HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (168) --I '., :'j ..~! - ~~ if · ~ I tl, .1 I I \ \ I ' . ' ,-' -11t~~ ! :',J.-, .--~--.~-~--.--,-----------~ -.---- -.--.--.--- i-- K:-IO~ ,ILL IIF''': BY rlWSf: f'RESf::-ITS: That NatioaalDev.lopmeat or J.rl",on Co,mty, Inc" with nn I office in the County of JeHer8on, StAle of ColOl'lido, (or the co""iderlllion of Ten Dollllfs and other vnlu. \ able conJllidert'ltion to it in hand paid, h~reLy sells and {"Cln','evs to 133298 Gre90ry C, Skelly ond Alvina II, Skelly of the Counlyof Jefferson . Slate of ColorRdo, :"'1 joint tenancy, th~ rollowin~ property. situnte in the County of Jefferson Bnd State of Coloradn, to.wit: I I I ..---- ------- ------- Lot 16, Block 12 ------ ---------------------- --------. FAIRVIEW HEIGHTS Subject to easements, covenants, re8ervations, restrictions, Homf' Owners Declaration, oil and ~a8 leB8e8', and mineral reservations of record, it any. with all its appurtenancn, and warrants the title to the SlIme, subject to tOlC.es ((It the current year. and present and (uture liabilities And charges arising out of the in. clu:!ion of said premise:! within the JeHer:!on Soil Conservation District and Home Owners Auodation. Signed and d~liver~d thi~ :l1st July davof A.D. 1965 AUnt: LLf 77Jr<'tr \:~"t";:-~,_.,,,. (. r Secretary \\....\\tl'i"'!';';,;;' ~;~, '.".. .' '~;-:l~",~~\\\ or l';"':'I; .....t..~:~ ./:~. ,,'::'''~~}C~t~,'" ~,. !C,,,!Po,k,<;~l):,,,,~ ~.-, l'\ \ ;>, : ';'=',:, .... #:--- ,y '\" -. - ',. . ~...... .... ~ [; ,,~... .:~ ~ ........./ ". . ....'\....,.$. 1 ""':'; :i.....:; ,;',s,.;..:i-E:'OF COLORADO .,;~t::...?'.',::::~rt~:::~~:,f~O;}.~;;Q~~, .., ...., ..........1 n. '" n "" ~ o n c~o ~;~ ~ ~~~ "'''"(1~- ~:"fu - ~~\~ ::: is\~ ~ '" -.J The. foregoing instrument was 8cknowled~ed before me this 31st day of July 1965 by Robert J Sabinske, President o( National Development of JeHer80n County, Inc. and Helen n. !.leVay, &lcretary of National Development of Jefferson County, Inc, ~Ir t.~i.8ion elC.pires ~~t~ . ......,~,;{;'r; t...{'s"''''-SJ .... ,-' 1l1"~1f';.,.~.~J~l~ <...:' ",\\~"..."~'....;iY''l~~/",,~~I',~ , '""..,, "..<vQ"'_..< .;.- ""'>I'~' ,\."." N\',.... t~.-:.".,)., ,,,' ;;~~~~~;~3fr '." 'p ......~ '0 e, President .., ("'> ~~~ o~3 zf"l-: r,O ::r ,.,... - ~ S;'7; ~2:"--" ("1::" '''' mo.'" 0.....,' 7- ".::. 'My Commission expires M.y 19, 19G8 A: ~ ~ r~"---- Notary Public.' .' ~'I,: .--...,.., .,-.....' ~_. ,,,.' " Ii tR1G f)27 hU~ L, ~ ~V1 N"'" Iw;; I = 00= = ...... =-.. \J1 '0 -< ):>0 \ I I T--- I I .,..'