HomeMy WebLinkAboutNone (228) :i;!~,';;,<~~~~~~i ,,~i:,~,; ;~~~:~:fr?~~iX.,~'~t'A?}:':f';~tj t':)'{f~':i~;#;~'~:~~~'~{^ BOOK 912 NC! Hecor<tec1 at 9:50 A. I'Jj., 11ar. 1..'), 1955 Robert W. Newton, Recorder ljOa132 IN TH.I DIS'1'RICT COURT In AliD FOR T"dE COUifl"I OF JDPERSOii AND STA'fE 011 COLOJlADO No. 9213 SAMUEL 'W. JatNSON and EMMA ELIZABE'l'H JOHJISON, Plaintiffs, v. DECREE SAM J. SPANOj DElIVER TRAMWAY CORPORATION, a Delaware corporationj ANNA DORA DENSON, THE UJlDOWII HEIRS A't LAW 01f ANNA DORA BENSON, and. all unknown perllons who claim all1' intereat 1n and to the lub3ect matter of th1~ action, Detendant.. The above entitled matter duly and regularly coming on for trial to the Court thla ~ day of March _~. 1955~ th~ Flain~iffe appearins by th~lr attorneys, Qua1ntance and .lohMon: and thl! Pere~nte not ~PP6ar-1ng, nul' any of them nor a!"~ one 'tor them: and 1 t be1ng qd.l! t;Q &p~a!' to th~ Court .na the fl108 1n sald oaus. 80 .honns; the Court tinds that 8UJIIIDOM 1n this cause were, du17 issued, direoted to eaon and all of the above na.ed Defendants and that none of 841d Defendant., known and Uiiknuwn, could" fOUnd w1thin the County of' Jeff.r.on.'! State of Colorado: and that oach and all or aa14 n.rendant., known and unknown have beeli 4uq and Naular17 .erv.~' ""1 th IJU_Q"* b'.r ~l!~t!on U prc~= bJ' 1&= J t.'1&t t.he t1iiiii ,,1 thin which eaoh .nd all of the wd i.letendanta hare1n IIIl.lISt appear 341 ":''lllI ~ '-:~I: ",~~ _'.c:':'" , - --_........,.......,....._-----~,.- J001t 91% N<<! 342 and plead has expired and that no appearance has been made b~ any of the Defendants, by answer or other.iae and each of the .ald Defendants, known and unknown, has made default herein and thU o..e be1n6 r8sular17 ..t tor nearin& the Plalntlffa there- .... upon produced evidenoe In support of the allesations of their cOllplaint hereln, and the Court hAv1ng heard the lIame and being sufficiently ac1vl..d ~ the pral11.... DO'J.'t: .i'nm: 1. That tbe allesations 1n Plalntlffs' complalnt are and each of them 15 true; 2. '!bat the Plalnt1t't. herein. Samuel W. Johneon and BmIIa EUsabeth Johnson. are the owner. in re. simple and 1ft po....slon and ent1tl.d to posBesslon of the following described lande and premi.... 81tuat. 1n the CountJ' of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-wit: C01llllenolng at a point on the kat line of S.otion 14, Townsh1p 3 South, Range 69 West 01" the 6th P.M.. which 18 1252.52 feet South or th~ ~~t ~~r~~ corner or aaid aect1cn, and from IUd poi.nt runni.r4 Svuth ~lo!1g th~ East I1n. 01" ..1d ..ct10n to a point whlch 18 400 teet North of' the Southeast corner of said .ect10n. th.nce W..l; ilt right anglea 175 fe.t, thence South at right .~le8 140 t.et, thence Weat at ri~lt angles 124.2 feet, thence South at r1&ht angle. 30 feet, thence V.at at r1lht anal.. 30 teet, thence North at r1lht anal.. 170 te.t, thence Weat at right anal.. 88.13 r..t, th~o. North at right &nile. 814 feet to a point wh1ch is 417.33 reet ~.t of the Ia.t line or aaid .ect10n, thence McrtheU~r17 to the poInt ot beginning, to..ther With all water r~tl belonging to laid land. out of the Cort, Orav.. and Hughea :Ditch, and AU 4!t~h and water r1ijhta apper- ta1n1ns to MU land; topther with all 1N1ld.1n&1 1Li"': 1=p.'vvomentl thvt-eon, except - 2 - ~ " ~ that portion of the above described property conveyed in Book 509. Page 299 of the records of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado; that the clcin'.e of the Defen4ants. known and unknown, and eaoh of them, to any right, title, interest or claim In or to .&14 lands and premises, or any of them. &dver.e to the title and estate of Plaintiffs are unwarranted and without foundation, and that said Defendants and each of them, known and unknown, are without valid right, title, interest or claim thereinj 3. That all eosts of this proc~edi~ have been paldj 4. 'j:nat files of this cause show, and the Court fur. ..... - \llie;: ther finds that Plaintiffs herein heretofore caused an arfl4a.1~ to be filed setting forth that they are not able to determine whether or not any indivIdual Defendant wa. In the Military Service of the United States or it. allIes, and, thereupon, upaa application of Plaintiff., the Court appointed an attornej tG !'~~!,~Rent and protect the interests or auch ~f~ndants. if &nJ' there be; that 2~IAS J. 8A~DELL . an aV"ul'i1CY =.1: liceneed to practice law in the State of Colo~adc, was appoint4<< by the Court tv ~~p~~=ent ~~1 protect the interests of such Defendants; S. That It further appears from ~he tl1ea and testimonr in this cause and tn. Court finds that none of the Defendant., known or unk~own, in this caua. has any subsC&ntial or bona fide lnteretit or claim what.oever in or to tr~ prG~~~eg herein- after del!cr1bed and tMt no lou or damage could be suffel'.c1 b7 any Defend&nt by reason of anr J'.1c:lputnt or decree in this action, .. - .J - I;'~~'" ..,..... , . I I I J I I I . J --T-- . .---.--.----:-- rr:~K I \ .~12 N<<1 344 and that no bond should be required from Plaintiffs to 1ndemnify anr euoh Defendant a8 . condition before this judgment and de- oree be entered. MOIf. THBRIPORZ, IT 18 QlU)JI'.IUD), AnJUl)QED and DECREED by the Court, that the Pla1nt1tf8 hereln, Samuel W. Johnson and Ermna Blisabeth Johnson, are the owners in fee limple and in possession of and entitled to po.....lon or the following described landS and premise. .ituate 1n the Count7 of Jefferson and State of Colorado, to-w1t: COlllllefio1ng at e. polnt on the East 11ne of Sect10n 14, Towneh1p 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P .Il., which 18 1252.52 teet South of the Baet quarter oorner of 8a14 sect1on, and trOll! 8a14 point ruMina South Alona the last 11ne of ..ld seotion to a polnt whlch is 400 feet .orth ot the Southeast corner of sald leotlon, thence We.t at rlght angles 175 feet. thence South at r1Cht anale. 140 feet. thence West at right anale. 124.2 feet, then~. South at r1lht anale. 30 feet, thence West at right angle= SO feet; thence North at ~l~~t ."~1.. 170 feet. thence West at rlgh~ ~n;'~~ 88.13 teet, ~nenc. :z~th ~t right angle. 814 teet to a po1nt which 1D 417.33 feet Weat ot the East line of :ald section, thence Jfol'theuter17 to the point of beginning, together w1th all water rights be1or~1ng to said l<<nd. out ot the Cart, Gravea and Hughea Ditch, a.~ ..n d1tch and water r1g.."lte ~pper- ta1r-.1ni to !laid land; tOI.ther .1 th all bu1lding_ and 1mprovements thereon, except that portl~~ of the above d..cr1~ property conveyed in Book 509. Pas. 299 of the records or the County of letferson and state or Colorado, a..~ that the Defend~t. have not, nor has anJ ot them any r1gh1;, title, inter..t, cl&1m, c=tat~ ttr ~.mand whatsoever, legal or ~1tabl. 1n or to sa1d preal... Or anr part thereof and that . - ~ lOOK 912 Nc} 345 ," ') . ," ,-", , I' title or said Plaintiffs to the Baid parcels of land as hereinabove and 1n Pla1ntifr.s' complaint alleged, 1s hereby quieted in Plaintiffs, and that the Defendants end each of ; . . , them, or any of them, be and they are hereby forever barred from claIming or asserting any right, title, interest, estate, claim or'''d~ whatsoever in or to the sa1d lands and premises proceedf..tlg. DaNE U OPEN COURT '!'his ;:>S',th day of March , 1955. By the Court: . f' 0 ",' , \,-! V , ~\-~. ;-. '.I0~\ .:. .,< ~~\. .c--' r. ';.;.J. t ~. II ___~ LU" D. STCNER- , ;,':''-,.J't^.;. Judge. <:~ ~Pl n~...l{~J ..to') . t\ .~;- -'(11.5\'" /s/ CHRISTIA~! Approved as to form: i:LIAS J .a~~p~LL Attorney appolnted un~er Soldiers and Sailers Civil Relief Act. ! ; , ,-~ . . -.. '.~ " '1' . , . , , --'-.~ I.' L '! th~~ Fee Received. CL /' V , T, ,r, ,'1'A"',,<---> "" ~_ p' ~ "....,y~~.t.."r;.-::~.~~ ~ "'-, "(,..A"...o--/ L ;- ~,) F7:.~':"1 'r.~: ..~.' ".' '.1....' .,0 " J..! .... .....~ ,. -..# "- -. ;i , . , ) - - :..... "':' ~1 , .1 --~ ~; ;~ ~ l ';v f: J .' . ;0, .~; ..:~ 'c ':"l"l ~ ,. ,- I I -1