HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (042) 1918 liOI 28 1\lIQ: 3, ,>I... ~ ".. ,,-" 1 ~ ,,' '".,v " (:.G!H+tl,l {}~ T~~!i.......: _'-:' .l. .J t.~_. ~ ''''")f(j,,(j :JI _ n,lr:C- ,~ ,g ,.u, :: e\-!' ! Q r' ~ 'J II ...._,... .0 t'. ]" 1[noutAIl~~g~s€lPrEsEnt5 ~ b I-~ <UUlt 1.. Ol~ 1UUl!. CHARLES C GLOVER A:iD LORRAINE 1 ,'LSB, J T -, :!""'! ,r: <'I,r l e f I [~r s (lC1 Of'Ie ',ta:e "I ':0 lOf,idl ''ir J'.d r (",S.,1l'fOiIUn ,f the sur: of 1~".j DO,-LLlRS :)nd other (lOOd onG "OIIJ(]t),,:~ CQf1S"J,.,,)t"Jr'J 'u I".. (j,' 'I r'J'1C [-,(J,n '~e 'CU'I[)! w""r,.r'!:5 ~1f"'ecv l'1fl:'<spd :lnd acknowledged, nave 1rfJnted, rJorgor"j ,u~ :')r~ ~)" r'urby ;PA,\,r BflP'JL.., ':t L ;lND r::l"i/VV[Y unto STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado the (;ranlee,its 'iuc:essors ond asslans forever, lhe following real properly, Situated m the Coul"tyof il' f f" r" 'r. and Stole of Colorado, tO~Wlt A troct or: parcel of land, NO.110 RevOt Grante<.J.; Project No I 76-l(J,)) Sf'C 1 COfl'OInInQ 11,)06 more or les~, in Elock FI, Berkelev Heights, 2nd Filing, in SE:et1an 1J, Tnt,..'Tlsr,ir 3 <':1 \ Ul Range 69 West, of thE:' Sixth Principal !-terio"ian, in Jefferson Count.v, CoJurado, IT,cn" COQ- monly known as &72:: ''''; 48th Ave, '....fheatridte. Col:>rado, saie! trilct or jJarr{'~ :I('ir,,, morl' particuInrly describ~d as follow~ That portion ~f tile S 1/2 of the S~ 1/4 of St"C 13, ] 5 ,'-) .. , ~ th PM, said port inn being descrihed as all that pnrt ot Block 10, BEPJ\r:yY ,\IF"U;':~llS SECOND FILI~C, lying S0uth and \o.'cst of Statl' Highway Department acc('s~ ~ lm" dl'p-<:r"!"tw(: in Book 1789 a~ Pap,e 394. County Recorder's records, EXCEPT tht." cast q:: Fef't 0: tlit, 1.;PSt lA2 fpct of salt: BlOCK 10 and <11so EXCEPT those portior:s t:wr('(lf dl'scritJeG In ir,- sttuments recordpd in Honk 7R7 at P"f'(' 311 and Bonk 1789 at Pil",,-~ 3Q4, of s;rid ,lrd i '~r- son County rvcords, .II ffer:-;"r', r:01Jl1t', St:ltL' of Cll1ornr1(', togethel 'w'jtil ri" ir:'T\r~\Vl'--:;('nt there!)n, \r.nc',",'n ()s 6725 1,..' 48th ^,ve The above d(>~cribt.'d p,qrcC'l cont:"dns 11, Sr1f) so ft , m0rc or 11's~ The aho'J{' description contn:tnS nIl of the l<lnd conv('vtcd to r:h;Hl(:~ I, j, VI"t and Lorr()ifH-' I Kusb by deed dated the 29th of June, 1977 and re::nrded the lth ct Julv 1977, in Book 3031, Page =34, in J('fferson ~ou~ty, ColorAdo " J " " '"D J s:; !r~: ~~ ~ "J ...-"~ !,fl "" , 1'lor:1 I .f'!V "~...lI(]n 3 f} TOGE THER w,:h o!1 ond s,ngulfH Ihe hereditaments and a~ur'enonces thereunto belo..glrlq.Of ,1'1 anywise oppe"ammq,ond the relle,. ''1 Slon ond re...ers10nS, remolnder and remol~ders, ~n's, Issues ond prollls thereof; ond all the estate, rlqhl, tille, Inler~sl clQlm ond demQl"d '" whotsoe"cr of the SOld Gronlor or Grontors, either In law or equIly. of, in and 10 the above bargained premises, wdn the hered,!omp.nts ord the appurtenance,:; TO Ht'lvE 6.ND TO HOLD !he said premises above borgomed and described. wilh 'he oppurlenance5. unto the SOld Grcntee and Its suc.ces<:,ors and assigns forever. l.nd the Said Grontor or Grantors, for themselves, their heIrs, executors ond administrators, do C()'\Jeo:Jnl grant, borgoln ond agree tv ond wllh the sOld (,rordee and liS 5uccessors ond assigns, thaI clIne lime of !ne execution onrl dellVf'ry 0' lhese presen1s, Iney were well seized 01 Ine premises above convl'yed, os of good, sure. perlecI,absolule end IndefeaSible estate 'Jf Inherllonce, In iow, In Fee Simple, and nod good rlgn:, full power and lawll..l aulnorily 10 granl,bargaln, sell ond convey the same ,n lne rnannertY"d form olor€'5<J,d 11"',0! Ihesameorp.!ree and tl/:lar from all other gronls. b(HQalns. soles, liens, laxes,ossessmen1s ond encumbrances of who!. ever kind or nalure soever, by !hrough or under Ihe Gronlor or Grantors; Ihollne said GranIer or Grontors will WARRIlNT AND rCR[VER DEFEND !he above bargained premises In the Quiel and peaceable possession of Ihe SOld Gronlee, and ItS successors and OS51gns, '1go,nsl all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or 10 claim Ihe whole or any p!Hl !her('o! fly, :h'ough or under Ihe SOld Grantor or Gror>tors ItkV6VICFA: I~J WITNESS \'JHEREOF, !he SOld Grantor or Granlors nove hereu:,,\lo set Hlelr hands Ih<S Signed If1 the presence of STATE OF l '/ L ~ '/?':( L ,"'-" Jnd County of ;---1 .,'0 /' ,A 0, 19_7Jt _JJ..L.t. '.." !...,c' CHARLES E, GLOVER ~" by The loregolng instrument was acknowledged before me 'hiS / '" LORRAI~E I, KUSH rI t~ / dayol CHARLES E. GLOVER AND LORRAINE 1. KUSH, J.r. WIT~~ESS my hond and Offlclol Seal, I..t ~'"'.. My CommiSSion Expires ST~H OF l)nd CO'Jn!y of . ".. "', ::-) }" Dy The {ore::lolnq instrumenl was acknowledged before me this WITr'-JESS my hand and OffiCial Seal My CommiSSion Explre~ II r-~----i- \ i~lll. 11'1 Ft J ~ ~i~1 :< H7 ~I ~j ~1~I'1 u --.H~~ ~ c; 18 ~ ~I~ ~ IL.. tL1 ..b \D CX;, ~ ~ U) :~JI"' ~ ~ i \\~I@~I ~ '~\Si;;'i\ ~ I o '" "0 >- E ~--6 IU Ll~ _0 Iv ...-.;; 0- VI f-' z::' w ~ ::;: ~ f--" ~.~ ;::I w~ 00 c wo f- .;;:; <,- I- ,~ "'0 ~ o o <t 0: 9 o u ~ o 6 "E f~ 8g ~ c s: -E ~ o i 6 d> ~ d> ~ _ u ~~~ 0: ~ ~ "0 ~ ~ E >. 0 ~ .S: c ~ ~ ~ ... >. ... 8 G ~ g ~ ~ - ]~~ Q,>~.!! == ~..;:. -- ~ V w ~ ;" '0 " o I /,/,,,. / day 01 r .. "'- _ 0 , ~ o ~ [ .-i s: d> ~ - C> .. ~ l? I ~ .. 'i I !~ c "0 ~ E ~o v ~ o~"E - ~ 0 ~H ~~~€ .Q n ~'*1=; " II; / OOyof / ", /tIc vr..'.tk"-:/ .' "1010" P~tl"t r'iolO', P~bl,t ./ -1, I II Ii ~II ,i II ,'}9 ~';8 " /., .~~~ -'#f7L0\ ~... \'''' .f,; 'I.' / ,9 I !I I II 'I I, . z ~ ~ 2 :-:! ~ ~ q . , ~ G ~ ~ r, '" . . ~.~~: ~ ~~til rr ~:!~~ ~ ct ~ '0 Of ,-, 6 ~:~~! 1 '.. .... ! N. ~ <l, III a.. 0 _ N N . . ~ t,