HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (102) IItOW P'OflIlllIWO Jt Record, d at ...........,. ~ O'dock_.M. 19_. ........... 1Kno~]IIlm~~-5~~6ffit5 ~t '1, ot' ~$. N. c. uaTOIl and ELIZAIlE'l'B H. U1TON the Gran'Of Of Grantors.. of the o~ County of Jefferlon ,ond Stat. of Colorado tor and in cons)d.rotion of the sum at TEN OOLLARS ond other oood ond valuabl. COflsid.rottons to 1M totd Grantor Of Grantors in hand paid, thl r'':'Iipl .herIot is hereby contnMd and oc:know*'9td, ho.,. Oronttd, bof90ined. sold o~ ~. ond by th... ",non" do here., GRANT, BARGAIN, SE:LL AND CONVE:Y unlO The Department of Highways. State of Colorado. Grant.., itslUCCf1SOl'I and OSlN;1ns tOt'Wl'f, the tollowino rwal property situate In thI ond County ~ Jefferlem and SloI'I of Colorado. ta-wftl A tract or parcel of land No. 115 of the State De~rtment of Hi&hvay., Divi.lon of Hishw.YI, State of Colorado, Project No. U 044-1(3) Section 2, containina 1,125 aq. ft., aore or lei., i ,", the SWJ,; of the W\ of Section 22, Townlhip 3 South, P~nle 69 Welt, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jeffer- Ion County, Colorado, laid tract or parcel beins ~r. particularly d'lcrtbed .. follOV11: Besinning at a point on the louth property line which il Ealt, alona the louth line of the NW\ of Sec. 22, a diltance of 45.0 f.,t and North, parall.l with :he weat Itne of the NW\ of Sec. 22, a di.tance of 86.0 f.et fr~ the SY corner of the NW\ of Sec. 22, T. 3 S., R. 69 W.: 1. Thence Weat, alons thl .outh property line, a diatanee of 15.0 feet to the SW property corner: 2. thence North, along the welt property line, a diltance of 75.0 f.lt to the NW property cornlr: ). Thence Ea.t, alonl the north property lioe, a diltance of 15.0 feet: 4. Thence South, parallel with the weat proparty line, a diltance of 75.0 feet, .are or le.I, to the polnt of blsinaiag. The above d~leri~.~ r~T~.l ~n"t.1". 'J'2~ .~.ft., ~. nr t.... i ~ t" F .~o ~ ~~2> ..... .- ...,. M ~ nf9'll<' .... Co) ,..<n... .. ~~ x" ~'tN ..., N ~ ~, :: ... ",r W ... ~r t.l ~ no" 0'1 I- " n;:'J ",... - ogt; ..t>. ~ .... .... :II: z t.l " 2113 . 3 ,- xxxxxxxx Ito. ,0_JtO St Il....1 21:i3 4"'" SIl~n.<1 in the p'tH11ce of 0'L0/U./~ II C. UIlTOll Ejl'aid In U~n ~!TIl II. UIlTOIl STATE of_C--lp-r..a c/Q _j ---~~4>u"'10fJ €ff~rSPt7n. ~... ."'~""s~~~~ ~,^,\..HJllA-" .... /~bI-_ f .($~.,.''l1i. ... }""!'o.,.os "'_".0'. "'oro me "os /~~~fn.~...... ~ .'. ~.:::: _', ..~, 'fJ ., ~~'. ..IWWIEIIlK.. UI.TOlI iW',r.." - - ;:.:~J tl ~',..'. ,":1 v.ifio ...... 19_.69., and Officiol Seal, 't~'__""_"'I.!?' STATE QF___ n~ }.. .__ond County 01 The 10r'QOlf'IQ Instrument was OCknowled9fd b.,ore m. .this__doy of______ __, 19_ _ . by~____,_~ _ ___ I I ------.----- J ...." ~lIljoe: ----------- -----.--- 1~--1 ~ . I I J I ~ i j I I I .111 i ~ Pil! a ; !hl ~ I =.I.T,.NESS, my hand and Officio! S,ol, ~mn'llS'ton Expir.':___________ ~ ~ ~~~ I -r 0 u .. '" J,I.l .. Q., I ,.; t/) D 'J! u ~ .. \ , . a., ~ . H IJ~ r 1 0 l8~ d :21 H.~ .:~ ~~ J~~ ~ I. j.... ~ ~ I'.~ J~ ~~!ShC~ :3 l!\ I !~~ ...Ii lilt/) ... I zJJ'lSJU !5 ~ ~lit!H j 1 ! .. ! 2113 4