HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (224) ~ < ';:;I :-)' ""J'-", '1'0" -i),:" ~; "y :('\ .., REr.ORDED IN ,r.OUNTY OF JEFFERSON STATE OF COLORADO REr.EPTION NO. 88033993 04/11/88 13:47 6.00 i Rl'Cllrclo:d J.~ Rccc:rtl<'n ~(l \\(1",':\..._\\ QllIT CLAI~I [lEU) Tlll~ DEEP. \lad\.' thi~ 1 s t d,!\ o! Apri 1 II) Hd nl.:!W(!.:J1 ST,\TE j)FP,\RT~~[;':T OF It ~r.1:ll;l,\\"S DrnSTON" OF IJICllh'AYS STXrL OF Cl)L()f{,\lJO \If Ihe City ami 'ClllJnl\' ut and Slale 01 Denv~r (ulnradll ~I;\n\(\rl'). an,\ L1EF n JENSEl-i wr.o\l: Ic~al :lddrt"... i... 9220 Hcst Lakew(lod. Count\' pI and SI;IIC \)f Cnlorado. t!raf1tcc(~1. 26th Ave CO 80215 Jefferson of the' \VITNESSETIf. That the gr:lntorl'i), for ;Jlld in l'llnsidcratl\ln of the 'ililll of ONE DOLLAl{ ($1,00) and other gooJ and valuable considerations :ID\>&:~R~ the receipt afld wlficicnl'v (I! whil'h j.. hcrch\' ackllowlt'dgcd. ha s n:miscd, release, sold. Cllnvcvcd and Ql~lT CLA1~1E[) ;Jfllll'\" these prl:"l'nl~ dllCS fCllllSl' releasc \e!1. convc\" and QUIT CLA1~\.'1 unto the frantecl~). his heir... ~lll'Ce,.;pr.. and as_si~ns. fllfl'\'l'(. :d! the ri!,:hl. litle. interest. l'];lIm and demand .....h!ch the p:.mtnrhl h;lS In ,lIld III lhe rC:ll pmpcrt\'. ln~('lhcf with il11prll\'l'll1cnts. if any. siwale. lying .:lnd ncing in thl' ('punt\" ni Jefferson and State nfColnrado. de~cflh('d as follows: A tract or pRrcel of land No, !lOR REV of the State Department. of Hip;ht.l8Ys, Di vi s ion of High\.;ays, Btate of Colorado I Project No, I 76-1(35) Section 1 cont~ining 9,446 square feet, more or less, in the .s 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Spction 13, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of thA Sixth Prin(;ipnl l'>lp,ridinn, in .Jp,fferson County, Colorado, more l;nrrrnonlv knoh'TI as fi72:l \0,.' ,1Rth Ave" Wheatrirlgp., Colorado, said tract or pnrccl being mnn-~ pl1rtic'.Jlarlv described as f011m"s: (;nmmp.nrln.'Z nt tht-' S"" ('ornPr of sflid Section 13, thence N. O. 09' :30" \..: , F~lonF!' t.hp \.o,'cst. line of said Section 13, a distance of 30,00 feAt, thenre N R9' :19' 00" E , a distance of 192.00 feet, to the tru~ JXlint of ~glnning SF\id {X'lint being on t.he south line of Block 10, I1ERh1,EY llETGfITS SEroNT! FlUNG, Thpnrp N. 0' 03' ~O" W, , " distance of 11~,30 feet, 2 Thl~n\'p. S 05 ' 04' 48" E. , a distance of 50 95 feet; Th(>nrp S GO' If) , 02" E, , " distRTIcc of 4,1 8~ feet, Thpnep S ]9' 50' 18" E , a d 1 st.ance of 40.92 feet" Thpncf' S D' l!i' 10" E. , a distance cof ~9,19 feet, to t.he sn\lth 1 in€" of Rlock 10, I1ERKLEY HE IGI ITS SEmND FILING, fl, R9' 59' 00" W., alnn~ sairi sout.h line, a fp.(>t., morE'! or legs, tD t.he true distance PJint of Thf'n(y~ S of 120 02 lY'g i nn i n~. nIP ahov(' rlf's(;riml pnry-:pl contaim:; 9,44f1 sqtlfl.f'f': feet., more or lpf-iS '11,,, ahn"{~ (h~~,r-:rilY,-1 pnrcp] \.,'r\!"I tv-'q\lircd flR n portion of Parr;r] 1 J() RF\. as df~s{Tirj(~l hy f?f'f'ppt.inn N\1mher 7R10RfJ7R of Jpffer:::mn (.{lun!.... '1Iml'l,'I\"'l_I!I'l'II-(" .111.1 ~<I, 7"6. Ht"\.12.X::: llllfI'L"I\1m,tll Ih"dl"r<l l"uhb_I\,,,V. \~:' II.' ,~,\\ ",'< \ ..~<.~,~...\, PI ._<<:14 \ '(1'\ :" h'I(~1 I,,~\ ... RFCEPTION NO. 88033993 . abo :,)1Dwn hy street ;Hld nurnhcr <1.'>. Tn HAVE AND TO IIOLD the ";lItK' (ogt:lhcr w~,h all anu sin,pdar rhl' aPP"rtenance.'; and privileges thereunto hclonl:'ing Of ill anywIse IhcP..'ulllu <IppcTwinin!!. :In'l all lhe \:\[al(', right. title interest .mtl claim ......hatsoever. of t~c. C-lantor(s). ciihcr in law or ('quiil,'. [olhl.' <,nl\' proper use hcnctir ;lnu hcboof ot the grantcc(sl, his heirs and a....signs forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Th(' grantor(s) has OCCU[CU this deed on the <.laIc set forth above. DEPARTHEJ':T OF HIGEHAYS DIVISION DF iiIGHHAYS STATE OF COLO~\CO ----- /,/ // / _..../l-f....rv77 ///.L-t-< 1.-"'A~__ THIOTHY J HARR.1S. Chief Clerk CLEV~,~o~'c':i~lJ:;; ineor " ST,\TE OF COUlR;\J)O, )" eit\' <1nd C(lllrllY (1f j)etl"l'r The fnrc~lllOg in\lru!l1cnl W<I." acknuwledged hdoR' Ille thi.. 1 s t day oj Apri 1 I~ 88 hy Rnbert L Cl,venger, Chief Engineer, and Timothy J. Harris, Chief Clerk, for the State Department of Highways, Division of Highways, State of Colorado \~t:f)C~l.; my han\1 ;ill11 ufjjeial sl'al ..... ., ~ , ) ,': - ..' -," 'J ~ ~'rT:..r.l1j.'\H.Jn C'(rnrl':-. 3-13- J<J 90 " l)(!)/iLl y..:J. 1V1L YLt'1 421Ji East Arkans;'S' A'C'o Denver 80222 d.