HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (142) , I . .! , . ," . " ,.. . .... ., ,I: ~ . I .'t\ 4, \' ....rdod It ~.o!-. ....p\\... N~ s.: __ TJDs DEm, lIadl lIlIo /4 -;n. do, at _ Ann~ A. Edens )I _. ____-.,-,.....~.,,- _iDlil(;';'~. .t lho CooslIi7 of Jefferson ODd Stato of CoIorodo. of \he fln\ \>loft, ODd CITY OF WH,EAT RIDGE, A Colorado Municipal Corporation, o! tho CoantJ of Jefferson () o c: .. ... -< ... ... '" 51~:" ill ~... g ~~ .. -.1 . co _. 1: '" ~ "1 ... '"". M...~ (;.)"'7 ...-<C_ .. "'- ...00 "'...... ...()~ 00... ;i~ n.... ~g~ z ,. November. it 7 2 '" M __ o C".l o c:; '" ....., '" "'" c- UlCI _ of Colorado, of \he ....0Dd _, WJTNlI88BTI[, 'A'bat tho I&Id porty of tho tInt port, tar ODd ta ..oaldo.,.olo. of tho .,.,. of Four Thousand One Hundred and Fifty ($4,150.00)----------- OOr..LAllS to tho oa1d part Y of tho fIrn part In wd pald b7 ..Id part Y of tho ...0Dd V&rt. t"- ....tp\ ..honof Is horob7 eoatoaod "ad ~...s _tad. .....-r..... ODd....,.d,."': b7 _ PI'_ta doeS .......t, borpbl, 001), _ UlCI -.... lUlto \he oold part Y of ... _ put, i u_ ..d _'111 f... _. aD tho toD.,,"'~ _ Iol or _I or Iud,. 01...... ~ .... -. ... tho CooslIi7 of Jefferson .... Stalo at Colorado, to wit. That part of the NEl(, Section 22, Twp. 3 South, Ilange 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as follows: Beginning a~ the SE corner of Lot 180, Clearvale Subdivision said point being the SE corner of said Clearvale Subdivision; ~hence Southwesterl.y along the South boundary of said Clearvale Subdivision 1,077.5 feet; thence South and parallel to the East 1 ine of said NE " a distltnce of 75.0 feet; thence Northeasterly on a line 75 feet South of and parallel to the South boundary of said Clearvale Subdivision a distance of 1,077.5 feet; thence North 75.0 feet to the point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. TOGIlTIIIIIl 'With oJ! Uld ob>coIN 11>0 lmoI'J_ta UlCI _a"'l - tIN_ boblllll<<. or la M;1'Irl.. OPPOrtalnlac. Uld ~.. ........1... Uld __ _bldor llIId .-.I..... _ __ .... JII'ofIta tbo:'lOf. """ aD tho -to, rIcM. U"1o, "'_t. eIolm Uld _ __ of \Ila _ part y of tho fln\ >Arl. 11th.. In la" or oqulli7. of. ... ...d to tho __ .......- --. with lho __.. ODd ....... .~ TO SAVB AND TO BOLD tIwt -.ld __ oboo. w....- .. __ wi. lho .___. unto 1M oa1d pari Y of lho -.I part, it Sh.... UlCI __ t....... ADd Ill. AId party of tIwt fin" port, I for heroll her boIn. ~ ADd _..... do es -'- put, borpbl, ADd ...... ~ lilt with lbo oa1d pari ) of lho _ part, its IMInIllIId....... lIlal at lIla lID.. t4 lho -u.a .... &r\tNrJ II of thllO PrMOllto, is ...u oaIHd t4 tIwt __ __ --" .. of Iuod. ...... ~..t, llIIaol1l1o ADd lDdafoull>la _10 .f --. lD Ja... ta too obIlpla, ..d baS ..,..s rlrbt. I!llI1 _ UMIIo,rh1 audlorltt to .....t, harp"" ..,n ODd .....,. tho __ la mann.. llIId t.... AI ot-sd, ODd 11>&\11>0 __ an troo ...1 olear from. all former aNI other <<ran"', barp1na. IIJ.., lieu, tu.., ........." IDd fGCfllmbraDc.. at w).a,tner ):md or natm. 1Oeftr. .nd tho .bono harplno<l premlae. In tho qulot and _hlo _ul.. t4 \he ooId ,.... Y of Ib.. oec:onI. "..t. its hom, and oulcoo .pl.... aU llIId ...., pore... or _ Jawfull7 oI':mln~.. to dol.. lbo wholo or an, pArt th_, I"," aid part y of tho flnl pari IhaIl .... will 'lI'AllRoUIT AND r01UCvm nEP'END. IN WITNJ;SB ll1lEll.J:Ol', tba oaId pari Y of tho flnl pari"" lw<...",to .ot her haDd ODd ...1 tba do, ADd ,_ flnt obooo wrl_ ..... - -;:;'r--":-'''- .-.-...--....-'---\ ,...;:,':;"'~';'i"~~ ,.-~--QJ.r,'JJ" ~._----........-._- ,I'.'r, , ..:f1~:."'" ~') ~ " ,}.'! ,'1)}~~' · COL01t?RADO } y :. ,(\ \ l\ ~ ~, .. ". " .,. II ~111ltJ'" ~ ~ ~ ti~~'k..m .._lodaod bet... _lIlIo '\ ~IH J ~ ,":or /Anne . :cI'l}s, 0, .;" ~.' ~-t.. -\roo g/v(71 ~!.~- ., 1wld't.Z .... '.it.' ~~ .~..<';, '2/ ~ . 'II,.. i'\jjit::J~ __ "., -,lSJ..: _:....... \ . .. -~ a~ a. ~~ __.__..(SSAL) ....__..___.(SEAL) ._._..........._..........(SEALl /d /J( do, ot ~e...4..... 1(tt. .32. ".d&AJnY klnn_h'............w. ......-ar.umw....... 0.. UH-4I\_',*"" ~.~_..,. <.n w N <.n 00 '"