HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (207) C E R T I F I CAT ION STATE OF COLORDO SS: COUNTY OF JEFFERSON I, 11ARY ANN PECHMAN-FRITZ, DEPUTY CLERK TO THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO, CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF PAGES 219, 220, 361, 362, 363, 364, 412, 413, 414, 535 AND 536 OF THE JOURNAL OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO, BOOK L, ON FILE IN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE. WITNESS lIT HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL AT GOLDEN, COLORADO THIS 16TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1988. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, JEFFERSON COUNTY, STATE OF COLORADO SEAL D~~O~-;/;j; Journal of the Commjsgoners of ; &of, Jefferson County, Colo., ;hol l.~ '-------_19_ 319 y~ or I~ - FCRTIOX ~ S~ lpoa -nloa t.>1 Ccr ~b.10"\er :rue. .ecoc~ 11: Cos-:luloe~r loc~, .::~ tI~ ~r.llt:r.u YOte .. ft1lal"C ruolatu& ... .4c~ed: "1fPW"C_ . plat ot 3-.17 __Un Sul)-'..1Y1111oc 11 r'e:l~~ 1~ i'llt !look 7, Pace ~. et tbe :.,,~ .. Co:IlIt7 .~or4a. cr.'t&1::. .~.U. 'Tenuu ~d ,'1 If]. ll!-.cvr. t!'.ereon vera ~.:!1cat~ to U:.e ~le. ... yynr...'" U:.e t'Ollowtnc deacnbed port1cn of .t,..aet 11 :-.0 lcnc.r nee....,., fer \l" b7 tbe pdalle. ... ......rn aa14 porno: c:~ .treet l1ea 'Ilt!.re17 v1t!'.!.::' t!'.1f :::'.1::.t:,- of JeN'er.cn. l' not v1~ the 11&1'- of ~ ~lt7. or toM: ec4 40.. !lot t::~ the bcun~rr7 llee of . Citro town, or C:l~t7i ... -..'" DO 1&114 1IOV.l4. b7 . 'nO,t1on of aa.1d pOrUoll Of .tre.t b. ten w1thout _ ..tab1,..... "'1le roa4 OOCAect1~ 1t v1th another ..t.ll11.h~ ?Ub11c road; .rod ~~t~' the JeN'C"SClZl :O\Ult7 Pler.,.lr.g Co=tu1o::. !'.Ar lS;;~7ed t!',e ~':lO."d 'l"aCat!.oc ot Nl. --',. ot '~'; SOl. ~. !X IT RESCLTD b7 the BoL-d of Cot:::t7 COlUl"10r.~re of J.rrereon Co"'" eel....... ' ,.. -, '0 Uw FOrta1~ of c-....ter 217, 1~3 S"ulor. UtY. or ColOt",.eo, u..t the tbllW\1lc.... cnlMlcl JlllII"l(' ot .tr..t 'ltuate 1n tb. Count7 of :efr.r.cr. .rA Stat. ot Colorado be'" it le ~ w.c.ted. r~~ect to a re.e~at1011 of ea.~cr.t. for t~e c~ntlr.u~ u.. or exl.t\~ ...... .... nt.. or .1a1lar pipe 11ne. L'14 ,p;>u.rte.'1ancu. exht1,..~ dHehee &r.d ';::~ter.-:e... ar.d a1.uac .l.otrio. t~l.phan. an~ .1:1lar 11ne. an~ ap~rte:-~nce., !.f ar.y: The, part or Lasar Street lYl~ Eaat L~~ 1s:e~1~tely ad=eeent to Lot 13. !~ock S. ~ __Un S:.abdlY1.1011 .1, and that part of I..a= ~treet 171r., .{~n L~ 1zecUatel1 8lSJ".- '0 : .; 1. Block. 6, :lu)' Kart1%: S..lbdlY1810n '1. Y~.l..n,.. ,.,.... -.. ......TI<1./S EU.S."CR~ AV~:rE ~D ::::::::a S~::::: --- r-' .... 1ngton Heights SecorA Y'l!.l'Itr recorded 1n Plat Book 1. ~. 15. ot the J.t. rta1n .treeU, 'Tonau end .lley. shown thereon vere ~ecl1.,.ted to 1M 'I j , j 1 (' 1 \ :er loch, .ecOl"A b7 Co=1E.\oner ~.l., an~ by :manlsoll-l wte the ~ - J ..;j j 1 I , ytrnIrl!l tb. J eff.MOll COur:t7 Pla=1ng CO=1B81C:1 has approYe~ ':l':e pro-osed Teellt1C!: of' .aid portttlea \j or .tr.eU; 1 1 .0lC. '%!l!1U:P'aU:, BE 1'1' RESOLVED by the Board of County Co:::"l18s10ner. or Jefrereon CoWlt7. ColaredO. 1 ~t to the proTi.lons of Chapter 217. 1943 ~eBB1~~ LeVI of Colorado, that the tQllow1~ d... cr1bed portion. of street. s1tuate 111 the Co~~ty of Jeffe-8on .nd Stete or Colorado. be aad IbeJ are hereb7 T50atedi oubJect to a reserTat10n of eas~cnts for the contl11ued u.. ot .xt.,ta, .ewer. faa. vater or .1&1 ar r1pe Hnes end t.ppurtenen::es. e:dsUnt: .11 tcl e. and appurtenanc... aad ea1.S- AS .lectr1o. telephone and .~11z~ 11nell end apyartenance., 1f &n7: orib.d portion. of etreet. 11e ent1re17 v1thln the COWltl ot Jettareoa. or an1 elt7 or town and do not for: the bounder:r 11ft.. ot . 01',. ..... V1lEKEAS nO land 1101114. by a TIC.t1011 of c:l11d nort10118 of 8treets be left v1 thout .n ..tebUa!w4 pllbllo road con.'1.ct1~ 1 t Y1 th Mother utab111lhed publIc road; and And The Vest fifteen (15) feet of Depew Street adJ8c~t on the Eaat to Block 1. Vaablnrtoo He1~t. Secor.d FI11ng. TACA'1'IaI OF liTRE::! - pOR'1'IO~ n:;CE STREET Th. Korth ten (10) feet or Ell.worth AvenaB adJacent to Bloc~ 1, Yr.h1l1gton Bellb'- Second F111r.g. ~ I .4 1 tlpOl1 PlOt10n b7 Coa:r.1u10ner J;oc~, .econd ll, Co:n:r.1aB1oner ~.1e. and by unenl:M)W1 wt. n. tCIl1awt.aC r..olutio11 wa2 adopted: 1I'fnIF1Q b7 . )llat of free:nan's Su~d1Y1s1on recorded 1n Plat Book 7. Pll;e 21. of the J.ttersoo ~ Countl reco~. certa1n .treet&. aTenues ~'1d alle,s .~ tnereOl1 vere ded1c6t4d to \be pQbl1e; ... WER7LC; the to1lOY1::g :!eecr1bed porUon of stree~ 1s n:: lono."er nec....,., t= uae b7 the pdt11e. .. i ~fR<l' aa1d portlon o~ street 11e8 ent!.rely v1th!.n the County or Jefferson. 1. not w1tb1D ~ 1Lal'-J ot ~ c1t7 or tor.: an:! doe. not fon:. the bound=7 11ne of a clt1. town. or coWlt7; aDd " ~ FJ'RV"''' no lan:1 woull t:y a -ueaUon of sald portlon or street be 1~ w1tbout; _ ..tal,U- ~lS. roa4 conne etl::g it v1 th another estab118hec! :;mbl1c roaj; and ~v"''' the Jerfer60n COur.t7 Plar.r.1r:g Co=1eslcn hae approT~ t!:e propo..d _non or .aU partl_ ot a~..t; Jav. ~E. EE IT RESOLVED by ";;he :oord of Count, Co=lss10ners or Jerferson Co~t1. Coloftl40. pursuant to the provisions or C~~..ter 217, 1949 Sesslon Lavs of ColoradO, that the followlDC 4... ' crlbed port1on or .treet s1tuate in the Count, or Jefferson and State or Coloredo. be and 1t la 1 h_b7 Y&Cated., subject to a reserTntlon of ease:u:nt. f'or the continued u.e or anat1DB ........ .... "i vater or a1:&1ls: pipe 11nes a.~c a?"urtl!!:~ces, e:r.lst!.C6 d!.tches and appurte~es. and en.UIIC el.ctr1c. telephone and sl:&11ar lines and appurtenar.ces, !.f any: '1'hat pcrt10n of Va.'1ce Street lyln~ bet~een Vest 29th Avenue and Yest }Oth Av.nue, aa .hovr. on the rlnt or Free:o:.'8 5Jb11~lBlon. . r Journal of the Commissioners of r ~, Jefferson County, Colo., Jw:e 1. 19~ 19_ '...!:lJ."'~b,,"'''f < .". _U_ bJ Co&a1..1olla" TN'. l.oon:\ b, Coas1..1oner loch. .~ b1 WlAld.~ "'I the ..U. ~ ~ UIlUl June 7. 19~. .~ .. . t:' J; r I"~ ,. ~ J': f'" L ,- ~ : i , l; I t, k t,. i- f i l: BOJ.!Ul or c~mrn COXXI8Il:o:tD\5 AnaTI ~ li.t!!n~ ~' ~ ; "" " , t. .. '.: "' Ii -'... "",,~.: " , , l; ,),~) ~ ... If'. fl.. ',' t ;, ~ 0" ." ,., c,_ll" t.,.1"~ 1';' f ..,,~ , , . ~' f f. '. .. ~.. ,'. ~ "