HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (103) .L..-_ _ ~ ~"1)"'- '.,'n ;) .:r,V",!:.-,:;,~;.:,._.- ~......._.'.. ~ --- __~-~;I . d '1.::FLL:J. . ~, ~\~:q;:;i'h~~L.~:~; ",~" ."If!( ~:4~r '.~,~:;,~;';;'::"'.':1' . ~ ~~O((j.d-O~=#.~:~O-:!.fOCkF~~-.jJ,UG -7 1459 19 J i ()I~ ../ ' l .. ._......~~~llg~E~JPr~t5 ~__=-.::.~...;.~.L'](I- ~~t..~~_-'-- _ \ .:: _ 'lL--nAl- >JI.~ VI- 'IUJ., ~- - ~ .-'~ J6HN- Ih--YRBAN AND JOAN A. WEAN ~ -~- ~- ttTe- Granlor or Grantors, ~ ]- , 'I '. " :. of the ,and .County of Jefferson. and Slatt of Colorado _for and in canslderotio"- of the .urn of TEN DOLLARS and othtr 0000 and vo luable considerations Iothe soid Grantor or Grantors in hand .poid, Ihe receipl whereof i. hertby conf.lled and ocknowltd~td. hove ~ronled, bargained, sold and cOllveyftd. and by these presents 0 here GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unto , The- Department of -Highways, -State of Colorado, Grantee, its successors and assigns fore_, th. 10110win~ real property siluale in Ihe .and County of and Stole of Colarcdo, 10..wit: -" ----~ ------- sq. ft. ~ A troct 0< porcel of land, No. 39 of Grantee's Project No. C ll-005p.-07 containing 10,500.0 more or less, in Williams Subdivision in the NEE of Sec. 22, T. 3 S., R. 69 1'1., of the-- Sixth P.M., in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more partictuarly described ~s follows: .t -!-. Lot Two (2), Williams/SubdivisiOn. l. , i~ The abo"e. descri hp.rl pil.r:cel...QQD~1il_n~_lO..2?~~_ sq. ft., more or less. .4~.-.- ~-----------~ [' / - ..~. -:t~ ...--- - I 1"- , I- I /' --""'- ~-'--- r - ~ - " / " ~. ./" . "" -- --- - -- . ~--- ':i 1212 41 "I reG ETH E R with 011 and slnQu lor the hereQitoments and appurtenances lI'\eI"eunto belorlQinQ, Of in Mywi.. a~rlai~,.and!hi rt~.r~.___ .ioA-~Si-F.majndet< and remainders, ",nl., issue. and' p<afits-therlO~.Ot'ld'oll tMeslole, righi, lille, Inter..t,clatm and demand ~ho\soe_ al fha.soid Grontor,or Grontors,either in law or equity, 01, lo_ancHt> Ihe obolie borQOlned premises, with the..heredltamem and the appurtencincfi. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Iha said pramisas abo~e borQained and described, wilh the appurtenances, unto tbe IIQld-Grontee and its' su<;ciisSO~'OooMsi'Qns fore~er-Md lne said Grantor or Grantors, f1lrTnemsel~es, their heirs, executors and odmlnlstratonl, do- COYtI"oOf\t, gront, bargain and -OQree to and wiih the sOld GroQtee ond ils successors ond assiQns, that at the time of the execution and deli~ery of Ihese presents, they were well salzadof Ihe memlses above conve.yed..os.afgoad,sure,perlegt,ob~lule'.and indef8(JSible estate of loherl1~ In low, in Fee Simple, and had good righI, full powe, and lawlul authority to grant, bargain, sel.l and con~ey the .ame In II>1(~onner<ltld form afcnsOO; that the S(\f1)8 o/tllree and clear from 011 olher gront~rgoins, soles. liens. taxes, OSS8$sment~ and encumbrance. ~f -'W.hol- a~er lIinll or -nature loever, by, tnrouQh or under Ihe Gronlor or Grantors; Ihol the said' .Gr-<ln1DL!l[ GrllnlOIS will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND lhe -abo'~borgalned premises in the quiet and ~aceab\e posstl}sis>n at lhe said Granl.., and ila aucceuan and aSliQnl, against all and .~ery person or persons lawfully Claiming or to cloi m tne whole or any_part thereal, by,lhrauQh 01" under the said Grantor or Gronlors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Ihe said Grantor Or Gronlors hQve hereunto set their hands this 24 ~==aoy-of f- /) ( , <J - ~>' AD,19~. ;//( / ~ / I ( SiQn.d '" Jhe presence of - ---~-_._-_. . (. 1- STATE OF / / - ,/ ,/ c- -----1" Cou nl y of - . '.,.--"--{ L -S.. .c "" L-.-- ~~ -~---------,---..~ -- ----.,-.--- on~ " ~e~.i9~el}ol/'9 lnstrumenf was acknowledged before me thIS .... ' " \ . ..) " 1'ln.'~) D IL~' T P- \ /-b,. ......."..,'f\J>::\. -'-'-~_'-"- ~~) JLA: A. dl.oK + ~--r--\1'-l.t~\..-- -:-:.....:c --:. _ (~.:_ \'.' \ J ", .,~-: low _...;r, ~_'~- ; ~ " . tJIT-!(ESS:}!j hond and OffiCial Seal, ,. '\- . - ,~~. :- -, ':":'.' ..' ::'-7 - ';> "to("~>. M;i~n'.riI(tslon (,.plres.: ". I ...... ..- ".I... ,) .F] 1 t!- '" rl<frnrll!1 /.,;::;/ day 01._ ~!..1 / ( '--, --.-'-1--- --- ---, 19 -' --/. '- . ~..l !..-__" L Co.- ~ \, -< ~/ )_ ~ _ ~t-L ~otary PubliC ~- &L: I . .L:: - '-'""-----.;..-~ -l i I I I- I ... .~_o= ",-r^T c ^~ and County of -'~1ss The foregOing InSHumen! was aCKnowledged belore me Ihls day of __ __ e _ __, i9__ by W ITN-Es-5 ---my- tmnd"arriP)ftiC;.lol Seal, My. CGmmiSsion Expires ~-"-----~~ ~ - ;j 1- '~--f --"' W-- ~ ~ ~ ...c::O -JFt . Q'l ""0 i ,\ -; :I: E .l' [( ::; ~~ I) ~..9 w Q tl ., ~8 u ~ 0 ~ 0 g: ! ~ ~ ~ .... {] 0 "0 0 >- ~ " :::0 " V) '3 <3 Cl ...: 8 "0 j ~ - c:S~ u. :3 ~ 0 0 0 ..., ..., Q.) w ~ .- f.! t/) '> I - --~ - ---- ---- i J'lfotory PublIC ~ r~-'~, i .2 .:3 15 : ~ ; ;. j ~ ^ f rJ f '" 1'1 '!5 I i~ II f. l:! I~!d.~ ---~ -~~-c---!-o i-~ 'a !x;A .. 4' Q) c~: ~. ~~1!'i_ ::\'" "Oi ~"O 'i ~ a;~o 5 I~~ ~ ;;~: ~. ~ " J!c :::!-, ClJ - 0 ~ ~ B'-- ~ ~. " ~5' c ~ ~ ~~~~ I-E~ c..;>~liE: ~\,,- ~ l' ~ .. '--.) j~~ ~~~ ClI~j ~~~ .c. " .- 1< ::- ~ :,~~~.Z _i~o1i'~ ?" 1 - '~