HomeMy WebLinkAboutF 559 Journal nf the C( llllllli~:;i( )!le'!':; ()f J cHerso!l County, Colo., June -, 1 q. ._--~-_._---_._---_._.----- ------ -~~------------------~--~---------~-- }l.o.I'n then An,j~urnen to meet, TueenA,y Hay 7th. 19(17. c. fl prllITJ;Y', :;hairman. ~l~ r fj Ssq Atte~t: H.,l.,'uchem, Cler1<- May 7th. A.D. 1907. , , I t'il) BOFLrn me~, rur~d>tnt to adjournment, all rnpmbei:'s, Clerk and attorne:;r beiny, ?rE-~:,)f~nt~ nn rnn-"-ion it W'1S o!'(tered that the ;~oact comrnencinr-; At the center of Seetinn I'T1hT'ce (3) 'l'p, 1- :", P. 6'; ';;est and ranninfS thence East Fid'.ty (eol ",ods on half ;';Be. line, b~ ~ccepted a~ petitioned for. S.id roan bein~ the S8me RS nedie~ted to t~e pJblie by Josep~ B. 'VifSht in the Pl'Lt of nwirht's Subdivi~ion~ ,".in rOB,d beinp; 60 feet 'I1iele. J i On aecocmt, of ireler ent wgather tl1e vie'vers appointen to vie'!! t'le roa c01l''' <ercinf! ill.' the center of :lection 17 T1'. '%, s.?,.c,:?<,rest o.n,l running thence Fast on the half "'action j line to tl1e center of :3ection 15': a distance of two Jllile~, were unnble to view the said ( road. tt is ordered thet the ~Rme vIewers be al)pointen (F.B.Morris, Torrence 'l'Ihite ,Jr. e.n1 ! Vim. Allen) to vie'v the ~r>id road, And lAay 25th Rt ten 0 'clock be the tirrc for ~Aid viewers \:'0 meet, at the Clm!'llence~,ent of ~A.icl ror>lli. 'rhe Bon.rd tT1en ad~lourne i to TIleet t,1ontl.'1Y June ;rd, A. '-. l' '()7. 'ri'e t'Olto':lin\ ;-'11~)er J-jills 'Here 111.L"wed, allC1 1'fl1rro.rts orliere:l Ilr i.','.'~ for t! 1-.: I. uf thr~ ~VLlJ~e. ,',7;-. 'u, ert ,ork 3Lli(l{ ;'~'-:174. 'I'li.'\ 1 !':)clt ~).~) II ;~~S-115. '/lr:-3. I'J. o"'/lin L:. I,n.,. JO ". 1'"lrc,e', CI1!1irm;1n. J....'ll'llE.,j. o,l.,;c1Chelll, \~18ri\ . June ;1rd, j~.JI. l'-)(i7. 'rrl8 HOfir:1 ot' County vOIll, iSBioners of c81.'f'erson ~ount Let llrsu nt to '].11 II.emhers, lerk and ht t,orntJY nein, })r( sent. {_)I- \f!J. ,.r:-;. II.' .r (f1J Llld 11 IJ. fl'. LLLi:, tJ. J. (Jir'le"" ]",) 111"11 Ll-lt.t, 1" .:ur,t. t 1 ~~. (I( I" "). I'~ ( ,~' ).~) / I . ,)':)')1' . )()r f'l1rn., ~~ . r-J( I" c~O. nf ,/ l' . 7(1-( ;_14.}'-1 " S.01l,' ').(11 II ~.) . (I ( I . 1'( . ,2') I' !I. Ell l'..J./l ~S ~-'r(.:Hn-t,J tr 'no ~~"'-F1l' L. ,<" f'-;T:i d, )\ r. ,1'1I:( i.l. L l' rI 1:_1. I.' '1'1 IJ~) i1' I 1-. j,l~:ert .1 'T _r,.1. ,Il' 1. I,iourr.;,e! t, ,,,el1t