HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (032) " 110378 Sf)\\" Tl!EHEHHU';, Thi:-l fi1dl'nt1Jrl~ \Vitll('~l:'l'th, i1l11t II1\' :;alll part ! 'Ii llil' ;lr:1~ iiar'" n 1'.lI."idf'r:lIiQf1!)f t,h... pTi'mi~'I~~. :Lr1d U1P flJrthl'r eon~idl'rntinn of thp Hail! Hllm (If J'en ['!:(JI1...,:ltI,j (nc !J\J~Hh'.'d '-)ix~J ;lnd :11' 1(11)._ I loll;l r~, t(1 her in hand patd hy the said rart ~' ()f thp. :-\1'Cond part. thf~ rt'Ceipt qf whIch is 11I'n'!)v ad:nmvJl'dged, h3.~ :'old and convP\"f'd, and hy trlt':'lc prp.~\.;nt.'1 du r>~ ,.11 and C!)Tl\""Y Ilntn th,. ~aid SUC:~;fJSSors part.. "; nf th(' ~pc0nd pnrt, .J1.i.tS...Dcdf'x/and n:lRi~~, an trw ri~~ht lith, int(,Ti'~t and !~~tatl! q( the ":II'dCla~0ilS(> Kln.fT Ha~.lZan. also k,Q0wn as. ('lo.r- :1'- J'f ..nl(1 "r el)'l\"',',"I'," I'.. im ~s? olJ\V"aR~aC~OuKTl ~l\Sd~'''aJi!;llfi,.,.r:i!:t!':'TIT', . . . '. . ./runr;;.: , .J....:::;,...:tifet:m.~ ~~_ '__ 'atx :fJ.x....'"{~Xl:Ci}{l:X:itJt~Xi.."<t.i:n:IK;'{'"Xoli!l't_'C...x::ch'c!)a.~<o.aQ:Jt:ili:;:x- I I ! I i I I :zontpCtoOt, in and to the folIowinl-i dc!'critwd real f~~tatc, :1itllah' lying' and being- in th<:! , , . Countynf.. .JR...[i~.J;f?{)n . and:':':fateo((n!or:l(!n,tli_wlt ,l tract or ;_~ar~ 'ce] o{ land ~o, 3/0'1 'C61orado Dcp;:,rt":1ent nf H\lrhwavs' PrOlect ~o I 7v';' :1(J2)281 contaln1ng: 8,506 sq. ft., mnn! or les;;, in Bluck' lU, lJl~I{KELE.,:,- HEIGHTS SECGND FILING in the Si'i.j ()f S",.(.;tlon 13, Towr.s1;if' J SOllth,f..'ange: 69 West, of the ~1xth Yl itll..ip...i ~,~.-:-i~:L2.!1, i.n J,...ff(>~<=;()n County. Colorado, said tract Dr parcel bcin~ marl?' particularly dcscrlbpd ::IS follows Be~ ginninc: at the SE corner of Lot 7, 810ck 101. BERKELEY HEIGHTS SE6CND FILING in the swl of Section 13, T. 3 S" K. 69 W., thence :'< 57 24' , 30" W, " distance of 150.6 feet to the Borth line of Block 10, thence I along the north line of Block 10 :5, 82 56' 30" E, :;! d~stance of 'I 147.4 feet, thence along the sout~ lIne of a tract ot land conveyed to j 1 the State Htghway Dept. by deed dated .\Iay 24, 1951 and recorded in Booli 1720{ Page ~39 of the Jefferson County records, along the arc of.a curvd Ito he right having a radius of 2855,~ feet, a distance of 296 teet ,f 11 (t~e t.::h0rd nf this arc bears S. 760 06) E. a distance crt 2~5.8 feet) 'I 'Ita the south line of Block 106' tnence along the south line of Block 10.1 IN. 890 47' W. a distance of 2 6 feet more or less, to the point of be , ilginning; together with each and every right or rights of aCcess of thel I decedent to and from any part of the right-of-way for Colorado State ' jHighWay No. 72, a Freeway established acco~ding to the laws of the I State of Colorado, and from and to any part of the said real propcrty ! of the decedent f'butting upon said Highway, along or across the accessl I line or lines described as follows Beginning at the Southea,;L corner, of Lot 7 in Bloek 10 in BERKELEY HEIGHTS SECOND FILING in the swt of l Section 13, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., thence N. 57024' 30" W. 175.0 feet to the North line of said Block 10,thenceN80034'30''W62ft~thenceN88021'30'', 94,4ft. This deed, and the rlgbts and interests herein conveyed, shall bel and constitute a perpetual burden upon the real property of decedent, I adJoinJn~ the hereinbefore described access line or lines, across I Wh1Ch d~cess will be denied, as herein set forth, and shall be b1nding'I upon all the heirs, successors and asslgns of the decedent w1th res- l~ pect to said adJolning real property. "'- 1 ;;; i '- '-' I ~ W Ilk }.', t\., i-J : -=~ t ~~ f Tn HA VE A0"D TO HOLD THE' SA~rE, with all th~ appurtenances thereunto belonging", or ill ~\nywi~f'l:~1~~ri~i6~ng' to the proper use, benefit and behoof of the said part...Y.. ..of the !'f'cond rart. its.j) j . .>>H;~ and as:-\it:'n~ forever.h. IX WITl\'ESS WHEREOF, The said par!...... of :-laid estate a~ :J.forf'said, ha.S.. .hf'rl'lInto set first hl'reinahove written. I I " ;1 :1 ~:~:;<~;L~~~'~~~~:,L(iu;~~~~~ il ~\s tl1e.Adm:i..nJst r.a t:r.1?t of the Estatl' d 1,1 Clarence Kin~ Hagan, also known as ),,'1 C-li\F-enC() K Hagen-, -?, JSt:). kn0wn...;l.f; Clarance K. Hagan, also known as ii C. ~ ~~~anr Uecertbeu. of the first part. as..AdJn:i.n.is.t:ra.tX".;t:;'L. .h..~.r .. hand_. ..., and St'HI.. the day and year i I I II " ~U -:~~:_~~.~~:~~in~ to !:\cL !I !I jf .-------- ------------. - ,-. " --;-~l_c..== 'I !! i ~-'. ' .; I ..,' ~ :~s.-~ . ,--. - .-..... ,- -, -"~, -. ,,-, , ~~~- . -.-"'~~----=----_.. . ~ - --= - ii -., '1~ " I, '- , ~ ~ I,' ~ ',. :;:..; c ;:. (' ".) ^... ;:?~~ ~, , !!!!! .' I."'" ,~ , " . : .J.' t f..y-~( :1 , l - ~ '~:1:-r: r . 13 ::':-T!:EL \'.\:-: V\'- ",1I\'j{LE. .\(jml:1istratrix '~t)~I' ;~,:,. ,f Clarr>:1cP ~:lnc; E1.!!Jil. al~l) l:.tlnwf1 ,Ie: Clarence K HalJ;an, al~(l k:l{)wn a~ Clarancl' K !:~lg;1n. al.sn ki)fJ',l,'!l ~s C 1\ }l~,?:~~,~"~'~~i~l'~sed \", 'v ember 2, 1'11,:--\ \"IT';E,..,;;-; my band and lJ:fif': 11 ~1'[j! (SEAL) !';,. ~ ,," l\frlt"I'!I::dd. ,I" h';",!,\, ,-,'rt:'" \\:1' w::lt:n 01 ,! f.'~"~:"l:~~'" ~". :1 IrI!" r,'rf. .t ;HI'! ,',rn:" "r ,rll'~ l)rd"I" r,"f'I':n:l1l!' :0' L -a:'' .I: ,);, 111:d','r .,',. ,tH',. ", 1:-11' Pl'" ::l ! ~ WI;'-';I':.~., WHEI:r:1fI.' I ~w'(' )1t'rl''l~1 r) ,,,( l~lJ' h:Ir,d :I~\,J :l::j'".,! ti;,. 'J! "f i:li,j i ,,'I~' ~ l" ". .13 e'~r~ ,,( t,,~ (~""n!y " By D~\lt" ~ "0 '0 v ~ ~ /~ ~ ~ 0. ., - -, , "I e, il <;2 ~ II ~ , " ,- '" "- ~ - !, S - I' :1 0 " ,^, ,- W -'" '" II 0 -, .- II ',' - ~ ~ - 0 ,! h 'f: - .~ '" 1 ~. -, - ~, .. " .-----.- -'~--- .; , '0 o f-< ~. 'h I, o '-- ~ __ .:t u ~ 3. ll. I , i . .. . ({ -:-~ ~ . c .. ~ ..,..)....J .,.~'<'':*:'~_..~.. ...~';':.~y~.".~~"., "~