HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (176) ~ \' DOH'~ J<<)22t(1.I.Ml '^' ~()IIiIllfF'll' "OW ~QfftIII HO)l . ?q ,Jq,Q,] 99 U ,i ~ Il.~ord.d '01_ _o'clotk_,M, "A?A "Q Rectotion No. ~..._...!_ 19_. IOI~,7li24 ",,' 11, '-l.,) II .,\ Rtcor~ r 1Kno~l1Ilm~'OOtt-S~1'r6att5 ilrhat 11. or ~t. E. G. NOVOTNY and lIIA B. NOVOTNY 1hf' Grantor or Grontor~, " :..\..)- ; of th. and Counfy 01 Jeffenon .and $10\. 01 Colorado , for and in consideration 0' the sum of TEN DOllARS and oth.r ooex{ and valuable considerations to 'he said Granlor or Granlors in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowltdQed, havt 9ra~,.d, baf'9ointd, 'old and ton~eyed. and by these presenfs do her.by GRANr. BARGAIN, SeLL AND CONVeY unto ' " STATE DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Division of Highways, State of lorado the Gronl...It. .uee...on ond aul;n. for...r. thtfollowill9 raal prcptfty, .Itualtd In the my of Jefferson and Sta" of Colorado. to-wit: Alraef or parellofland,No, 19 of Grant..'. Project No. III 80~-1(36) more or ,.... in che SE 1/4 af Section 14, and in Block 10, Berkeley a snh~ivts.on in the 5 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 13, Township of the '~^th Principal Meridian, in Jefferaon County, Colorado, ing more particularly described as follow.: ~ contolnin; 12.55 ccr... e~hts Second Filing. ~uth, Range 69 West, i.ltraet or parcel be- &; ~ Beginning at ~he NW corner of Block 20, Berkeley Heighta Second Filing; 1. Thence N, 0' 09' 28" W., along the east line of Sec. 14, a distance of 60.72 feet; 2. Thence S. 66' 56' 45" W., along the NW property tine, a distance of 410.27 feet; 3. Thence S, 42' 52' 28" E., along the SW property line, a distance of 557.12 feet to the west line of Block 20; 4. Thence N. 0' 09' 28" W., along the veat line of Block 20. a distance of 508,24 feet. more or less. to the point of beginning. The above described portion of Parcel 19 contains 2.47 acrES, more or less. ~ Beginning at the NW corner of Block 20, Berkeley Heights Second Fi1inS; 1, Thence S. 0' 09' 28" E., along the west line of Block 20. a distance of 508.24 feet; 2. Thence S. 42' 52' 28" E" along the SW property line. a distance of 120 48 feet; 3, Thence N. 740 37' 32~1 E., along the SE property line, 8 distance of 818.30 fc~t to the cast property line. 4 Thence N. 60 13' 55" E., along the east property line, & distance of 383 31 feet to the north line of Block 20i 5. Thence S. 890 54' 29" W" a10nl; the north line of Block 20, a distance of 914 00 feet, m~rc of less, t~ the point of beginning. The above described portion of Parcel 19 contains 10.08 aCff!8, more or less. The above described parcel contains a total of 12.55:rcres, morr or leaH A~ rk fHL.:IIIWING fUAS[ MAIl: ua II,.. I', "."'''.,11 .J! Hl<<hWW'fl of t"- StllllII...... , I,,' f:'~ Ill/'f" /1ullJlnll 4)1)1 lU1 ~rklln.... AVI"" Dfl'lvw, Color.oo 80222 ~nEfl(IOllc..IlIpt-1(~ Z(;2', 11:3,. 1,' .' I . ..' "., h ,-- -'- , . - , !~ ,4 , . "." . , I . ' , " .' . Pc~~~,,~ ?F~1.1io~ 262', ---:~ETHER wIth 011 ond ~lnQulor the hereditoments and oppurfenonees thereunto belonqinQ,Ot'ClOl\ywi.. opperIOinll"l,Ot"<llhe..=' Ston ond reversIOns. remainder atld r-molnders, I'Intl, illutl and pI'Ofit. thereof; and all the ISlot., riOhf, title, int.rest, claim and demo~~ 1 wtlols~e'..er of the S(lld GronlOf Of S'onton, either in low Of equity. of, in and to the abeNe baf'9otned prim;"" wilt'l1he hertddamtntl and the . oppurleflances TO HAVE AND TO HOLD I"e soid premises. abavt barqalned and lHscribed, with the oppur1enonces. unlo the said Grontee and liS successors and CXStQIIS '()fever. And lhe said Grantor 01' Grantors, 'or themlltvts, their heirs, executors and adminislrators, do cownont, oronl, boroaln and 09'" 10 and with the $0'..1 Grantee and its lUCCeI'Of' and a"iOM, thot ot the \1m. of 'he e~eeutton and delivery of lhese presents, Ihey were well seized 01 the premises above eonveyed,as of oaod,Iure.ptrfec',absolute and ind.f~ibl. eslat. of Inherilonce, in low, 1(\ Fee Simple, and hod Qood riQhl. full power and lawfut authority to 9l'aN,borqQin, ""1 and convey the sarre In the mannercnj form ofore5Old, Ihollhe some ore 'ree and clear from all oth., oranll, bargains, lales, U.nl, toxes, assessm.nts and Incumbrances of what- ever kind Of nature so.ver, by, Ihrouqh or under the Grantor Of GrClntOrli thot 'he ,cid Gron1or or Gran'ors wHl WARRANT ANO FOREVER DEFEND lhe above bar90ined pr.miSH in the quiet Gnd peaceabt. poII.asion of the said Grantee, and ils succesSOf1 and ossll~ns, ooomsl 011 and eve,y person 0' persons lawfullyelaimin9 Of to.clalm 'he whole Of any part thereof, by,lhrouqh or under Ihe seu:! Granlo, or Gronlors, /'li" t ---------, A,O" 19~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe said Grantor or Grantor. have h.r.unto "I:th.ir hands Ihis__ _._ _ _1/ _ . ,day ot (tilL/: l---r1-/-<" - n~--l .t"~ '7 J,..,--- II, 0j4 ~.nPyol I. l'..1I 1<: ,,_vo<'''_ l~ i~'f;(; .. {. 'v -~~," "~ <' :TJie ~~.la)rn,\,;1ont wa, oeknowl.dQ.d before me Ihi.---Lf:...day o'___Z:U':y_ __ - ,,_ ___ _, 19-74--, )...I:.~ .,; '::'''::.J~~.,o.:1'~~OW~.AND UTA B. NOVO'tIIY.-.. 10 ";j~.\"()i __~.~~~:~~~'_' c~,::.._. _ ____ -WIT~~'9~'1l!Y 'hand and Official Soal, /-:i . ..., -My CommISsion upiee,' .3 /1; J.h~ __D~.'u,;' _ (! ,0,. -;/ It' 1 ~IQ,.,P\lb'.>l: SI~ned In the presence of L1-~G~!Wi (),I ~ /h .k ~-I,,-)./I'~}~l E!!A B. NOVO~' STATE OF by STATE OF J" I~ ~ '0 .. =- """'1 '" .r. , ... ~~': ;~ . '" '" ..., , ,~::I 0':<:" ond Cour.!y o! The foreQotng Inslrument was ocknowledoed before me lhis~___ __day of_. by WITNESS m)' hand OM Ol!icio\ Seol, My (.Qmmlssion E1.pires' 1, No~', Pt,/bhc 1[--0 !I ~ Ie::" :i ,~ Iii -J l-'{ \:j] 1< ::n 11:::1." I. - ~(" 1'11~1 U ~ 0 l;g Vj II i..t..J ~ ~ ':;~d B3 ~ t,~l ~I ~.; J ..~~~ ;~ ~i _ '-'- ~ll:l~il -. r~ r Il ~n ~ ~ .. € S. 8 ~~l "i&. ~ OJ81'l!1 ;! ~ t ~"a. 'Il ill h ~ ~., u ~ g ~ i if ~ ~ ~~~!l t{ ~ ~ !~i ~ii o J :lfj 2<lg ri !~:~Hl :;; } ~ II ~ ~"15 ~ H o > o '" ~I ~I 8 :z:il .,,1 HI ""' W o "''l;l >- ~ ~~ :I: 3 o~ -a :I: " ...<;j 0- '" f-. Z>, "," :l: ~ f--" ~,~ ".:I: "'~ CO c ",0 ~ ,. ~ '. < '. f- > V)Cj .. ~ ----.. 61; n ~~ ,,; ~! fl'_." "'IIll _ ,..~ ...... - (,~,_. ,...., t~ .r en L t .roo r ,19, r..J . I .A I I ~ t CD J , X r ~ ~ ~ ;:.: z , ~ t ~ ~ ~ . . ~ uv . r , 0 ~ ., . . " r( o . , ... ;;.: u " . . . ~ Hil . " : i : ! "' to ~l>"u ~ ~ ~ I"' , t . 0- 0 ; . I- r;r.J,. ( '. oft".. , ;2(.,)'; - <I :L!I