HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (225) <-.. ~ \ 0 Ij ~ ~ 1m ,~ - : ~-r: ~ . :1:0:: "'t. "I, "I \I , 11<"<'1';1,'" I<:,",,,rcln !! j!, I'i- i} IN 'l! 10 r r 'I IFI! FI~:';()f-.! 111')1 III I ,q (\Rtd)O !. i I r;'I') J(IN (J(J {,.lflU;I/,'tU":, I l ; "\ I I II' ~ 1\ r () ~ (JI.J ()\\l ( I \1\lIlU,]) rln~ nIl-\) \1,1'~ 11:1- 13Ul .[;1' :\1 r1arch II) 9() !""".~\.\.ll >-;]'.\'1'1. [111"li..j i" I (1]-' )![(;)H<..,\S, DI\'ISIU,\ llr 11 [i '!I'I','.\\ " I ,I i (ll' (:O].I11{..I!JI) 'I III ~ll1d '-\1;11'- ,d [ '11111 III 1!1'f1VL't' : l' ind ~ \:' \, I, \, .il).! \ !-.di':(,1 CLI\j\LiJ K .l'~Il\Ei{. CIL\l'TLk J) J ~;" ilLi.il \:IJ:r~] (' \:\ VET1':1\:\;-"S I (11{I'(l!{X1T!J , .1'; ~ , ,,\1, "It ,II ;,,~, I: \. ,',\illl ("11111\ Ii! ,tild Sl~\t,-' "I { ,h\f:\\h\ ~rilnlL"~~'1. ,j, f! t'l >>('11 \\ IT....I.\\1 II 1111,11 111," :..'1;1111,11" I 1:'1 .Illd III ,1'Il..rdn:III"11 011 Ihl' \1I111 ,'I or:r j)lll 1.:\h. t~ I n()) ,\\1d ()lh,j- v..llna\ll\. COl'sidcr,lt i\'>ns-------------------;4~k).;R.~ Ill\.' 1<," "Wi ,11,.1 ,:IIII'll'lll'\ 101 \"l1llll I' 11L'1\'),\ <tl'~Il"I\kd~'l'd h,l s 1,11il,"'d, fl'lc.I\l'tl. ""Id, l'onvc\l'd ,Hld (jt'l) ('1 ,\1\11,1) .ll1d 11\ thl'~l' 1'lt"<-'IlI~ (Ill L'S 1(1ll\"': ~,'k:I""\': ,t'll ll)1l\'L\ ;Int! 0l'n {'!.AI:-'lunlo the ;:r,Jrl!l'l'I,1 its 11(11' '!Il,("~l'r.. ;lI1d ;l....i;lh. II\fCI<'r ;d[ (!1l' n~hl. \\\lc 1))\el"c..l l'LlIIl1 ;ll1d dcmand which the .'-'[;1111111"1'11;;1 s III ,1;1,) III 11", IL';tI pl'npCII\, 1, 1 L'<'llK I \\\\h 1111pllO\l'l1lCllb, il ;111\, ",IWille l\'ing ilnu hdng in the (''111'1\ ,'I 11.:'\ fcrso1i '\\'1\\ "i\;ltc (1\ (1l1\1r;l(I(). dOL'rtbl'd <\'> 10110""'" l) h' It F f. T 1 \' F I) f F f) i\ t.r:~ct nr parcp! of Innrl No. f)4-I1-R of thp St.atp of tAilorRrlo. npp.'1.rt.ffiPnt nf H1I!hh'i1.....S, TJivision of Hi~hl-lf1VS. Pro,iPr-t, 1'-<0 T 76-1(:1:)\ S(-,\:tlon 1 and \ 11-00flR-O"i rontainin!t ~5,262 sqllan~ fppt, morf> or lp~s., -\1"1 t.hp '':;\0;' 1/4 of tnp. SW 1/4 of Spct.lon 1~, Tm'.'T1ship 3 :-\out,h, !":j),m!(-~ f/l "'-I'st of tn.. Sixth Princ;iflA-l MArirliftn. in ,Jpffp.rson Cmmt,v, ('()lorRrln ~;lid lnwt, Dr n.-"1rrI71 hPina: rTlOl'P p....lrt.1c;uln.rlv rip.RCr\bf>:d A.R fo 1 \ f)\.J'-' Bp~illnin'-! HI n p:lint Of] t.he ~()lJt,hprlv prOfX'rtv li.np.. Raid point, also h('in~ on Ihl' nnr1.hf'riv rili!:ht, of WRV line of Tnt,p,rst.fl.t.f>: 70 from \,'h i dl po if] t thr- '-i\-.,: (":ornpr of Spc:t. ion 13, T :~ S ,R fi9 W ,~A.rR S "I". :\1;';11 \0" fI dist.Rnr.p of 79R R4 fppt.: Thpn('(' N f)O 0] , :j() F " rljst.Flnr.~ of 2RR 1 fpf>:t" T}lI'fl('f' , (] on' :10 F , rlist..anr8 of 2R2 1 fppt.; :i Thl'fWI' ~ hI Of I , 00" ", , "- distAnC'(> of 2Rf; 0 fP.f-'t. morf'> or I (''''!"' , Ie> thp fYJint of bpl!innine:, Th,' nl-~)\"P df'S( !'lho:>(i pnn:p] rnnta,ns :1:,),202 s'1w1rf-> fPAt.. morA or 11':-;S 1~,'s('r'if1l! llr1tn thl' IlrantClr c/1ch l-\nrl pvprv l'llltlt. of Fl("(,;PRS t.o anri fr'om ilrlV par'l of I,he {'il.!ht, (}f \-In'\' nf lnt.r>rst.f\t.p. 70, A frp.ploTaV f":sta!Jl i'",hl'f1 Il("('oniim! Co Uw: ]m.;s of t.hf' St,flt,1' nf Colorado. alnn" or I1Cf'(l<';<'; ('II\H"~" nllf1tll('r '{ as df's.rr-i'r,(>("-j in thr" ,q"t)()\,f> c1PRrrirt,inn '['his ("lll\"'\'an('l IS mndp in llllll'!' dpfinitplv nnd r.orn~("t.lv (h~!":(T;~ I~H' rid}! (If' ird,'\'p!""t. ('onvf'ypd II\' \.)o.nl. t laim T)f~p.(--j rlA.tP<i Ort.oher 2fi. Em:) and f'!"'la'dpd (~.tnh"r 7.7, '0H'2 flo.; HpI'pntinf1 Nn R20747R~, in t,h~ f'I>{',wd,,,,,, Ill' ,11 If, ['<";1\\\ l(H;I\\\" {oln,ndo, hv rotTPetinlt t.hp h-'nrin,! and distJlIlf" (r'(>lll II" Iv."l \ of h'iZITll,;n~ trl th(' SW r-ornf'T" of Sf"'('t1on 11 to.'-i i:~ 'Hi':11 \" a di<-;\l\l)1'(> of i~IH R.l ff'Pt TtH' hpflrinl.(~ nnd ,lisl;ln<'f''-: "t 11\, !\'-' \';1'\1 n--, il", 111'1'11 rpTT\Hltl IJt\('hllnlot'l"'d 'l'lrlll('""" "", 15t., R." \~.li~ i\\ II , I .1" P!! I' I ", ~,..I , " ""1 ,~o.\ I JI r:.1\" "r) ~,.. <11...0 ~lH)WJ1 b\ \In.:,'1 :111(1 r~lllld'l'r .1\ PI I I I t)!\I t.llt '(11),.."I"f)', T(l 11:\\'[: \~I) TO 1j()I.J) 1h' \,lIlll' 11,~,':hL'r \\1111 ;lil and ...in~lll:lr till' applIrlcn,tn'.L''o and rr(\'iki!-~'" \hereunh' bdllne.llH, or 111 ,11l\\~ I\L' 111,'I\'Uflt<1 ,11)11L'lIdIIlI1l.~ :llld :1:1 the c\I,IlL' rit:hl tltll' intefc,t ;Ind l'lal!ll Wh;II"'Ol'\'cr. of [he ~ra!lliH(sl. Cillil'l III Liw 11[" l'qlll:\. 11\ tilL' ('nl\ P~'i\pl']' II'\..' hellel11 and behoPl nflhe ~r<lnll'er...) its heirs and ,r'''I!,n.. !ilrC\L'r \:.: \\'IT;--';ESS \\"ll\J~UJl: llw 1.'r,IJ1I(lll\ll\a ~~ r I ~IUT)I\ lL\l\KIS, (.iliF~' Ll,'rk '-; J .\ II. j )J ('( JJ ( }I~..\ 1 J( ) City "no ('(lUIlI\ (11 Df'I'VC!' l'\l'Ulkd [hi\ tki:d (111 till.' ,blc \\:1 forth ahll\'c STATE l)Ef"\R.nlE~T OF 1l1Cllhl,\yS !)[VTSTO:\ UF 1l1Gllh1AYS S'L\TE OF COl)l/~AD[) B'o:- ---L-r- _~J _/ ~_~~ ~~_~- ,- lwer"tln L CL1V!.::\CER. Chi<?f Engineer )" I"hl.: 1,'rq.'1111l!.' 111'111I111l'111 \~,I' ;tc f, ll< 1\\ kdc:_:d hl"I"ll" Il\l' till' 13th [II 90 dd\ nl t~arch h, Robc(t I, Clcvrnqer, Chief [nqinrc,', and Timothy J Har"is, Chief Clerk, for the Stat!? DCpC1rtlllrnt of Hlflll\'.'dVS. Divlsion of Hiqh\'/ilYS. Statf' of Cnloradn \"'llne..., m.. n,m,l ,\11\\ (1\ltl'I;11 'l";11 MY.('ll)li'ni"H>'l npllC'''' :;-lJ- . ...'.,-~ II) 90 4?Gl E A,'kansc1s "f,::;'e"": Denver, CO 80222 :<