HomeMy WebLinkAboutG 091 .Journ;lJ of the (:ol1l111i""iollcr" of J l'ffl'r~()n County. (~()J().. ~Ovf>'"},cr 1 'tj-, 1 -In. It) '11cnle 'c r>"1_ ,'~. "~rt!- ~ 'l'ris B,rtr Ar.dr" w Ardel's'!' W. H. Ro;:,e Jr. t n"e":"ter ;? 1 t '!~ /. I'::; . flC~!'. 4<'1 - ~ ~163or -~t. :)e;- /~r, ~ 1 ") 1",4'1 'r.a;::'a t. 'le.-: .;:, - . . ~~ . (' T I 'I ' ,r R L~ '; I '1 '1 ~t:!nQ" of ~"'e I--,-:tl....e-s -.::~ .~eo~. '!"'~or Ca,lnt.\~, Cil !'" '1J, VOO(l _ 1 Lr'- 1:: n, 1"). ~ ~~""('I ~ :l-:e r,... r::J::,erl J.i'-e :-D ~r':? ~'~"'ver .'r'i ~!'C"'1: :--!'.111: qjl'''~~'' ('l:):::; _~v '").... tl-._ AY1:~r::i-!" JP ':09t "'-rp-rtv'- y;inth Avcn'J.e, ~!"l:O t;€-r:...t:!'DO.... ~O,.H..t;'{, )lo~n}o; t}1e f)11oV't1rr- nrtrr. d ;:'~-~ Irs "'e~e .!'73~"--: ~t 9J.1d meet1n": .'O:3epr p. n'lvl1ck, J()r." r, 'l'0,ier1ck, P9-l1 "~r;::p.r., "11:", (LJ~:r Yil11q.n, ;t. rd D~.1, !I.~. 'orf-<l.!"', Jor""' l~J'r, j\~ .-....'1.rg+ett 1', '1"" "") "il::,o:-e, ,T." Ill?, ,"!,'1 :1011 ~r1, _,__ :J_~ r, "!". ,e . c' ~r::i ~. Ve~nor '8.\f1.S :--....:;.;r 8eV'~i -: ~'~ t--: :..... '1190 iJresert. "he ~;eetir-., '119." _l'''''>ni;:ecj b' ..1<)ctir- 'oseph b. ",,- 9.I~d Ptl-.Jl FOT'!:ar.. se.;retti.!'Y. 'e7:".R.rks '!Ie""~ t, t-'....~U:)or- -8.~~ fg,V0:,i"'I' Ye8:Jrs. ""dej, D~'/is ~nrl bi 'licir ,!!"d ot}"er,'. It wag moved '\rd c-;l",.1ed t!"'\t .i.t r-a ~eco:rJI:e"',darl. by ':"i'l ~e8tir)' tr1t ~ t~"e t:-t;: (:Ar,.y1rr' of :::'a"~el";"ers be cant"i!"cr1 ir- '1.!",);' f'r nchL'e )"l''l.!'ted, qg ":',1')"0\'3: O!!e C'l.r lea.vinr ~ro"rr. 'rill 3.1r19.1 P'\~k 'It C:3n ,;. "., ,,' "-'~!"~" '; 'le Q- lea'lin.' Crovm H1ll :Our1!>1 P'l.rk a.t 7:'7.0 ,\.7/.., ,>nn r"tjl'nir,,;:, A C"'" le'lvi"'- n" If:; "^. '. 1l"1d 1",,'; ~"''''_ 11'1" 'Ird e\"ery tJ-lr t",el""aftpr l"'til /. o'cloc].' p. ',~., :r.) last c',- 1"'''> ~ t"" '~lrt. li!'e at 7: n'clock P. ~., s~ij service tc he 1'1.11 . It '.:&8 .....')ved ,tr:d ~e.rried t....q,t t1"e Pr'l.!"~ i~~ r€ --~: -leri so g,s tJ !"n::t t"r-e ~ "It'?'l.r:. t ~ c'lrry rreir,it. It -'or,s t1".;n ::-ov"d rr1 c-,!'~ien t"'-it t"e frfl"cri-,e '" ',,""e';!,!' c"'",,,P. ->lrtic- ul.r9 '1"cl '>3 :-,eretJ"ol"t! "l"eserted r.e reco"er,4pr! t" t " !'~r'r'-'''le "'1" f'" '.l"t", n,1;::Jr.193i')r-~r3 of this Cour.ty ;>or f\Ilo'Re.rce. !t 'II s t ,r. J;1ov"a '.r" c,"',i~," ..,;t t!e ~"11 'I:'!,," .'),7"~itte<' te gelecten to ct in co,r~ct1on ','11th a. co-,;:-,itt;", ~"'v::- ti:e '~rn'11 T:,ll >-~tf>ry A ",)ci'i.ti,.r. t,' r>re3er.t this fr,nch1se to t,b, Boar1 or Co,mty ;o:L:n1g!\io"'''r~, ~l-el;;, ~ ..i1 ;'orm"!!":, H, :'rllr.stetter !,,'j Yr. Rrowr. !t W3.5 moved o.r.d 8econderl. >l''lt q'<,! :""1',i,,,- !l'l,lo'.lrr sU",'.-,ct t" tl-., ~,11 :1~ '''e ,~,'\ir. ~ ~. 0 .-10-: 111 st.., ,. ',.. )l.;s, ,1 'y 'i 11 Cemetery ;.., ac:. ....ti 'Jr '."le':'e L ,].' pr,'s1,!""t "r t ~e :J"'et1r.~ t;"~ ',1: 1 'j~C' of' '1 r:nd 'Jy :r,e<1.11e ~ :)!" ~ove~ '-" ~~. t~d. \:c~ .Jornsor imd e.,,,0'1ed t\ , sol-Jt1o" n '\"tt:t} S , c' t ~\'8 Pp.tit.iur '- ' r ~i 1 ~ "'\ilwa.r te , p s () , ,1 T I q1 !l!vve~ "'" JJrnsof' !mo e",J(), '1en ~~,. ~~. ted. ,,-" . sol.Jtio' ,I i.1 l., p ~_J '1 I . I I c 'p "P1'. tl'Jr J' ,.., r .. !: "~llw(>J. "t' I 11 "\"}"II} 3, ..I , ,1'. S n ,J T I 'I ~nL"iTY ;~()"".:r ~,-;r ,T.~';:., CO'lNTY IJF ,r~:;::r: ',J'I. Be it r'9solved t-y tre ".l~" V '0:;'.rr.i3.'i')r,"'~3 oj' t"e ~rl,!~.ty )f ,r",ffpr.3or:, ';t,'l:e of Colorario: Sec. 1. ThA r:'.YI~t :? .s "t:reb gr~r:tp1 t', '" !'..~ Vfer' r~ ~r:'..rr :rill P',:lw'l:1 C,:-;;!lr.y, its ,....cce~"ors !10"~ s11lT:>, '(l locate, ".11ld, c rstr'l;;t, oper'lte a.nn -"irto.ir '1 s1",-le trRck elect!'ia, K'lS o~ ~ soline r'lil~cld, itn. ~~itche~, turro~t~, Rirl~tr~cks, c~o'sl~'s, ar03~OV'9rD, l"O?8, '.'/Yes, poles, ov"rn.,; d rn undl:lr,;!,o,md wirE'S, /'l"n 31<.:r oth~r "'~re3 '>no '1;'.:-1: mces ..8 :::'l\;' t'e ;:roper or cor-verient trerefor )ver, .lpO!1, alar", I'i 8.;)"03>3 th'lt cert.'lin C,}Clr,ty RJad, loe3ted ir t;'p. Co;'!"y of Jef,.,r"on, ~J'r:n"nl:, ie"i~ '.',,1 "" "e~t '~werty-:"i.th ,v.:r-..e, "r;:-, tle ''jest 1iN! of the (,it~ '1r,d COJ.!',t:; of Dervar, '~t.,t", uf 'Io"f1.:ic, ,t 'I' "p'::" ., e ; 1 Le 7{re~.. .)'e sl1:r.e s irtersected 11;/ '!lest ~ ". rty-n1r,th v"n.le of ~ 1d Cit;.' rd Court;: of 'erYer, St~te ,)f Colorado, thel"ce in a 'ne"t"rly iirectio'1 ,v.;r, l"or, '~lo)'[~ o.)',d s.C!'.)SS sa:r1Co'Cl1"+' ::i"''l.,l to &.'1d across tte 'lorth and ;~O-lt1: C,;r.tel' lire cf' Sec:ior: twer.tY-8:i '{ (>':), ,o'1i:;rJ.p thre~ (3) ,:outh, E!\r.~e sixt~'-n1ne (69) ,est, to )'e er:rarce ,,:, '."'[-'It ~S J.. (J.i1". .~s tr.e Crown Hill }<'..1!'i9.l P 1'1< it: Jefferson County, Colorado; qnd ove!', ClFon '1nn ',crO!\S all 1rtergeet::.1"," CO'.ll'ty ra>"1s, tltree':.s, l:1r1'lws.ys 6n~ public Places; t.lf'et)er"itn "ere fr~l"ch:!.se, ~irht and !'ivile,-e ,f c;m:ectir.F said r.ulr03Q line, prope-t;.', ~t8.t1ons 8.r'n power r,:)U~es bv ;-:('les e d "'i1'es ';,itt. a po";er ho.ls;, or h"clses of Sfl.ic\ cornp'l.r',y or A.ny other eomil".ry; and to o:;e':''1.te said "'silroA.d line by electr1~:!.ty it: anj of" its forMS or u.'Jthods now knoW!' ,.,. ,lsed, Jr whi~h l' :y hereafter ~e ~1scovered or '.1 sed , or by l';9.s01ine Itoto't" a8 now usen or b,/ i:r.proved :1etr ods .....i::1': :!:'l.J" here- after he discoverect, )1' used. ~ S~c. 2. The f-enver flnd '~ro":n Hill ~ompany shell cO!'8trClct linn 0perate it~ r iI'wa.Y '.pon a g.J.B;>,e not exceed1nrr 1''1 l' feet -::i,-}t and ore-half inches ( 4 ft. "-l~ in). Sec. 3. ,'he Denver 'In" ('ro"r Hill :~ ::.l"'a;y C2~any shall be ert1tled tc receive f~"e (,) cents find no more for a si,gle passa e on its line of railway ctescribed rereir; ?ro'li1ei '~lt cl'.ildren unner s1y (~) ;,e'ird of ,)..'~, when aeeon, ',n::.e1 ny e. "n.yir.q ;->8"> ,er"'"r, S'''l Ll te c'lr~ie" 1'r",e of' cr.ll.rfe, f\nd c)~1l,r"n oVt:" six (6) ~;e 1'8 ,'" A.-e~l' .lrder twelve (1"') ,!",:f' 'l. le, at 1'9.lf' fare. S~c. 4. befure ertt=:......ir~ .lpOf'1 .r t q"'l~~ ~nt:,f" 3.ry" - r' the ril rts :)'r' ~~""i"~ It;t.~ ~ l' 'rt::.r rranted, The Dt!".vdr an.d C,'c'NJ ',ill" il'''9.Y Company Rr~Qll exe';cl.el-' file 'r't': S'I:l :l ..ri 0" Co-,~t;y Com-:-.1s:,10nerB its lJ, r.j,;rlt}: sc:~p.~ies to he 11,Jproved by said '10 rei, .,roj "..lrrir" to t> Count;,' of' Jef'fersoTl, in 're penal SUl" of T"r 'T!'~lls"r1 :-:011'~"'s ( 1\',~. r..nr), rLti2r~ct tl',t it '.7111 hold ~re Cnnt:i r1.rmless ffJr and ll.>7ain"t ',ry 'rd 'dl nJll''l.'eS S'l.:~ '''''':'. :,' s.:"t !' 0:'- 1'eAse!'! of tr.e -:.m:lt~.;etion o~ op"lr''1.tiol' of S'lid rdlro., i n trE: r1rl't '1' W',V 'I" '. ~ _, rTf', "ed, 1.nd that lt will f'lll;\ f\nd f'litrr-..1lI~ o":;"rve, 5.bic',., ny, :Jpl'forl", -ll~'JI '\ Ii ,'"m,.ly .~ th each and 9.11 arn ever;,' of the ter'Ils, ~ondit1n)1S '1r,J reqclire:r.ert,; )" 'r,i:> -." 'Uti,)n. Sec. ~, Tt:e rl,-.t:t of W'lY ri~' .pr'1.rcrcise herflhr 1'Y''lnten ShA 11 1'>'" 'l.r,i ':"'e r'e~flb:! 1 :!.~.1 ten for !L :;erio~ "f :t exceedino; t'Nenty (2~) ';", '11' S. ~ec. 6. l're r:icort ".. 'illY ar:'\ ~r(J.ncLi~e l:<"1'flb~' ''!''1 tecl :8 SJ.'-:.-:t t, p.o I" ',sl'1t ve ?ollele fur,:::1ore of '"1'e Courty of Jefferson ".r.rl !:J.ll 1~""8 fl. n ena\~tment,' of 1:".e "1:".+ 01' Cnl"~fl.rlo