HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (017) , ""-, .'.........~ ;,;'. I I . ", l .i .~4'l ,i'_;,-f~ ;.,kt' ~,' , ' , ~, '11,.' .~" !ei.,;'! Nt j '~<f A' j.,'c '_"~ ~~f'..t.."';:" .11"'1. ~ .. ~.. 1fNIwir.". ~J . .j J I ^ ",' r"~ .' 1 .j, "', ~_: i- ,r, ''I . 4I1'ft1 ~_ If ~ .... t1 Ul-.'" i'WD -DaD, iWi.. _z..._... .... CORPOllAtlOI I I Dela_aJ"II ........... "'-. ~ _ 1_'" A"J! ....= b' .!.~ ~..... "'.. ..... ~ ., tile tIr. put,'" stA'l1: BICHnrAY DIP.&a'fJdIt. I I ~ A tIC -~.:~-=.:!~~~ wn:l'l_ ..... '1'IId............ tile 1m put, tee.. ill -~. ~.. ~.. - crt ten Dollara (110.00) and other 1004 aD4 valuable eenl14erat1on (- to tile .... JUV ~ .. 1m pat la ..... .... ~ .... ..w paft 1 .... -- -put, ... ........ Wa"" .. ......, 01' J .. ......11 ..... !Ia6 ....... ....... ..w. ~..... ... qurr m .AnnIIl. acI ~ .... ~ _ia datA --.~. .~;;;;U, --v =! QUA":. ClLADhlltD .........1 "'.. --' pue.l 'S euooee ... .. ....... tanNr, aD ... dab" uta., 11I*-'0 oJala ~ ~ wIdIIIa .. .. putF aI ... IIfi ... IIatla lnandtotbetolJowllla~traot or paroel o~......... OD.tirat J.tteraOll ......~tl~W'..~tD4It: ra, A tr~ot Or parcel or land containing 1.000 aor.., more or les., 1n the svt of Seotlon 13, 'l'ownah1p ; ioa~, ~'gG 69 Weet of ~be I 6th P.M., 1n Jetterson Cown'" Colorado, aa14 tract or paroel being: All that part or portion ot Blook 20 ln Berkele, Beights Second Filing, which i8 more partioularly descrlbed ae tollow.: Beginning at a po1nt on the We lL~. ot 'ald Blook 20, which point ls R. ot the SW corner ot SectioD 13, T. 3 S., R. b9 v., a d1st~~ce ot 340 teet; 1. Thenoe I. f;A.O 201 E. a d1&~ane. ot 600 teet. more or lea., to tne B. 11ne ot Block 20; . 2. Tnenoe westerly along the S. line ot Blook 20, to the 5W oorner ot eaid Blook; 3. Thence N. along the W. llne at Block 20, to tne point of b6g1:11'l1ng. I The above delor1bed parcel con'a1n. 1.000 acree, more or lee.. I I 'ro 1L\ VB A..ND 'ro BOLD IIIe ..... topther with all .. DIpIar tile .~ and pririlapa thereunto 1leIoqIq, _ In ....... ........ ~, .... aD tile ..... dPto .... ..... aIIIl ... wllatlMtv. of the ~:~.', ., ,.~..au. .~~...~\,~ 0111: JII'llI!ft -..... -......., of.. eatd)!aft , J,Jf' ,', n,"' ~,. ' " , 'fte eatd paI't)' of tile 11m: puS i1atia _lIiIiII Ita earpclnde _ to be ~to ,:-. .. ~ j t ('~~'~'''' ,;,~t, ..... Ita eorpo..... ... to be~.. ..... .......*-4.., Ita - I .' ...... . , written. - ~,,' ,-<l.'- I , . ~';) ';:;' . I :~.'.. "'\ _~~.'. ..~.. I ~ ...~ ~::T ' ~." . ff , c: \. ',,_, '" ,_ '! ~ . ,.... .., I l 'i" j".. ~ : . ~-r :I-'f' (J",~ ;."",,- ,... ... H' , .., -;:.,. ~r .II: '. '..~_QeioJW)(). } ..0.1:;1. aha,COiiD~ oL..;t?!E:!!!'..__ .. ~ u.J Tbefor_II.....', v-t_aekDowIedpdbet__tbIa ~...,Lfl. da)oal 'Yh~ u = PJa;Sdcct ed .. - Ieeretar7 at TIOI 5th, 1952. IIJ~ .,..J:....~~. ..... .... . eorparatloll. Jf.. J.... ...... ClWIII l.. - L - .... ~-- 1- .. ....O"..............I4aI~ ~,........ -.lWI