HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (111) \ I \ \ I \ I , I ...".,....,... iJ . to. :>-= ,. r-- 'J en l,e: - I' ('l \t'') ~ <~ V I ~)I." , lr~' " ~ i C. -, . <!.l .1:! ;~ 8 '11 w.."..,...v# I \ 4" lWcorded .\...,. ~~tlon NG .o'c1oek..,..,....,.lI.. "-..~-r.._....__.__...-.._..-_.. .......s.... 2nd da, of Jlnuary ,1070, Tn1!' DF-En. ?thdfl &-hi" btot"tl'f't'ft ElXlENE J. PCUGHERT1 and LaVAOOllNE D<OOllERT1 of the CounLJ 01 Colorado, or the tint part. .net Jetter.on and 8Lat. 01 JAMES I\AAll and MARTA I\AAll of the Count, or Jetter.on Colont<lo, of lhe .......s port: .ndl.... 01 'ILlNIl "TAMr .. i" ., 1,=5 ;:Z(;'\~ f M-4'~ Co) Xc> .... c!::" I n"'''' z'" (Tl ..... C> x~ \:.... to - -< :~~ ... 0, ,;:Ic." .. ...... "'" i~r 5 n::-- ~ ....... M :'l: ;i 0< . ,. iCi: 0 WIT1IR88Jn'H. that thf' ulJ part, at the nrtl pan. tor and In ton.lderatlon of th. pm ." FORTI THOUSAKD AND NO/1OOth. ------.---.---.---.------------------------ DOLLARI ""'.. .....L............. ... to lhe ..14 ..'., oflhe llral p.rU" hol\4..W b1lho aol.l po.u.. of tho __ po", lIIo neelpt srhoroof Ia horoIt7 __ 0IId ackllOlrlodpl, .... craa..... he"'-. ..14 and ....ft7Od. and by th_ _to d_ "...~ he......., ..II, ......, Ind <OtIIIrm .... lho ..w partlao of _ PO'" their heln and ..Ipi forner, aot In teDaDt7 ba eo1IlftlOlt ht In Joint teDaftq, .n the ,onowl.... cIewrIbed lot or parcel of Ian4. .Ituaw. bin, and b.lna In tlw Coualy 01 Jetter.on and Slaw 01 Co!orado. to wit: A part of the SouthtUlst one-quartur of the Southv:ust one-qunrt',r of the Northwest one-quarter of S<:ction 22, Tovmship 3 South, Ran5e 69 TIest of thp. 6th P. M. described as follows: Dcginnin5 at a point on the ~outh line of the County Road known as North Golden Road (now knovm as West 41th ^venue) which is 410 :feet llest of the $st 11ne of said Southeast one~quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter; thence South 396 feet; thence West 124 feet; thence North 396 feet to the South line of said County Road; thence ~st, alon5 said County Road, 124 feet to the point of beg1nninlJ, Tcpther with ooe inch of vater tree Oualette Ditch. .:~, ,- ~'~:~6!, . I 2153 53!). \I J.l1I 5~ Y232 . . ,I \ III 0.003.50 I 0.004.00 1 0.007.50.T \ " T()(;F.TIIRn wlt.h all and "lnKUlar \h.. henodl\.llmt"nh and .ppurt.nant't'1 th....unto bfolonlinl. or In anywl.. appertalnln. and Ih, rewnfon and mInion.. nmalnd.r and t'lmalndpn, "ntl. I..u.. and pfGm. thet'POt; and .n the ntA,tt', richt. title. Int.rat. claim. aM deman4 "uUOn" of u., ..14 PI", of the nnt put. .Ither In la. or flIultT. ct, In and to lb, ahoY, Nrplntd pnmlHt, with u.. htrHltamm'- and IPPUrWnaneft. TO UA VB AND TO HOLD the ...Id pf'ftl\lMt .bcft. barwa'''" and 4Hmbed. wIth tM .pplIrt4nlan~.. unto tM "aid 'Int.. of lb. at'C'ond pert. &hell' bell"l and ...ll'IIIlot",r. And the ..Id part, of the tint part, tGJ' hlm.lI. M. h.lra. uee1Iton, and MlIl1nlstnton. don eoY8DUt. crane.. bvp,In ..1\4 ....... to an4 whb the ..ki partin of th. Meond pan. &bell' "'Irs and --lcna, Uaat It Use tbat 01 the ....11"1 aDd "Imr, 01 "'.. pmenta. h. I. WIll ..bed of the p",miNI abo... eonft7td, .. of roocI. IUft, perl,,", lNolate and I_l..nal. ..tate of h\h4rltane., In law, 1n ," .Imp}., u4 hu pod rlpto full pown d(f lawtul..th:oritr to crant. bup1n...n and toftn)' t~ ..me ill mMntr and form atonlAld, and th.' the lUll. .... lne .... clear froM all 10""' and odwr panta~ .......11\8. .,.... ".... ta.... .......ttlU aMi -..nIDlbraatn of .ha.....,., kind or nataN ......,.. except pneral taxe. tar the :rear 1969 PII:reble 1n 1970 and .ub.equent :rear.; ",d .ubject to any tax or a...... IlInt 1:17 rellon or the lnclu.l1on or the IUbject property in Arva4a Fire Protect1on D1.tr1ct, Clear Creek Vllley Wlter end 8en1tation D1.trict, Valley Water D1.trlct and Pro.pact Recreet10n D1.tr1ct; aDd tho __ bueNMd ........ I. tho ..1ft aa4 -"Ie ~.. of tho ... ..rtIoo of tho -.I ...... tho - 01 Ill-. _ _I.'.. aDd tho lloIn aa4 ....... of _h 111m..,. ap!plln aDd ....., _ OJ' _ ..wfoIl7 ~ OJ' .. doho tho ....... or uq ..rt _. tho .... JlDrt7 of tho tint port IhaI1 aDd srlII W AIUlANT AND FOaEVER DEFEND. T1lo ......... ....bor "'"II "'.10.10 tho .1...1. tho .Iuraltho .....r, aDd lilt ... of.., ....,.r ahall be Ippllcoble .. an ....so... IN WITNUI WHEREOF tho .... party of tho n..\ part.... 110...... "" hit haM Ind _I tho day aDd "or nrot I..... _. -~. 'j L.- ] ~~~frIZALJ -..............-.......................................-........................ r.a'~...~ii'~... ....T:.+-.rSZALJ ........................................-...........-.......................... #.IJ~.....P...~:9.rSa:ALJ 1- aT A Ta: OF COLORADO. Coa\t" Jetter.on f........ ..._ .... IC_*,," w_ _ IhIt 2nd lu&ene J. DoIIllberty and LaV....,..... Il<N&berty. 1;). - JII1U&1T ,1.10 da,,, I)... . 1C2..!:l-: WI_ ., haM aDd ottlelal ttoI. _......~~. -......-.--...... ......- .J .............-..____..........___._..... 215:l ~.r::-""'" .....~-~~...... III !T...~-.".,........... -..:.:-"~ ~..-:-~..c:: .t.:..~.~A4......,~'lr:..I~ .- 11 i ,~i~~~~}, 21 a ~)3 1 " 'I I i I I I' ! . I, I: 5~" It !