HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (137) "'O"WIrjOU'. ...'... -~,. , RECEPTION NO. 8~01961~ 03/05/0~ 10135 6.00 RECORDED IN C~UNTY OF JEFFERSON SlAlE or COLORADO Recorded af OClock_.M. ! ~ R!CeD!ion No. I I ! 1Kno~JlmJB~1JMS~'frGmt5 ([hat 11. Or" ~e, j,. EXXO!i CORPORATIO:\, A ~ew Jersey Corporation the Granlor or GrCJn1orS, of the and Coun!y of Jefferson . and Slate of Colorado for ond In cOrlSldero1lon of lhe sum of TEN OOLLARS and other QOod and valuable considerations 10 the said Grantor or Grantors 10 hand paId, the recelp! whereof IS hereby confessed and ocknowled(Jed. hove (Jran1ed. bafQained, sold and conveyed, and by these prestn" do he"by GRANT, BARGAIN, SELL AND CONVEY unlo STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of Colorado !he Grcntee, ~s succ...ors ond aesions lorev.r, Ih.loll""ing real proporty, lltuated In !he County 01 J e f f e rson and Stal. 01 Colorado, lo-wit A tract or parcel of land No.8 of the State Department of liighways, Division of Highways, State of Colorado, Project No. IR 70-3(135) containing 3,826 sq. ft., more or less, in the ~~ 1/4 of the ~~ 1/4 of Section 22, Township 3 South, Range 69 Wesc, of the Sixth PrinCipal Meridian, in Jefferson County, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularly described 38 follows: Beginning at a point on the east prop~rty lin~, [rom which the NW corner of said See, 22 bears N. 350 27' 00" W., a distance of 354.8 feet; 1. Thence along the arc of a curve to the ri~ht havloll. a radi.u!'> of 42. .J [el't, a di~tance ,)f 25.9/~ feet (the chord of this ;]rc bears S. 7j'" 33' 30" 1,.,'., ,il distance uf 25,1) feet)i 2 'n\eIlC~ S. W::lQ 15' 00111,.1., a distance of 37.() f~l~lj w w u..; >-' ~\.;:; .....--' ~~ ::!; ." II l i3Si~. 5;~ ~~ :.Il. 3. .~,\!nce X. ~7'" 1)' (~)" \oJ., a distance of 82.2 feet, to t.he cast right uf WJY lin~ of KJPI.l:\{; ST. (~ay, 1983), said line alo..;o heing parallel with, and. 60 feet east of, the west line of said Sec. 22; 4. Thence S. 000 22' 00" E. along said cast right of way Ilne, a distance of 29.0 feet, to the south property line, said line nloo being parallel with the north line of said Sec. 22; :, . Thence !~ of I/d.9 p.1r.111 el 890 51' JOIl E. alon~ said south property line, a dIstance feet, to said eaRt property line, said line alHo l)eing with the west line of said Sec. 22; ',. i1H.:nce S. OOQ 22' 00" W. along said ea~t property J JlIc. a diHlanc:e of 33.3 feel, more or less, to the point of begJnninK, The ab',lve de~cribl!d parcel contains 31826 6Q. ft.1 more or l(~~H. ';1Ie ,'If orement toned p rope rt y 1 ines are as dest. r 1 bed hy that Je.l.'d in Book 1 hBO 1 P~~e JOJ r~corded irl the Clerk and Recorder's Office of .JefferH(ln r;llIJnty. I II ^ II 1~1l1l If) ". .r' , !t,,, ~!.,. -,/ '.',l.d~,l, l'''',I>I,l.,_...,., .'......,L;. ~r.'" ~nlfrnrm I"i~'.l 1,1 W~'I SIott'f)" ~ f _ ~. . ~~--~- I ~~ :.::... ~E ~ w"t- 01\ ond s.n~iJ\Of ~h! nered11ornen1S and oWJ"eoonces lhereunlo be'ong1n9. (y In anywise opperlolnlng,ord th! re...er- ~ 5'0"1 ofld reverslQl"\S, rel""'lQlndef ond remOlnders, rents, Issues ond pfufllS thereof; and olllhe estate, r'Qhl, 11I1e, Inleresl, clOlm and demand ...."'o'soe...er 0' I~e SOtd Grantor or c".Ot'llors, l?1fl'1er In low or eqully, of, in ond 10 Ihe obove bof'QOlned premises, wllh lhe heredllaments and tl'1e o~,'~nces i TO ....AvE Ar~: TO HOLD tM sold premises above bargained and described, With !he appurlenances, unlo lhe sold Gronlee ond Its successor'; and O';s'9"0; fryever And the SOld GronlO' or Grantors, lor themselves, thE'.r heirs, executOfs and administrators, do covenant, Qro'" bo'~otn ~nd oqr~ '0 ond With !l'1e so'd GranteE' ond liS successors and assigns, lhot 01 the time olll'1e ellecullon and delivery cf 'l'1e5P r-reser'S, ''lev WI!'! ....el: seized Of Ir..e premises above c()"lveyed, as of QOOd, sure, ~rfect,obsolule and .rxJefeoslble eS10le of Inl'1erltance, I" low .n ~ S'rT>p1e, ond '1"d 900d fight, lull power and lawful authorlly to 9rant, borgOll', sell and convey the some ",It1e manner O"'ld fy..... ~!'Ye$Ood ''''0' ~r.(' ~ome ore free ond cleor from 011 other Qronts, bofQo.ns, soles, liens, laxts. assessments and encumbrances al wrot- evef ~'n:::l C' nOI'J'e ~oeve', by ~ruO\JQh Of ;nder tM Granlor or Granlors; lhalll'1e !old Granlor or Granlors Will WARRANT AND rOR[V[R CE FEND the above t:>orQalned prt'm'Se5 In the quiet and peaceable possessIon of Il'1e said Grontee, and its successafS. and ossI9"5, :;q:::.rSI ,. or.1 elle'y person or persons lawfully claImIng or to claim Ine whole or any parllhereof, by, through or under ~r1e SOld G,onlo' or :;,onlors 3rd doy oi ....'''t,. 'It( l.,N,E:S'J ,^,~EREI)F', the SOld Gronlor or Grantors hove hereunto sel their hands this / ,.'. .;, I -f"'EB-R.t'ARY ll.f',-:; .J I:' ,- !-~~n~b~~ ~i- A5(}/,'-.:1 i sr;c}iTARY ~ STI>.TE OF TEXAS cod WoO') 01 l\ARR 1 5 ____, AD., 19~._ n - -~~~= ~ ss i Cor?orat i.on I IV" .' ~ ~":Jlr/ief- , I , EXXOl; CORPORATlO:>g{J\ ~ J rsey By: ~ 11 n _ --'AGE~~fY~b~ -,lei - - ..\\\,'."'e':16'r'~JnQ Inslrument was acknowledged before me Ihis__J~doyof_------EEBRUARY .' L 01 ~~-:~!~Alij 1 fJt;'O~ ,1nd L~:ES J '~(j(JREt ACEST A:\D l\TTOR.'\EY-r:--t-FACl and ^SSISTA}l~ , I . .: Ol:;EC.P.[TAf{Y._r~~'p"ctiv~l\', I)f EXXO:\ crJHPOR/\TIn:~ . WLIN~S ..~ ht'Jnd ond OffiCial Seal, , " ',- ,Iilrt:rJm'~'tsSIj)\'1 [':plres S ";'t.T E r.)~ ?"~ ",,') n', 0. /cJ -.)-:1- d'7 ~-- ~ L ,-~,~ }" '1 . r <: /')fl;'1'; r,,; ,.,-" )r'-ll;nl "",as oonO"",ledQed before me 11'115 day of ~.}.f r.....-,rr.rr,'...., ':'(. E.JPHl!':o N 'r,~'=.s "1 ;-,')(.11 '1r,(\()Hiclo1 Seol, ~ ~ ~i ~ ::', (~ ~~ j:2 ~ ;::: ;: 51 -,;-.t- '-:'''~-U ,...Ci ~ ~, ~ ~ 6""" ~ ~ ~ :Zl 0... ~ ~....., ~ ,Vi " ' ~. r 7i. .... ~ ~ >_ z i :~g ~ 1'"7 -1 '.1, I '> 'J ci:> I' IY, rJ .qt. r).' J r'l o '" >:> ~ H ;;i ." "- '" '0> ->, '" >:> ::! ,., w ~ ~ ~ 0 3 .... ;- ~ 'h ~ ~ , 'J /. o Vl"tl :;;';l! ~~ :z:3 2'0 :z:" ...; 0.;;; ....' z~ <oJ . ::f: " ~~ ~:z: 0'0 c: <oJ 0 .... ~ ~> V)Q ~ \ I r, n ., a: o -' 3 ~ o "' ,- ., ,- ,n '0 H I~~ [ ~ ~ 0 t I q~<11'11 (; i"8 : I ~ l ~ 0 "}1 '" I ~ ~:.~ cr - - I ~ .Il_' '<! ~ E S o Il E I c ~ ~{~ I' t{ t!'a '!5f"E ~ ~ 1...)>. 0 " u" I ~:a ~ ~~~~~~f .11 ~ :1 >; ".~ c 3 " c o , .19_84., i)l da-_Y;l-Y 1000'0'7 p."Ohc , 19 No'llf, P"IlI.c ----- ~IT---~- I~ ! 11 II 3 1 II II ~ I II I I ' I "II ii II II I' i! ., i o " ~. ~ ".~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~io ~: ~ ~ i 'i nHi; ~~i~~~ It ~ 't <4 <J f ~~~~E 1 .. I- ! N. ~.- "1 '" 6'" () I II L