HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (160) . .' if": 0~;;; s. W. JOHNSON" ~;.- -/\ Ii ,.if!,' ,{ 'C,. ., . the GtOn'or 01 G~ h of ..... and CounIJ of J etferson . end Stott of Colorado' -far GIld '" ClII.ld.r,,1o.1 of h IUm of ttN OOUARS.. o.her fOod arid val_I' con.ldero....lO the aakI.GnInIor or GnInIOft '" Illind paid. .....iIlt wheleof It...., conf.... alld' "~Iedoed. haw ...... baf9aifted. 1O!d end con.yael. and by 'ha., ,......"'1'10 h..,fiRAN7; BARGAIN. SELL AND CONVEY ,",,0 , "The Depm1ment of Highway~. State of Colorado. Gron....I'..ucceliors GIld CllSignl to..-. 11M tollowlll9 _I PfOperty situate In the and Coun'yof Jefferson ... ... il/fCoIOroc!o, to-wit: " f~. ~ ,. Section 1 A tract 01 parcel of land. No. 336 of Gran,..', Projec' No. I 70-3(8)268 containi"9 11,336.0 more 01 ..... ill the S!..J~ of Seetion 14, Township 3 Soutj1~ Range 69 1'!'ost, of the Sixth Principal !':eridian" in Jefferson COW1ty, Colorado, said tract or parcel being more particularl~y described as tollows: Beginl'li'1!': at a point on the north property li:1.e \'lhich is N. 00 10' E. a distance of 337.5 feet a~d s. 890 5A' E. a dist~'1ce of 285.3 feet from the ~t corner of the SEt; of the S!.l~ of Section 14, T. 3 s., R. 69 '.'T.; 1. T:"lence s. 720 45' 'd. a dista..'1ce of 201.9 feet to the south propert:-- line; 2. Thence N. 890 5~' i1. along the south property line a distance of 92.6 feet to the west line of the SEt,. of t,he 5',;1. of Sec. 1/,.; 3. T:'1e::ce:-. 00 10' E. along said west line a distance of 60.0 feet to the north propert:r l11:e; 4. The~ce s. 890 5Q' S. along the north property line a distance of Zr5.3 feet,more or less, to the roint of begir.p.in~. The above described parcel contaL~s 11,336.0 sq. ft., more or less. sq. ft. MIlt . .. 1 J i 1 .1 rN WITNESS WHEREOF, . t t{;f;<Y'-v4.-i....i-- i Slon.d in !tit prnetlCt of: Ih. .aid Granlor or Gr=Il!Ol'! !!eIve hsr.unto .., their hands IIlIa 7TI filly of U,I.-D- ~~~ ~ ___ A~1~ ~ ~ r -1F ~. .'1. JCL. . . . ;;1... .~t .l,o,l- ~i ~,"'-..-... ,~ .~!'.. -- -,-4:\..."7"',,.1 . ..'., I.....~...' 't'.;.l::,..:}- I-{-.;; I f.r. L _,;~tE :f'~'\~~?>":/l1 If) l11'/I;; It"l'~~:~' ': "'<: : :;~'~ ( . i4' .~ ~ ','t' f.. ~4: ~~Qf;;; - .(. v,~_~ t' A ~ , 1, I...... -,--n',:" r- ~....\, 0'. 'f"~"" Q. .. ..... '*"1,'" -tf-,. .... . ...~:~..... . I . . ....}" ....... 4' "to. l :<..:U~t!:To!.,gi)ill1;l inslrumenl wo, acknowledged \' ....,.tt.'\..tl y , . ~,:r,;;':. JC''::~C' by } ss. before me Ihis .... 1 day of {t~.("~NZ' Lt,< 19/ )/ ,~, WITNESS my hand ond Official Seol, . Co " . Ily Cnm""'..' , My mm:sslon Expires. - Jj,,,. '0" g.~;::~5 :..~., ~.~ .... -, ........J , f J"::LA-AAI( No1a,>>, PubUc ( lj"~///) l ~/ '-- I ~! ' I i I 1 1 .1 I J 11 In I j .~-. -j i rl I J ~.~ -'! 'II I".. L' iiI r1 II 1 STATE OF ) rs and County of The jo;egol fn~ tflSlfUm~fl. was aCknowledged r.._l__ _... .....i... UClurc Hlc;i 1I11~ ..._.. -.I ......, VI by I I I L WITNESS mv nand and Oflicl<J; Seol, My Commission Expires: NDl'DfJ ~lJDIIC nrm ~ i il~i;~i~~ ~ I p.t~Ir;~J~,H .~ I II '" I';:;":" ft ....:! \., '-- u_. n . .......-""\ I II:~I~I < ~( I ~[ICll _~::ll i~~! ~~~n ..~ R61~. ~ r t5 m r", ~), "4 ~ ,-, 1- i;~ i--] ~ :~I I _ I ~ ~ 9J vi I' I grgj $1 I LJ~=1~ - ~ [L t~ IJ~ I If" t:..~ 11 ., I 3::J I -_ .. .l't.. 1... I Ii II ~ 0 i ~ I ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ 11 I ii Iii I ~ ~11 ~ I ~] ~ r t1~! lill 'I p ! o ~ 8 ~ I H ~ I 'i~a r n \ = ~ ~ ~ ~ i i! f~ ~ ~ I III I ~ R ~ I ~ ~ f I ~ - 1~.J l'l~ i 8t/j!- I,Q'tl "'~D"'" S w ,~ ~ fJ J.2 '!l"I4{.., J, . ,.., ,~ ~ I ~ I,.=~:~~,i ~!;' ~JJvJ~ ~ i ! I if! ! ~ II J Jil;! .. ~J~ ~ IliJ ~ ., ~ "-;.;.^ . "" ; <f'!.\,' 1 r-';'" ',' .\;t~c,.,~::t'~ ,_,.r;II~,_ ',,,i_~ __ ',. ., .toO i.I.:.~,,;,:,:;;. .' .~,,,~.~..I' , ' -