HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (012) 3~ ~o ~ 2l J,.L. ~fi.~ ~"'J.- ~~;;:; c er: ( c:l: C w is it;' m m "- c: ~ c E ~ ~ -~ 1 ~ RECORDED IN Reception I COUNTY OF JEF,ER SON STATE OF COLORADO R,cod,da RECEPTIOrl NO. B5059S27 06/27/B511:30 3.00 ~fadf' thi, 22nd day of March LOIS O. WILSON ,......-. --.. ----....- -.----:.--------"----'----....-..... RECORDED IN COUNTY OF J~FFERSON STATE Or COLORADO RECEPTION NO. B532B048 03/27/65 \1.25 6.50 TlIIS DEED, 19,85, between oftht" C0untyof JEFFERSON Colorado. of the (1 rst part, and and State of ~/ I "f the ['ountyof JEFFERSON and State of Colorado, oftht> second part: M d, W]T:\~:S~I-;TlI thltt tIll' .~Idd pArt of the fir~t part. for and in consideration of the !Ium of $55, OOO.Oj , FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/IDOTHS-uu---u----__________________,___JlOLLARS, whose I"j.;'al ,,<idre~!1 is FRED WALLACE CKANE and PATRIA BELANGEn 4943 Harlan Street Wheat Ridge, Colotado 80030 CRANE to t.'rw said pllrt y orthe first part ~n hand paid by the !laid partit'llofthe lleeond part,the receipt whereof is hereby ron fe~!'t'd Rnd Rrknow]pdg'ed, hll S R'ranted, barf,tnined, 1I0]d and conveyed, and by these prellPnts does R'rant, har.':'Rin. !'['ll, ronvey and ronfirm unto the ~nitJ partiell o(the second part. their heirs and assigns forever, not in i; tt'T'lR!ll'Y in rommon hut in joint tenancy, all the following dt'!lcribed lot or parcel of land, !Iituate, lying aod boo iog in I thl' County of JEFFERSON Rod Stllte o(Co]orado, to wit: / THE EAST ONE-HALF (E 1/2) OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: 90 FEET BY 325 FEET, BEING TilE NORTH 90 FEET OF THE SOUTH 180 FEET, BLOCK 17, BERKELEY HEIGHTS SECOND FILING, TOGETIlER WITH THE ii NORTHERLY ONE-HALF OF DENVER AVENUE LYING SOUTHERLY OF AND ADJACENT ,i TO THE AFORESAID PROPERTY, COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF .cOLORADO j' Re-recorded to correct legal description \ SkI, C(',u"K~\''''1 !"C r: a]lI(J known 311 !ltrt-t't nnd number 4943 Harlan Street Date~ooL:.7""\ I' lfueat R1dge, Colorado 80030 $....1.:..,~............,..,...................., TOGETHER with nil and !ling-ular the hereditaments and appurtenancl.ls ther ..::!!l~_Jj.9.1.9.rudnit~. !! nppt,rtninin.':', the n'\.l'l"sion Rnd n'vt'l"sions, rl'mnindt'r and remainriers, n:ltll, issues antJ profitll there(,f; and all thl' "statt' r1.':'ht. titl(' intl'tl'st, rtl\im nnd dt'IT111~d v hl\tsoever o( the said party of the fir!lt part, either ;,n \3,.... or f'q\litr of, inl\nd to the alto\"!' IonrKlIinl'd pn'nll:o.l':i, WIth the 1H'l"t'ditaments and apptlrten3nce~. TO HA\'f. A -";11 TO 1I0LD tIll' ~aid ptl'lllISt'l' I\bo\"(~ burg-Hined and de8crihed, with the appurtenanl"l'!I, unto 'fW l\&H\ pnrtit..<; of thl' l'('{'on(\ I'nrt, thl'ir 11l'lr~ Hlld li~~ig-n!l fore\'er, And the said pnrty of the firllt part, (or h~~ ~,'I f h{'ir~, I'X"('lItl'r~, flnd Il'lmini:<t rator.'l do co\'enant, R"rant, barR'ain ann aR'ree to and .....ith the !'ol\! \ I'l\rtil'!I of \\w ~I'('orrl pnrl, thf'lr hl'lr!l IInd I\:o.:o.l,::-n~, that at the timl' Qf the ensealing nnd dE"livery of tl ('se pr"~l'nt~ w"1I :-t"17.I'd of thl' fH"rni~":i lIhoVl' {,flnvl'yed, all of good. sure, perfect, nb:o.olute and indeff'A5lhl.. ,'~tntl' <If inl\\,T\\l\lWI' In In\\, In f,'" ~I!Ilf'l,' Itnd hll S ",ood rilrht, full power Hnd lawlul authority to R"rant, hhrp;;:,in, 1\/'\1 nr.d ('orn't'Y tIlt' 'Inn". in mnnnt'r IInd form lIf"tt'!lnid, al.d that the same ..ire free and clear from all (ormer wd ottwr l{rl\nt!'., h'\rl1:1\in~, ..nll'lI, \il'n!l, t I\Xt'1<, nll:if'1\lImf'nt tlnd encu mhrances o( whatever kind or natu re !loever. except gcner81 t~xes qnd nsscssmcnts for 1985 and subsequent years, easements, r~strictions, reservations, covenants and rights-of-way of record. if any. 'f> n :n and tlw aIHl\"~' h;\t'ta\T\~'\\ pn.ml:'ll'~ lT1 the 'luid and :H:'Rceab]e PO:'l!H'flsion of the 8aid parties of the serond pan. t, hl'ITs and a~Sllltl~, ;q.,lIin:it allllnrl (,\...ry pt'rsnn or pl.'r!lons IRwfully claiminR" or to cla.im thl' whole or an}" pRrt thl.' tllf' -"aid \H\rl )' of Uw fir.'<\ part ~'nllllllnd will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. 1:\ WITSF.SS WIIERf:OF thl' .~lIirl pllrt y of thl' first part has. hcrt'T'nto I\('t her hand .'<t"al tn~ day and ::\,ar fir!'t abovt, writtl'tl. :-;IK1Wd, SI.'\\(,,\I IUlIl O!'\'vert,(j in the }'rel\en(',' of )0.. ,., '. I /, / -' ~~,;)_ CZc.iLL~bL'--_ISF. LOIS O. WILSON __ ~.__~~~_If STATf: OF COLORADO }" ,,,,,,:>:OJ . .. / , ._--~~'""";7'"T".-;--I~'i'~" .L! I '. ~..... ' · "':lr""-"~>' ;;; ". , ~<~I 1.:.11 ~~.~.; ,',,...: ..") datqr.f};l~ch ,U '" ~ \~ ",.., ,J t>.~..l,':..~:~,,~.',..,:,,',/ ':, (' Witnt'ltlt my halld nnd officials'!8t . : -E::O/!, c A (..Evelyn A. Steinkuhler 4851 Independence St, #100 "~eat Ridge. CO 80033 COllntr of JEFFERSO~J Thl' fOrt'Jl<111111: in!'.tl'lI111l'l\t Wl\\'. l\d<:tl<>W\I'\\l1:\'d Iwfnre me thill nI8S'l)" LOIS O. WILSON 22nd ~ly rnl11Jl1l1\:ii"ll I'XI,If! ~ December 8 w8S ~ N"urrr...~,1 r /Y,},~ .('t='"",~:;;\.; 11~""."-;~ 4. ~...:o;.. 'J21. "".1 "" '.- ,... ~ "":1 :l....i4-lh~...,. T 3tf<jq v.,\1\~"'T'OO ln~f,ll Tn h,..l r.......h Hra.:r""r 1'1' hl"h,~., ~N2~ W ~Ih ~~( . 1 )Ik..",,,,.I. Cll NO: 14 _ (10'1 :1\.MI00 B/~(j c,c;tI-"3 .~lr "uf, I tr,d I " 'LJ \LI '; ",'