water pipeline or lines may be modified. but normul1y perlT:is~i()n will not be gr,l!11l'd for <, modificdtinn involving a cover of less than two and one. half feet nor greater than ten feet measured vertically from the top of ,my w,ltn pipelme or lines, and any modification undertaken by the Gr;:mtor shail be upon terms which prnvldp for relmhursemcnlto rhe Board of the cost of any alterations to any pipeline facility made necessary by the change i Afler constructIon of ,my wlller pipeline or lines as hereinabove referred to, the gener<ll surface of the ground, except.]s necessarily modified to accommodate appurtenances, shall be restored, as nearly as may reasonably be done, to the grade and condition it was in immediately prior to construction. Topsoil shall be replaced in cultivated and agricultural are3S. and an).' excess earth resulting from installations by the Board shall be removed from the easement at the sole expense of the a.>drd. Thf-' R.l,\Td ,1gr('I'~ rhat for J, p('Tlod of or.e year following construction which involved disturbance of the surface of the grollnd, the Board wrll mamtain the surface elevation and quality of the soil by correcting dny settling or subsiding that miJY occur as " result of the work done by the BeMa. 8. The Grantor h.1S retained the right to the undisturbed use and occupancy of the subject property insofar as such use <1nd IlCCLJpdncy rs con!'lstent wilh .md does not impair any grant herein contained and except as herein otherwise pfClvided 9 It is mUILJdll).' dgreed by and between the parties hereto that the Board may commence the ('xerci~e of its rights hereunder forthwith or rt may postpone Ihe exercise of all or some part of ils rights hereunder to some Indeff>rminate future tIme. The Board is acquiring the nghls in the subject property as herein provided in order 10 insure 10 the BOMd a domrrJ.nt easement for ttw I" .'r(\Sf' of thf' Hoard's functions, and thatlhe exercise of any rights in the subject property other thtlll thr,se rt>tained bv Ihe Grantor shdl\ bl' Wllhm the discretion of the Board. 10. In case the BOiHd shall ahandon its rights herein granted and cease to use the same, all right. tllle ,lnd interesl hereunder of the Board shal! cease Jnd terminate, and the Grantor shall hold said premises, as the same m.)~' t1wn lw free from the rIghts so abandoned tlnd shall own all materill and structures of the Board so abandoned. but nothing herein shdlll'l' construed as working ,1 fNfl-ilure or ,l~andonment of .my interest derived hereunder and no! owned by Ihe Bo,lrd ,ltlh{' time of the abandonment of 80ard nghts J 1 The Gr,mlor W,lrrants that he has full ri!lht and lawful authority to make the grant hereinah(lvP cnnt,wH'd. .mil promises i"lnd .lgrees to d...'fcnel the BO.1Td in the exercise of its rights hereunder against i1ny defecl in hiS 1111" In II", ],md inVf~lved or his right 10 m~1ke the grant hereinabove contained. 12. Each ,lnd every onp of the benefits and burdens of this Agreement shall inure 10 and be binrhng upnn lhf' respective legal representatIves, heirs, executors, administrators. successors and assigns of the parties h('n~to. 13 Unl~<;s special provisions are attached hereto, the above and foregoing cons'itutes the \l.'holp "~lTl\t'nl('nt between the parties and no additional or different oral representation, promise or agreement shall he hindul:] on dnv of rhl' parl1es heret/) with respect to the subject matter C'f this instrument. To the extent that any special provisions "deled hereIn M~' in connie! with any other proviSions hereof, Sl1r:h special provisions shall control and supersede iln).'othf'r rerms I)r pf()l'I'iIOn~ hl;?reof. SPEC lA, PROVISIONS. (For Special Provisions. please see Exhlbit IIBII, attached hereto a:ld made a part hereof) &: :. '. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tfw p.nIII'S Iwrl'!o hJv{' ~.'xeculed the wdhin Agrl'C'nll'llr <l~ ld I Ill' ri,IY ,md Y{',\T first "I"I)\'(' wrilrl'l1 RECEPTION NO. 92130445 c,')Oh~ , ,.... . ....... CO" J', .:" .:i:: '''I:'c.~.~:C",~ .', .::: \,Ar.:f.f....Sijt:" :'.- : _ · <IIS>';'Y.}};. , ,. - .~ .1~.. -' /' \: :":;;,~~';../:'0- -L.:-L..::'.....: ~, '~O"~&.l'" ,J s.-".j.t, ?,:~ r _ ~o'\.,\ , .""",~" .. secn-"'t4-~ ADOLPH COORS CO~U' ANY 011(' " "/-1..' A.PI, " ,-)(1 ,.'..C _ __v.... vL; v>--, _ ' J ?("L ITITLEI 'I.' ITITIJ:I s r ATF OF ('01 OH,\ilO ( aUNT..,. OF J t tfe.r s 0lA ss I h., l')T!'q(}I!1~j 1,!"tr\ln11'1l1 IV".... .It kllov.'led9l'd bdore me by "" &("0 ~~J~Vl).?-JC"___~__~___ - _____._Y'IU Pll''''lc!l'nldllri __~, M.;~ _<-1S AS5r.. SpcTPIMyof --.MolplLCoors_Company___._.~__. " ___----CDlo~-i..-;;o-- _ __. corporafion '''II",,?'S ,1..,...1 ~p+4-(,.L~ Iqj3__ ,", j\.1,>- l uf11111I.......I(l!1 l'X!1lfl'.... _!'..::~_ ~?6L 92_____ /' /' -.Lb, / "'~ )..~..,(.CH c;(. /) NO/MY Juhl1c / ,,' {/,,( ~;;,P /. (/-C ,(.. J J /1 ~\ 1/('//" (t:' .f~'./,." , '. ~\!,;{nl,.":i~ Ill\. h.1I1d ,1I1d nUll I,ll ".,,,[ ~ ';",ii';" ').'t...~,:..' ..,,;;"., .~,"'~'-"~. ~'~\...i~\ .,.1\H \-'~!,' 'l -6-;,~. ., "",00" '\) .-" w~\ r-, -~~ .. '''''~''''' .~ ~ ('.~''''f.,<;;:y Q';-I(.O\'C) ., ,~~'l: L L , l\nE:;T~"""'" "c, .' " ~.... .,. ,." " \'J' . r. ., IJ 'j;~~ ~ .. \:1, ..:.,,,, ~,~ : _ = ']. .:.. \..\ !! '/ .. '/ ~...::~~ ' -:~r..,~. ",., 'I" "'.. l~' 'j' ;l) . :-.I'lt, '\ . ~"'l\"',r~. '), fJl'/.:~.,~0ti. '~\./ I." ~ t, ). tit ~.p-:-/I'.~' {'... ~I iM. ~-:Y1~ <-'- . ~~dt:'T.llt . ,-fI111<"1 ..' . :A;~" , . ....~,~' ''''~.. ..... ... . '~';1-:"" ',mjpt.tTf'S'J() I ()';\I .-0~<'t:~2i-(7 cf....:.~(. (;;::~ ((:. L .'-'~J" I [)I\'I"'11 'I J 't., III ,,~ .3 . " A parcel of land situated in the southeast quarter (SE~) of Section 19, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter (NE~ NE~) of Section 30, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter (NW~ NW\) of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the sixth Principal Meridian, County of Jefferson, state of Colorado, more particularly described and bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the southwesterly boundary of the Board's right-of-way for Conduits Number 16 and 22 with the south boundary of state Highway Number 58 whence the center of said Section 19 bears North 7040'08" West, a distance of 613,67 feet more or less; thence South 48031'53" East, along said south-westerly boundary, a distance of 4,778.64 feet to a point on the west boundary of Interstate Highway Number 70: thence North 0043'36" West, along said west boundary, a distance of 107.98 feet to a point on the northeasterly boundary of the Board's right-Of-way for Conduits Number 16 and 22; thence North 48031'53" West, along said northeasterly boundary, a distance of 2,992,21 feet to a point: thence South 89052'49" West, a distance of 90.80 feet to a point on the east line of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 19: thence North 0007'11" West, along said east line. a distance of 80.58 feet to a point on said northeasterly boundary: thence North 48031'53" West, along said northeasterly boundary, a distance of 1,512.48 feet to a point on the south boundary of State Highway Number 58: thence South 86028'26" West, along said south boundary, a distance of 113.15 feet more or less to the point of beginning as shown on D.W.D. drawing Dr. 402 No, 1677, consisting of two (2) sheets, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. The abov( described parcel contains 8.55 acres, more or less. 'I: \WI'\tf.'.Al r~M\ll); ). f)r,'cri[>!ioff f'fff'(1rrd !fl" /J,,~.... ~'.N" ,..."...,.. ~.........,..ItI,.. I"" W I:,. ,~.,,~... f>,,~... c,~,.. .~, .,:1.1 EXHIBIT "A" I.' ~l.r ,q:J' L-f -- .........--... RECEPTION NO. 92130445 .. 5 SE 1/4 SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST 6th P, M, - JEFFERSON COUNTY- .. -0'_. ',;-' .r_,_ _ ! ~---~ ----+----- - ---- eCL 0,9/1170 i I i H/(;HWAY I 58 ~------ - NO ---- PROPERTY OF <t. 42" CONC COND NO 16 NEI/4 SE 1/4 SEC 19 - -- r: 0 Del:; N J J ;. r'r E f\ 30 ~j CnUj\ITY -----. ----- ------..--~---. SW 1/4 SE 1/4 SEC 19 SE 1/4 SE 1/4 SEe 19 ,/ ','IT E .' il ~I I I '- - - i--------~ I --______..f.._:~>, "r- SH-Eii-1"'- -l;.E_ ~"'1""':;J\ 0'. ~,lJ\"j 0(\ lh(' II",. 1el*f'en 1"'0" I L; :,. "', ') '.0<.1'-'" No it, ';Ic ,,~p t !9 3 8 '~f, t F,71 t;,.,f'" N.1A') ~ ')~ 'Ii --'~~~"_" S., , . - -. '\ ~ ,,'" ...(; RIMS ITEM NO 00864 CARQ NO ooD - '- OCJS8 3 ~0C' ''J1859 000 01866 COO 01874 OCi() ....i ___ ( a l [ t "l ~ l E r '~- 61:'~ , LEGEND PARCEL CONTAINS 8,55 ACRES' E..-j ',!~~ ,1:. ~~~';'.. it; ;.,',... . #0. <'< ",-. " " ~""'\,.' ;~. ._~~~ BOUNDARY '),W 0 RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT ACQUIRED DOCUMENT DATED SEC'Y FilE d18 (JOC 35 RIMS ITEM NO,00660 CARD ,",0000* SCALE ORN, A M APP ,-0 NE 1/4 SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST 6th P M NV/I/4 SECTION 29 f TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST 6th P M - JEFFERSON COUNTY- , "- ~ ~ SE 114 SE 1/4 SEC /9 ,.,? ~ 1 \ I SWI/4 SWI/4 I S [,: 20 I , " " r' II 0 P s ,n '( I rW)( 81J f{ '( '0 GAnfJ.Ef\JS !2.1 6,""::' NWI/4 NW1/4- SEC 29 <t. 42"CONC COND, NO 16 "- v, N <J .... CO; 4j (;: \0 S CO; "- 1\,)')1_; .... 1 .< I .' " <t.. 54" CONC, COND NO 22 11...."'...1 %"W ~ " , () 1\,1 fJ J.... I'll !'JOlt PI'a' 111'1\ 0'4" t,'J'."" " I".. tl~! ",..~I"l I.. 0 . ~ (;;;", (Of1c",t rio !{: ::;'u ~ '<' , ' B 3(>(, t 1}7 I t'(>lrj ;-2H ,,", ''^ '00 , 3C'O (",J" J :;,.ALE IN f Ef' "~""",~\~: :!:~'! :":: ': ; '.' .~, ,V" :_" " :j'~ ,"; :-: ?I> ~ ."::-;~"'~"'.,';' ." .' DENVER WATER DEPARTMENT CONDUITS NO /6 EX 22 EASEMF.:NT AUiUIRED FROM ADOLPH COORS COMPANY SCALE I'" 300'=n-ATE M~"CH 21, 1991 CRN, A M TR. CK, ;Y ';t..) APP OR.402 NO /677 SH' T Oc SH Exhibit "n" 1 (to Easement granted by Adolph Coors Co,) It is hereby agreed that when pipelines are installed, or existing pipelines are repaired or replaced, within the above described Easement, the Board will repair, replace or reimburse Grantor for driveways, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sprinkler systems, vegetable gardens, flower gardens, including roses, potentilla or similar small flowering bushes, decorative rock, bark, edging, sod, drain tiles, property pins and also any other items that are allowed under the terms of the existing right-of-way agreements (addition of temp"rary structures such as storage sheds must be approved in writing) . It is agreed that the Board hereby permits the Grantor the right to plant flowers, shrubs and small bushes, including roses, potentilla or similar small flowering bushes. Grantor shall have the right to install new fences or upgrade existing fences along Grantor's property line or set back lines as established by ordinance, provided such fences shall be standard residenti,,] fencing (chain link, split rail, solid wood), and provided such fences shall not be more than 6 feet high; installation of all other fences shall be subject to approval of the Board as provided in paragraph 3 above, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, The Board will not modify the surface of the ground so that any said modification would obstruct or interfere with the existing surface water flow across the Grantor's property lying within the easement area. The Board hereby agrees that public utilities such as, but not limited to, water, sanitary se\o:er, storm sewer, gas, electric, telephone, and cable T,V. lines, may be installed across the herein granted easement at approximately right angles. All such crossings must be approved by written license or permit from the Board prior to installation The document authorizing the installation shall specify the terms, limitations and conditions the Board finds reasonably necessary to protect its facilities and that will not impair the Board's dominant rights. Requests for such licenses or permits and requests for modification of the earth cover over the water lines, as required by provision number 6 above, shall be submitted to the Board in writing and the Board agrees to process the requests in a timely manner and that all denials shall be based on standard Engineering criteria lI\wp\h.....IC'<:oon