HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (076) '""''''::L ~,>;i:-';' 101.' 514 Tms DEED. Made tbU 1 at h 4aJ' of 1\.u gu ~ t In the year of. OQr Lord one thoUllllld nlDe hllJlllred end betweell James 3. S.. Goyc .J:: J:,I... ".; <to' .t.L1. "-'Y-v~^ t I t of tha Ci ty & Count)- of Den v e r aJUI State of Colorado, of tM fJrat; part, ail fhe '':ounty of Jeffer::,otl, a body corporate dnd ~ poli tic __.. of the C<>!!!ltyof Jefferson -- State of Colorado, of the _nd part: I WITNESSETH, That tbe said part Y of tha flm put, for ad in collllideratioD of the ~ of Ten (:nOJ!C) oollars and other valuable considerations- - oot+Aas.- to the eald pUt ;' of the first part In hand paid bJ' the Hid ~ . y . of tbe seeond part, the ~' ipt whereot ia bereby eoJlfe8aed and acknowledged, ba s granted; blaraalaed, IOlol and conveyed, and bJ' these presents do e c, grant. bargain. aell, convey and confirm, lIDto the ..l4part y of the lleeond part, ls heirs and asalgns forever, al\ tbe following described lot or parcel of land, 8ituate. lying and !being In the Count}" of J", f f 2 I :; :);, and Stahl of Colorado. lio-wit: Commen:h:i_ aT a point :/hich is 18:',::; feet South of the N") corner of the U:;:1.., Sf? ..-~ion '~=, :CVlflS~ip ~ :Jou!h, ;~:~r~_(' C~q ':I'est, ,irLicl~ ;'oin 1..:. on 'rL~ :-5 ~:e:, f;l~ li_'le of said Sc<-"~i();"'l; thence East. 2n,~ p2ral1pl <lith tr':c : .Jr h ;,('U!l' ary lint:: of 3~i~ ~f:i_: ...ion 25 feet; -::ne'~:i(: 301):h an parallel i_h ~1~!(7 '~cn'er line of said Ser:tion 2.~5 feet tc ~:ne 1'-':Jr-ir hcunoar"; l.~_~!,:'; cL ,:t~.,,;_ '''~7'1~ ~.\fE'nijt:;, f0rr;leTl~j ~'J'iCi;:"! as the- :,ld Cl.~rr. ..:::=~ -snJ ......L;fFc,~.. ,();'. il.'/cnu:~; 4)-.(:!nre -;Je~ (.rly cIon he t,JJr~L . CL::-i .; . ~_1:1~ o~ -~ ~ i (' , r r-- . ~ ~ :, ~ l\ \,' C n u e 0 t n c no i nl- ','h ere ..t.h € ;'.0 I -:.1 L l ~ i '- ~~: 1 i, n e 0 f t-:::. -:r~ ,....vrflue in,pI";;'2'.....s tl.~ f~n'Qr line of "",~'..-.. i'1; +_hcnc"C' Gr',~~; J1.0;'J.. ~r,0 c:en'cr li:1L of sa'~'~: '-e'-;ion ~ ~~ ~~'::("'~1 c--Jc;r'c, c~r 1[:(:;,.-,) C 1J-lt.: "',oi~!, of L:c Innin ; for roa.~; 'ay purpo:,e".;. TOGETHER with an and 8ingular the hereditamenta and appnnenanees thereto belonging, or in anywi8e appertaining. and the reverelon and reversiona. remainder and r..maindere. Tente, ia8uee and profits thereof; ~nd all the estate. right. title. interest. cleim and demand whatsoever of the SAid part , , of the first part. either in law Or equity. of, in and to the above bargained premlaes. with the bereditaments and appurtenance.. 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County of ~Teffc:r.,on -ames 8. C. I<oyli, int.liv1'uall ". ..... ;. ...., .~"r~.'natrumcn: waa.ackll?wle~ed before PIe thla ,~!!. dIIJ lit ~., I' ~ '" ".,D.I0~~"'~..k{Ia:]1;:.s 7i~ .....E<(T"i.:. U\Cf"'O~C ~\,l:rV~.vUV;J heir of 'v'!ola R. Bov, . :.:,~')n~.~}~"'~~>:driIi_9()mUll" ra '.0 r 0: Lne. ' III . WIt.D_ IIIJ bancllllld affIaIaI..... &~ ".~'...t~1'~'~ f ~lnlJ It. !'()~ .'l; r:ll"lu James r:. C. Boyd, indlvidual1y. , -.'," [""' . ,.. ()~- ~.-.. ".r, .1..),. ..J 1/.'.) ""'"/7 _11111'. _ ...~, Nu. en. ,...~ _""-hI ,_"",~Ia~ -B..."..rol.llOl1I~'~, Co., lit'"' ~1iujolI"1Al!.111~"" ..,.,.. '~!;', I I I )c~ ~, , ~.'~ iij ':i!i] .~ ""..~ c'.'~ ~2Illi~ .~~ -~ ~ ~,,~iI -~i ,;i -~.;~ j~ ~~ .;]1\1 ..~ -,;:1 ~~~ ,., j, '~~ ---~~ ;~~ ')'>~ 1 :~ ,,,",,, ~~ ~ ~"" .:'-"i'!l ")l',.j ,~ ._,,~"D ~~ ...~ .~ ~~ i 'I -'i1 ~ ~;:~ :,~ >.1'~ -~ ,j ;~ :JJ :':':1 "dl 'III! :1 "~;i T'l;'j'fltf~' ., 1 !Nr . , i !f. "~11'..:,11" .~' , : : Iii 1\ i j 1 ! ~. i I ;J \~ I 1 I i~1 i 'j I ~tJ II i i II ~T ! 1 \ :;~""d';f~;~f 'f;;~-ti';:>0"i i'l :.Iii ,r:1'Ii!. V!' , ,', i ,~~II;;- ; j! J.' ..~", I i ~ ~f ":~i ! lq,i, "~., J ' :: : -7",~::r ..1!Ij il ; "o:..:"...Cl ,0' .. . :; ...."... -.... 0 j ~'~ ~i "ro ; l ~. g' rSi :~ t P', I: f.. 1"lz'8 'II, . ;~i~,:2 , !:i if f:! .r ! ~ ~" "1'1, ;"'(!.. ,,:. J r j I I o-i o. i1~1 11011 II II 101'7 " , .. ", '1;" c"ed is {~~.: or T~. Within 4eed il'J :;"'c~p:o:d this JC ";II--- . - da, cr--~!-/y"~,:':'~':'::-~-_~'_.lJ5~.. e... .-,~,_~___.. BOARD OF CaUNT'! COY.lm:;:-,; ~ r ' ..: -:" t." JEFFERSON CGlJtl'l'Y. COLO;1I., " BY_~~~))i,_.,U-.u~-, "L- Ct-OJ irn:~r, I.J~>-~ .i';', _.... f ; L/..-H'Jol-OiC \.;"lr/;HISSION .. ~..;" -,..",,_,,' ~_;::;'z.~;~_,~", r>Y ~l~_=___.. --_/.~___. -n~k....._--- Chairllan If