HomeMy WebLinkAboutG 272 '~'~.cr ,~ ~'j__I1 '."..,~ ~"~''>P'.~~ ',.r~> i 4f.'-- -"l:.a..,-..."""..~.....~ . .. ....:!'.li.-:..'.r...........--'~~~;::'!t'.,,~'" i " ,.-._~ " -,--";-,,-~--,,,:,-~;;,,>-~~ 'I .::.....:.-7.,'.,....",.~~,>it__.~ ')1~.._e.:~;~-<<f1.~.-:.."''''.. "Ie II" pd ot :: 01' Jerf "80n -. ~~rr--.......~...;:,'t;':~.c u rrty :o::'!::1i.ul1or;4t1P.. 'o..l1t.l, :0101''\110. .".."", I'y J ".It" B Trut> 1 8f'r ;r ,,11'1', '\Il By . :'. ' ,'W~e8 At'tflr cOTUllderll1!; 1\ rumb8!' or B11ls or. proi'dr ;:otlor t;-" h,,'U"'l '\1';.J~n;d .l~tll June 2M. 1 14.. A7"J'ST: f~ Ii I),/,J ~ M4/, . Gr-a1 r_ar. ~~..A ~, ! Clerk. r . " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ U N E ~nrl. 1914. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUrsuAnt to ad"ourl'llllent t:'e Poard or Count~' Co;r:;,18:'11or"rs met ..~ltJ tre :>OIl.l'C ~ Coun'ty Collll15s1onet'8 from Adll.ll.s ~~~d Boulder COjrtl~B IH" w1tr ..,'r....1r::ar ". "I. ~.1r':erd.~a or tore State i 19,w~ Cor.rlss1on Il.t BroOlr.fleld,Co10. Atter view1ng t.l~,~ joint rOM between J"fp,-rsor. ",Th' rOul'iel' :l'Ur~':'e5, rf'"r BrOOllf'1e1d, 1 t. 1fIIo8 !ll'rll.l1!~ed t.r. '\t tr~c Boer de" ,- errE'r:<or. C(1.l rty 2o~=.ls~ 1. 0 l",er 8 '\T:<' tl e Board af St~,te rt1~j rle.y COIIJ:lL;,Jiorers meet w~tl tl ~ :JOarrl or Cour.t~r : 'l!'.r:.l:,~lorp.rs ;'roJt Q.Upln ...m BCllllder CG.lrrtles at ~;uy :l111, i !'owr AS !lllrt or "'1: ...te Pri!l.r~' "0"1' ,,1. ). on JUI,. 3rd. 1914. Whe"eupon Il're rr,l'lE\t1r.F ~,t Erooll'.l"1elcJ. '.~~.S ,^'1,"ournerl, '\~:cl T ~ , f;""er:1or. County C0II!II1881 ~rs retJrnec to fr01 ier, f\r:rl. too~' up rurti~er bu,'1:ess before t; e baard.. 'lie County Clerk WI:H' rlirected to "ll't'ite t e C. ,J,. s. B.il~'Ill./ ~ot,}"\7 I\sh1r[ them too place & !'~d '1l"03l<lng on tl-e 'treat side o~ ~1:e ~t"te Horr,.- r'or ~""hle minded or 'T. .\t ia kw.n a8 the cJ ill', Lewi8 no-. c. I\nd tr at tr,ey, .t e C.... i. Co. :)- <cu t'j so': ~,' b:i. U to t.h e o.uat7 for -118 experfle or :} e .,am... E A D"ed rol' road !'ll~t-or-wI\Y tliroufl)l :l portion ('f ,~i'ctlon 17 rr. de 1r. TO'Im. 3 S. R. 69 'ft. ":1l.8 re ce iV8 d ~.r.:: I\C cepted, e.r.rl d>led ord..r ,Hi Upon pl"oper otion t: e LJfl1'1 rl,jourred ..lr.tl1 .J.lre 31':1. 1 )14. li; ...r:; l.t' er '\ ul.'\c"ll (\p T'6COY NnE:.l'l' : .....o""'--ci.,'.v.;'-<..il.:~.....,.."......;........,O"_"_"''''"".._.''''"'.~.~...~k';,i>O:~.~..",.,..,,.~ ~~ ~Cf j '.~ -;J: