HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (040) B00697n 1980 SEP 18 A.q 9= 13 O'clock_.M. \Illt Q Jefferson State of Co 1~ RecltDt;on No ;1i\noltr~JIm~~si!TEsmfs ': ([hat 11, or> ~~, .-< GEORGE GERALD KLUMKER CHAPTER NO. 22 DIS~BLED AMERICAN VETERANS RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE, INC. of the and CounTy of Jefferson . and Stat. of Colorado for and in considera1ion of The sum of TEN DOLLARS and other QOod and valuable considerations to 'hI sald Grantor or Granlorl in hond paid, the receipt w~:reof is hereby confessed and OCknowled9ed, have Qranted, barvo1ned. sold and convey.d, and by tholl presents do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN; SEll AND CONVEY unto th, Gr(Klltor or Grantors. STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado tf>. Grantee,it11UCCts1Ol'1 and 011I0"' farever,the fo1lowino real property, Illuat8d n the Q,urlyof Jefferson and Stotfl of Colorado, 'c.wit: A tratt or parcel of land No. 113 oi the State Department of Bighways, Division of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. I 76-1(35) Sec. 1 c~- taining 39,594 sq.ft., more or less, in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 13, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jef- ferson CO\ID.ty t Colorado, tIXlre commonly known as 4901 Marshall Street, Wheat- Ridge, Colorndo, said tract or parcil being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the northerly property line as described 10 Book 624, Page 203, in the Jefferson County records, from which the SW cor- ner of Sec. 13, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., beara S. 22049' 30" W" a distance of 729 ,7 fee t ; 1. Thence: S 29 ' 55' 15" E. a distance of 242.0 feet; 2. Thence S, 41' 17' 30" E. a distance of 67.6 feet; 3. Thence S. 61' 06' E, a distance of 358.6 feet to the northerly right of way line of SH 70 (Jan. 1979); 4. Thence s. 60' 01' 3011 W., along the said northerly right of way line, a distance of 41.5 feet; 5. Thence continuing along said northerly right of way line, N, 600 50' 30" W., a distance of 318.2 feet; 6. Thence continuing along said northerly right of w~y line, N. 540 35' W'J a distance of 176.2 feet; 7. Thence continuing along said northerly right of way line, N. 42' 58' 30" W., a distance of 221.4 feet to the oortl:.- erly property line; 8. Thence along said nOT.therly property line, N. 74. 37' 30" E. J a distance of 133.9 feet, more or less, to the point of be- ginning. The above described parcel contains 39,594 sq.ft., more or 1~8s. All bearings used in the above de.cribed parcel are orientated to the Colorado Coordinate System Grid (Centraj, Zone). /,flU? III{;Vh[)II-IG TI1~ l'.~ I i'lfAS[ MAIL H,i" ...~) <i;'''1''~1 '11 H:J'~ ' TO, 4<'0: c:;;":;," ~"J J 'J' '1~y~ (If t~ ~!~r. DC"1\'l'f ..( J,,"" '., o'ClJl~d, , , I.Tr(';"I" II ":YJr, ""'11 y -- OOHFOItIlNo_tt't'l .....__1.1. TOGETHER with 011 ood sin<)ulor the hereditaments and aR'Urtenoncn ,t'ltf't\Jnto btklnQinQ,cwin~!iI opper1cinhJC).cnStht,...,.... sion and r8\0'er$ions, remainder end r1molndert, renls, issues and profits jhereof. and 011 the atat., rlqht, tlU., mt.rui, claim and dtmond whatsoe-.<ef of the said Grantor or Grantors, either in low Of equity, of, in and to the above barQolntd premi,.. with fht hlrlditomerts cn:I th. appurtenances. ro HAVE AND TO HOLD the said prem,its above boT9ained and described, with 1M oppur~ unto the said Gran," and its successors and 0$$ion5 forever. And the said Grantor or Grontors, for rhemselvn, ftleir hei..., executors ond odminis1rat<n, d\) CCMI"lOnt, qranl, borQain and OQrM !o and with the !.aid Grantee and its successors and assigns, that at the time cI the execution and delivery of these presents. they wert well seized 01 the premises above conveyed, os of oood,sl.:!'e, perfect,absolute ond indefeasible estate of inh.ritanot. in low, in Fee Simple, and hod oood right, full power and lawful authority to 9fOnt,barQain, sel' and convey the some in the .man....crd form oforesaid; !hot !hesar..eoref~ and clear from all other orants, beroolns, sales, liens, toxII,aluIsrnel"1I c;nd .ncumbrc.nen of when- ever kind Ot naturI loever, by, through or under !t)e Grantor or Grontorsj that the soid Grantor Of Grontors will WARRANT AND FOREV,R DEFEND the obo....e bargaine'J promises In the quiet Gnd peaceable possession of thlsald Grant... and its lucc,nar, and as.siqns, against 011 and every ;>erson or persons lawfully claimino or to claim ttle whol., or ony purt thereof, by, ttll'oUQh or under 'he said Granlar or Grantors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, {2,: f<.4'7 Sioned in 'he presenct of: the said Grantor or Grontorl hove hereunto set their hands this. IStC- GEORGF, GERALD KLUMKER CP.APTER NO. 22 DISAllLED AMERICAN Vr:TERANS RESTAURANT AND LOUNGE INe. BY W'" ,,(2 ~ ~+-""~"~rQi'<" ~1'X' Y)-/,.tP/4d'7- I'" (j "\~~"\- secreta~ fnr C':pn F. f":lmAT n on l~'R r.HA'P1'"F."R NO " DISAllLED AMERICAN VE':ERANS RESTAURANT ANn LOTlNC':F. TNC '''',,,1il'lt~~.: if!, ~Pj,~:~'M1I'Off;C;OI Seal, t~y Commission Expires: !lL:~'". STA12. OF _~_ond Counlyof ~ \:c' ~ , ....~...)...to.'\t.. ...:::: Notoq' P\tbllc '^..~' }.. by l he foregoinq instrument was acknowledged before me this_day of ~\~ Comrrission Expires: "U1TNESS my hand and Officio! Seal, Notory P\obllc ~ ~ ...lFt ~e(:< U ~ 0 ~ ! ~ J ~ I ~t ~I o Ill'" ~e ~..2 :1:8 ,,~ _0 :I:~ ...~ 0- III f-' z:z. '" ~ ~~ ~~ ",:I: "'~ 00 C "'0 f-- <.l: f-!; IIlQ .q of! r ~~ ~L~ = ~.!! j~. . i - "l!~ \ ~ : ~ ~~~ ~ 0 , o 1!fE' U Q _ OB'S c1S ~ ~ !fl ~~ ~ g Ha o~i : \ .!!:2j_~H ~ :.g:;o,n% <f> ]!i~oli'o .. j " ~ l!? f .~j~; ~ ;;.. 0 . ... ~ i ~ 0 Ii: .. II i ~ Unf; BI~d . ~!..! c l I I J 1 ~ . 19-8iL, ,19___. cloy 01