HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (105) I ~~o.. roll III NO JI R.cOtd.cl at o'cloC:k_.M. cllllk1n No;J38579 19_. ~ lKtlll~l1Ilmll;g~s~~Esmt5 ([hat ~. Of" bt. JM:X V. IIID 1M ROSABELLE G. IIRD It,. Grantor or Gron!Ol'1., of !h. and County of Jeffer,on ,and 5t(,'t. of Colorad., lor and in C:Orts,d.rolion 0' the sum at TEN DOLLARS and olher qood ot'lcl vohlobl, eonsidflrations to the so.id Gn:If\tOfor Gfaf'lo" in hand paid, the r.c.ipt ...h4tr~t is Mf.by conlused and ocltnC"~'-dqed. hoY't granted, bargained, sold and con....y.d, and by Ihu. pr~,.n!s do h.,.by GRANT, BARGAIN, SEU AND CONVEY unto The Department of Highways. State of Colorado. Granlee, IfSSUCCUSOfS end os~ions f~. the followil\Q real properly situat, in ttle Qnd Countyof Jeffenon ond SIal, of Colorado, la-wit: A tract or parcel of land No. 103 of the State Oe,art..nt of RiCh..y., Divl110n of Hlgh~y., State of Colorado, Project No. U 044-1(3) Section 2, containing 2,250 .q. ft.. sore or Ie,., In the HW% of Section 22, Town.hip 3 South, RauS_ 69 Welt, of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Jefferlon County. Colorado, .aid tract or parcel being more particularly de.cribed I' follo~: BeginnAng at a point on the .outh property line Which i. !alt Ilonl the .outh line of the NW\ of the NW\ of Sec. 22, a di.t.nce of 45.0 leet Ind North,parallel with the velt line of the NW~ 01 Sec. 22. a dl,tlnce of 72.4 feet fro. the SW cornet of the NW\ of the NW\ of Se~. 22. T. 3 S.. R. 69 W.: 1. Thence We.t, along the louth property line. I di.tanee of 15.0 leet to the SW prop.rty eornlr; 2. thenee North. lIons the ...t property line, I dietlnee of 150.0 l..t to the HW property corner; 3. Thence E..t. alan, the north property l1ne. a diatance of 15.0 feet: 4. Thence South. parallel with the ve.t property lln.. I di.tlnce 01 150.0 f..t. .ore or Ie.., to the point of belinnin!. The above de.cribed parcel contllnt 2.250 .q. ft., ..,r. or 1.... .. I' .., i&..:;: r=v.( Co) "'~' ~~'" 0':: :- Co) I :a:c - z:~ ! . p~~ xC; CD ;~ .1\: - -: 7-.: l-O o. U1 ::;IN ~ ~, I~ ~~I'" ~ ~c_ ~ ..... n'" ",>' ~.....!~ .; "'v. et:' ",,,,0 il ;;: I(X_ x "Z' .... 2124 1~'t I ,- i .1%~~,'-- . .",.1~, - 'Lr h'~'" _""___ 1l0"'OIl.."'O It \lfi.f., 2124 189 TOGETHER w\I" oIl and ~1~>l:Of the h@rtejltornentsond (lpp..lrlef'lOr'lCft lhereunlo belonOtflQ,oritl~. oppctrlainrnq.ard!l'Ml! ftW'- "0I'l ond ,......,.SionS. r.momdltf oM.~, ~ ~h. Inun and prefltt: thtreof~ Gl"ld 011 ,twl ",af., "Ohl, 'I'll, in',rest, ctoim and dtmand whOt~ 01 ,he sold Gronlor r:x Gronlor\. ether In low <:ll' eQulty,o{, in ond 'a ,ht above barQail'lfd ,"misM, ",,;Ih the twtedif'ornent$ end the appurTenances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD lhe said prtmiMS above borqained ond ctueribed, ",~h the QWur1enonces, unto the SOtd GrontH and its SUl;cessors and OSSiQn\ fOl'Iwe'. W rhe said Gronklr 01 GronlOfs., 'Of IhemS.I,,",rheif het"-, b..Cu.....", and odmmistrotors" do covront. Ql'onl. boroi"'tn O"d 0Qr" 10 Ol'Id with Iht wid Gronlee and lIS i'JCCtSSOrs and OS'Ions, Ihol ollhe lime 01 'he ~eculiOl"o and delivery at thtu pfUfnh.. thty ""re.....ell )tIled 01 the premisn abOve conveyed, os of QOOd,sure, perlecl.obSOlule ond lndeftollb't:"ate of 1~f\'Gl"lC:I., '" low. It\ f'et: Simp_. and hod Qood fiQht, full pOwff and lawful author it)' 10 oront, bOl'Qoln, sell and convly Ih" some In Ihl monl'lll'cn:l fOfm oforesaid; Iho:l th.e:'50:m4l('l'tffM 000 cI,or from all other oranlS. bOfQoins. sottS. htnt.lcles.ossusmtnls and tncumbronus of ....hat- ever kil"ld r:x nalur. toe....r. bJ. throuqt>. or u~ 1M GHmlor Of Grt'ln,ortj thol 'he SOld Gronlo' or Grantors WIll WARRANT ANO FOREvER DEf"END the cbo.,. bO,?oined Pf8l\,ist\ In lhe qUIt' and peaceabll posSI'SSir.... of the said Gran''', and its suec.llors and CSSlqns, ooan'SI ell and evtry person or persons l"wfull'l clQlmll'lQ 0' 10 clolm 111e whOl, Of ony parllhereof, Dv, thrOUQh or unde, Iht SOld Granlor Of Gral'lfors. . A D.. 19 69 ~o 700YOI ~t, 1)// ~ _ liM,K~-:--BlRD . ( f triZ-4-t..,e& _/f ~-u< ROSABELLE G. BIRD IN W1TNESS WHERfOF, S'QnedoO I:'~:' ~ Ihe SOld Granlor or Granlors hove hereunlo $el the,r .I1nds 1n.IS STATEDF 6/or-Ci. dO 1" and Counly ad r/-e.. 0~? \ .~ 1ht lOf&QOlf'lQ 'nstr :T'l. 'II was oclmowt.dQ.d b.fore me l'ruJO ""v 01 J~!:t .1969 . by JACK II. BIRD 6. ROSABELLE C. BIRD I ;. 1 ~.~,~~~, WITNESS my hand and OffiCIal 'Seal, My CommIssion u:~Ye1?m!",I"lonlxPltft.o.c. 5.1'70 _al'\d Co\lr.1:to1 }.. STA'TE Of' The rafllooinq inslrumenl was oekno"'lledQ41d b.tOl'p mt lI'u, day of _.,19