HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (086) ~'Jed ~t r,~C~Dllon No. 11L\no~]1Ilm1Bg~~EsmtsC {![hat It or -iJot~ MELROSE w. DAVIS,RONALD T. DAVIS, KENT O. DAVIS, KEITH D. DAVIS, AND JOHN R. DAVISt JR., dOing business as DAVIS BROTHERS FLORISTS {';).. ,I r;f~ , ., o'clock_.M. 19_. 1602 477 ., the Grantor or Grantors, of the and Counl~ of Je f fer son ,and Slole 01 Co lor ado for and on cons,dera"an of the sum of TE N DOLLARS and other good and va luoble considerations to the saId Grantor or Grantors In hand po,d, !he receipt whereat IS hereb~ confessed and acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and conveyed. and by these presents do hereby GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto The Department of Highways~ State of Colorado. Grontee"ts successors and oss'gns forever, the following real propert~ situate ,n the and County Of Jefferson and State at Colorado, to..wit' Section 1 sq. ft. A Iract or parcel of land, N0312 of Grantee.s Project No I 70-3(8)268 containing 133,501.0 -- more or less, in the NI-I\; of Section 22, Township' 3 South, Range 69 We'st, of the Sixth Principal Neridi8n, in Jefferson County, Colorado, saidtract or p"rcel being more particularly des~ribed ~s follows: Beginning ?t " point, which is S. 00 22' E. ~ distance of 361.0 feet, "nd N. S9D 38' E. " dist~nce of 60.0 feet from the NW corner of Section 22, T, 3 S., R. 69 W.; l. Thence N. 0" 22 t \-1. n dist"nl'e of 111.0 feet; ~ . Tnence N. 100 56 r 30" E. a distance of 102.0 feet; J. Thence N. 320 ()? I E. a dist'lnce of 587.5 feet; 4. Thence " R7D 2n1 3011 E ~ distance of 340.3 feet; ".'. 5. Thence S. 310 25' 30" E. e distance of 298.6 feet; n. Thence N. 00 22' W. a distDnce of 100.0 feet to the north line of Sec cion 22, S. Thence S. 00 22' E. nlong the west line of Section F distance of 361.0 feet; C- c::: - ::z: ~ .~, ~ , ? N f'- :.:;;.... l..J ~ ~-..! ~ C> '.~-.~~ -.:.:' ~, J c;n -n c...-> " 22 .' c..o l CO ..r:. W b. -.. 7. Thence S. 890 51' 30" W. "long the north :ine of Section 22, ~ disc~nce of 1,297.3 feet to the NW ~orner of Section 22; q. Thence N. 890 38' E. R distance of 60.0 feet, more or less, to the pOlnt of beginning. The ~bove described p.,rcel cont~ins 133,501.0 sq. ft., more or less, Dr which ]0,330.0 sq. ft. ~re in the right of W?y of the present ro~d. ALSO A tr~ct or p.1rcel or l~nd No. 312,\ of Colorado Dept. of Highways' project No. I 70-3(8)268 Set tion 1 cont~ining 99,244.0 sq. [t., more or less, in the NWt uf Section 22, To\.mship 3 South, Rnnr,e '1':1 wesl, of llu,: :;~^L:i r'ri;~~ii'~1 ~!erj(H'," in Jefferson I County, Culu[.IJ0, 5,iid t:r"'ct G:"" p.,rrpl bping more fl:trti..c:ul,'1rly des{'ribcrl ;-H:' f()llows~ I . , i\eginnin?, ilt .., point \",hit ':\ ih N. ~~90 51' 30" E. ::10ng the norlh li.ne of Sect ion 22 .' dist: nce of ],347.3 feet .'nd S. 00 22' E. .1 diRt:mce of 107.6 feet from lh" NW corner 01 o.JC, i_iv., ~~, T. ~;:: .<;;q W 1. Then! e S. 81025' 30" E. n dist..m~e of 642.8 feet ~0 the p1~t propert' line; l. Thence N. 00 ;'2' 1.1. n]ong [he e<lAt property line n di.L,,,,,e of '()'i,0 f~et to t.ne north line of Se{'tion 22; 1. Thpn,e S. flQo 'i1' ,0" W. ~lon~ the no..-" line "f Ser-j"n 2? " di!SL.....nrp {"\f (.,,1'1.0 teet; L .._J ~G02 478' I " r " ,4~'" ~ T .,~. , 4. '1'bent;:. S. O. 22',1. . dbt.ne. ~f 101.6 f!let.. lIDO or 1.... .to t. .JM)1nt of b.,t_ta,. The abow .....eribed ,.rc.l containa 99a244.0 aq. ft., ~e or k... ?:"f"," \-~t;~ '1 'f. ,~~: '.'~tI,:....' '.< ~. .h',;, :;.'.::I:.f..,. !;;::. "~,,. *~m \\li I r ~1i ~ ~l~ .~ '1; I '.'...'.:.'.:I.....Jl1'. :1- '! I", .;:~ l!~ :..'1tJ ,) i~ :;i <.~ ~~:; . ii r" :"j " .. <'fJ~ ":1!1 i~ ~.~I .:Ij f.~ j"tJ ;:m .~ TOGETHER with 011 and sinoular the hereditamtlnls and appurtenances thereunto belonoino, 01 in ailywise appertainino,andlhe rever- Sion and reverslQlls, remainder and remainders, ..ntl, issues and profita thereof; and alllhe estate, riOht, title, interest, claim and demand whalsoever of the SOld GRintor 01 Grantorl, either in low or equity, of, in and to the above boIqained premises, wilh the hereditamenls and the appurtenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the soid premises above ba'llained and de~eribed, with !he appurtenances, unto !he said Granlee and its successors and ossiQns f'~e_, And the said Grantor or Grontv. _, for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, do C<l\/IlI1lInt, granl, bargain and agree to an,1 with the Said Grantee and its successors and assigns, that at Ihe fime of the e,ecutian Dnd delivery of Ihese presenls, they we", wail seized of the premises above COIlve;'ed, os of CJOod,sure, petfect,obsolule and indef_ible estate of inheritance, in low, in Fee Simple, and hod Qood riQht, full power and lawful authority to Qrant, bargain, sell and convey Ihe some in the mannetand form aforesaid, ,hat thesamearel!"ll8 and clear from 011 other Qronls, barQoins, soles, liens, taxes,olselamenll and encumbrances of what.. ever kind or nature soever, by,throuQR or under lhe Granlor or Grantors; that the soid Grantor or Grantors will WARRANT AND ~OR~VER. OF.FFND the obeve baraoined premislS in Ihe quiet and peaceable possession of the said Grantae, and its successors 'and assiQns, against all and every person or persons lawfuiiy cloiming or to cluim the whole Of any pa'l the'eof, by, ''''0'-''1' '" under I '" ";,",".,,, ~ G".~. ~ I 1602 47!) _W~'L_ _ A.D.,19ll IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grcnlor or Granlors hove hereunlo sel their hands this~' 4T H day of R~ County of '--~ \::,~.....o~ .....,..\\\:.."~.!"",. ~ .:;' r ... _ (\..'/"1,.1 . ::...<("..J. ...........~. .....;I~ ... .. .. ." ~ ::~~.:> ..~: "th_e .,fare~~nstrumenl was acknowledged before me this \II."t'Ia... day of .~~ ~ "..::". ~';f ~1EL:.~!&rw..,p-.wlS, ~I)I,'\LD T, DAVIS,KENT 0, DAVIS, KEITH D, DAiIS, ,-\NO "0 u>" 1', t.:::: ~ ....\~ .,"(,,]_1 {\,,i · = . "O~:",L;m, !t-. tl~5.i Jr., cOln.' business oS DAVIS BROTHERS FLORISTS '" ,,-.. .,,).. "'/ n{.1fl'f -(flY hand ana 0fficial Seal, ~II/~, CO ,\.' " '....!Ju,,,,, My CommiSSion Expires: ~ 4~ ~'(, "",, lc.lc SiQned in Ihe presence of -- / J:d4.:a.~ ~IS, JR , STATE OL__~--<::L ~ " >. ~ l:l.." I\v DAV~TSW MEIR~E W. DAVIS ~ . '\.a{\~J rr 0J.i1~ R~~ T. ~AVIS 1 ~7I f/- / <'(c_ ~V;'/TO - Z~'L' ~~ EITH D. DAVIS ~ ss. STATE OF_. ~~5:u,~~~r. Nota.y Public 't.-\'fll~,I\.\, and County of n. __n_____ ---- }ss The foregoing instrument wos acknowledged before me this b,!__._ WITNESS my hcnd and Official Seal, My Commisslall Expires.~ ~HI ] ~~i II.~ I~ II fipf ; al~ ~I !I J,I I~ I ....:p , ~ =1 _ r-I "Jlf.<~~-~~ ~.~!~ 0 ~ ~22^~;;: I~~I~~~I ~ ~ ~~ g: ~ H .~~: ;&:;:;: Cl z '" Ul t;-~ ~ ~o5~~ I ~o ~o ~~I JJ ~ ".1.... ':I~ u- p--; :r.: ~ tr.IO ~~~.~&: t]~ .... 0.. I - ~ I ~-gll I o ~~u I i-- V 0 '0 I] ~ j ~~ ~ ~ <1.i ~ lL day of_ ( , 19.Jo.....q ,19__. Natar, Pl,lbl Ie ~ t r z c~ ~.g 8 g d t ~~ ~;f =:si! IV'" oi; '0 i :Ill 0 g I ~ ~ ~ ~- ~fE J.~ C fl.5 c: is t .t ~ 1.- .....E a ~ ~ " ~.!~ ~~l! ~;,1 .. :2":;! l,g ~ ~ :_~';::bl~' .EiitlEll Inl I I I II I ! Ii ~ i I I i ~ ~ "Ii ~ ! ~, j ~ I,! ! ~ }'iJl ~ I ~ 511l 5 ~ r~ -. ~ I ~ !t.G~