HomeMy WebLinkAboutG 0016 -~",'r""":,=--"~\ii~~~riiiF~"~~1 .;;.::- "<rs .~ --if'" --'- --'""=,,, ~........., n.~~.~'~- ,-~~~- - --':"--~~~-' =;~,..,~-~-- ':.....::::::: ,J~~,~~ W.. P.~' or I~n. ~;OI~:~t.,t~~f'~~ii~,~''t,~;~.; at';fu\f';ii\jt;OC eo.t\~.oeJ l)Ollal"s~ ag1"ee. to bul1r1 ancl oo~t1"\.lot ""~ on 1"O~ rrff1; " p<.i"t on ~ne Hl.It't',~lo Pan ...... 0' ~ .D01fti' at .. point 50tl fht WeBt an" 265 feot. North of th.. ,;. 0;:. col!t!er Ot tr.. :;.~.1/4 ~'t '....8elI'Ib Sae' quarter 01' deot1on 11';, '!'p. 5 SOI.ltl , R.n,~e /1 .'IElst of the 6th. P. ,,:., flnd containing -.. iad1~'-d on a plat on t11e w1th " petit10n 1"01" as11 Road, now on file 1n tr.e orfice of th~ CCIilraiIl\J Clerk and Reoorder or Jefi' ,raOI C01.lnt7, Col0l':ldO, to tr.e ".1":.1/4 of the 01.1.-;.1/4 of ,-;ection 29 'f'p. '5 S.., R. 71 "-at aa ahrmn on the sa1ci plat. Satd Road ~o be oonatruoted on said right of w&J Bnd ne ~rad.d and f1n1sh.ct 1n such m~nner aa ~o be .......b1.. 1'01' tl"&.,el bl t.us and wagona ~ll r11l~ tu 08 marte or ston., an'l lo;s ~n\ to be rtone 1ft . &OOCl WO'l"~l'tlr11e D*nl'ler. 8,\1,; cono1dr'trat1on to be p,,1d ','{hen SIl1,! ''''ork has 'o....n ':')llTJ.et.ed, &nd ea:lcl rdIld aCQepted by tr e Boar'l of County COli~"!l1s810m, rs. s.:lcl work IlOt to be oOlllllle!loed or pertorm.,d unt11 til" r1 Jlt-01'-wa.~ hall beEln conve~ed to tL", Coun- ty &ad'~ be OO!lPleted wQ thin a r":lgonabl.. time thereol'ter, not lat..r th!l.n JUly lilt, 19"9, Br',d 11' ea1cl ngb~~ ha. not 'Otten cOTlveyed \'I1th1n sa1d tine the): tr,1:! contrllct sha'l termina.te and be- co.. null ~~d vo1d. W1taeas OIl:" hands a.nd Ilealll tJl1s 2nd. d'\y of' i'ehrua.1"Y, '. ~'. 1':'119. Atte.t: H. J. JUchem, ~lerx. (CG1Int;v'seal) "4. J. ~"&:3t, ~ha1rt1"n .loa.r 01' l~O".lnty ~0lllI::1S1510n- er~ o' ~e~"e~50~ ~o~~ty. A. "Oo01'a sppeared oefore the Boa.rd !l.nd r quested t.h~t , ,-;t....l Briel. to bE: built '~cros J Cle'3.r CreeiC .~ CI.AfIoId St'l"eet.- near the Brewery of sa1d Coors, i\n<l tr.at 1.." tn.;: 8",1<1 ~oors wO"'ld pay on..-;lalf or -u. 'ooat or cOlUlt!"l1ct10n. .. pror.d101on W!l.S accE:pt"d, I\::(i thEl Clerk ord..red to ". .'JiN,..aUOII8 were plac d on fil.. 11". h1s off1c... "~~"1 ~~~.,' R~ o-er-'se~r wag or(j,,'-~d t" ~.~t _ Rdad. ~ Q~ "u U ~u 1'1nces bacJo.. to t:" 111"... or tr,.. ;ounty Road on :'. IIOD 8IJd Wright Avenues anrt r.eceas'lry work oe donEl on s u roa.ds. >i.dv"rti$.. I I ror bids as soon as t~.. ~l!l.ns '5 otl "rs flsidn, tJ: Lt \'iest 7"'tr. (Pr,'S' -:c1j) "venue 'O'l th.. I,ravel, and t. " ",atit:!.on.:.rs to haul t'.. 5/'.::-:e. "'he ?.::- COll'JIlisc;10n..rs agrEled to 7urr.1gh '\ eOI..pet,..nt z;.'\n to 5u~..r1~t.,nrt t;'e wtlrk, availllble, p..t1tioners to na....1. the Fr'l.V~ll ~n<1 the ';ounty to spr..a.d tr.e from thEl Ctlunty line to Wadsworth Avenue a di st'lonce of.' one an:l rme-naif -' lh a- ) ~ ~b teA..:, I Iltio-'\ '()nrn~1 of thprnnl1ni~""I"