HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (051) -." ~cP (I -r. - !~ ~co J! co Jr=~ ~ ' co:: ~c:J: J!j<:)::E tl ~ . Rt.cepti(ln No RECORDED HI COUNTY OF JEFFERSON 5TnTE OF COLORADO RECEPTION NO. 88029551 03/30/88 13:45 3.00 K~ow ALLl\1E~ BYTHESE PRESE~TS. That I. Jar;es L. C",ens and Ann R. OvlE'nS, as joint tenants of the . and State of Colorado, for the cons~deration of I County of Jefferson Ten and other valuable oonsideration in hand paid, hereby !.ell and convey to Jro-es L. 0,.;cns and Ann R. Odc.ns, as tenants in carmon whog(" legal address is 4E60 Br:llsan Street, \':heat Pidge, Colorado P0033 of the County of Jefferson ,and the State of Co fora do, Dollars, the following real property, sit.uate in the County of Jefferson nnd State of Colc.rado, to wit: 'T'hat part of the 5'(.% rn'J'I.:r of Section 2~, ':'o.-mship 3 Soutli, ?ai'"\(lc 69 ~-lest or the 6th P ~'" rorc particularly described as follCMS: Camencin'J at a point ,6.00 roc's a~d 11.00 feet \"est of the intersection of the ";ast line of said S\'J1.r ~:l'i\ \vith the South line of the County higtrday Jr.na,.m as 'Jorth Golden Poar] or Jefferson l\venue (n,J\'/ known as \.7est 44th l\venue) ; thenre So'Jth a distance of 200 feet ~ thence ~.ast a clistanm of ')0 feet; thence ~rth a chstancc of 200 feet; t.'1enre ~':rest a dist.ance of 90 feet to the poL,t of beginning. with all its appurt~nances. also known a3 str~et and number 1j300 ~'Jest.. 44th l\ve!lUC Signed and delivered this d-\ ~ day of ~'-~ ,19n In the presence of ) .- 1 '/ (~~/~..#/-;(r;: - ~ (SEAL) ~/ ~ u }~~~s;~ ;:~:~~_ ~:::~: l\nn P. 0....,:'>::15 }" STATF. OF COLORADO Countyo(~~ The foregoinlor In.~trument wall acknowledR'cd before me thill 19t't[ ,bY' Jarncs T. (\.Jr'ms <In(: Ann R. i'1\-lcns. :A-\,~T Jay of 'rt\cv...~- ~IY comf:1jllllioTl expire!\ \ ~.- I"" ,19'E~ Witnc!\!\ my hand and o(fic;BI.~enl. .~ \ \ \~. ~ ...1 ___~~~~lli~' ~" ~--~:;,p,,,,, \ 120 LINCOLN 5111((1, Sun'E WlJr OENVEft. COLOlIAOO 10203 r No. got. R^Rr.AI~ A."lll !'lAI.F. Ilf.ED.-.!lI_llllory "orm._Bradford t'u~lj.h'nll:' e., ,~:. Il. M~~" ! ~Io""""., ~" ~n~I' _, ,,", ~,,_~,."n ~.H -"_. Ill. _. .-,-~. ~.._.,..-