HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ 088 'f, Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo.,_ APIl!U_an~~~____ 1943 . ( Board at COUllt1 Co_l..lone... .et In ....gul... ....lon Ap..n 5th and 6th "ith ChaIrman Geo.... ,_ PeYl.AI\J C....l..lone.. G.org. S. G....n. Co....l..10n... Ju.. G. Bl.gglns. J..., County At~orn'r' ~!'1 L. 01 Conn.n, COUllt1 Cl...ll and R.oorde.., '1111u T. Olaon, and Leon. Clut., St.no",ropt.; 'N..nt. . ~ 'CTIfION TO DESTROl CERTAIK GENERAL AND ROAD rUND VOUC!lEI\S. !be COURty Cl.rk pre..nt.d to the Board a p.tltlon to the Dl.t..lot Cou..t tor the permlss10n to l..troy onUln general and road. tund youch.r. and chatt.l mo..tgag... all 0: ahleh t.ave bee. 00 '11. In h1. ottlO. for. p.rlod at .0.... than t.n y.ar., .nd ...que.t.d the cons.nt of the Board ,. proYld.d b, law to.. tb. p.....ntlng of hI. ..ld p.tltlon to the Dl.t..lct Cou..t. ~h. ?oar~ -atter oaretul con.ld....tlon of the petItIon, adopted the follo"lng ....olutlon: ' ~. . pltition to be presented to the District Court 1n and tor ~he County or Je!rerso~. lUte at Colorado, baa b..n .ub.ltt.d to thl. Bo...d by tb. Count1 Cle..k and Record.r of thIs ~OUDtz. Whioh ..14 petition pray. tor the authority and permll.1on or the Court to destroy cer_ -+&18 pa~r., 1n.truaent. and record. on rile 1n the otrice at Bald County Clerk and Recorder, aort partloularll d..orlbld .1 all Youcher. on the County General Fund i8SUed on or befcre D.o..ber 31. 1932 and numbered up to and Includlng lO.~92, all ~ouch.r. upon the County Roa~ Uld BrIdge P'und luued on 0" berore D.c.mb... 31, 1932 and numb....d up to and 1no1u~lng 13,30~, 'II cha~tel .o..tgag.. rIled In the OrrlO. or .ald County Cl...k .nd Recorder on or before Oe- _~I&Der '1, 1~32 whl0h do or dld not lecure the payment ot '25,000.00 or more, and WHEREAS, it appear. to the Board that ~he 'paoe no- oocupied by 881d records 18 very muct neea~ for the care ot new record., and fHERiAS, 1t rurther appearl that no 1nJurl or damage would be oooalloned to the publlc O~ t~ Cl ~.r.on Dl the deltructlon or aald reoord., and .HERtAS, It 1. tb. opInIon ot th. Board that s.ld p.tltlon should and ought to b. grant.~, COl. TH.ERE.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thll Board doel, purluant to the provislons of Sec:lcn 1..0 ~"" :hapt... 45. Colorado Statut.. Annotated 1935, a. am.nd.d by S.s.lon La.. of 1937. appro"" sa~d -petition and doe. hereb1 Join ..1d Count,. Clerk. and Recorder 1n request1ng the approv8.~ c~ sa1d p.tltlon b1 tb. ..ld D1.t..lct Cou..t. Upon roll call: Co__l.lloner Bigglnl, aye Co~11110ner Green, aye Co..il.loner Devlnnl, &11. '..nON or MAD \AIWoDU PUT or HE/WERSON'S SUBDIVISION) -Wherea., .. petit10n hae been preaented to thi8 Board by Kae B.. Dought" et all tor the vst:a':10:' o! that olrtain area des1.gnated a8 road or street on the amended plat or Hendereon t I Subd~ vislor. ~ll,d in the ortl01 or the Countl Clerk and Recorder or Jerfer80n Count1, Colorado, on De~emb~r 3. l~, 11tuate4 and located a. rollow., to-w1\: -fhat ponlon or RIdge Str.et 111ng b.t.een Blocks 3 and 4 1n Aaend.d Plu of H.nd.rson's SubdITI- 810n froa the W.lt boundar1 or Center Street to. the Eaet bo.undar; af' Hendereon Stree" no. knoft a. Plerce Street. or aore part10ularly deacribed .1: Beg1nn1ng at the Southeast corner of ~t l, '910ck. ), thence So.uth to. the Nortneaet corner or Let 1, Bloak 4, thence feet to. the !tort:.west ')orner or Lot 2, Block. 4, thence North to. the Southwest corner or Lat 3, Bloek. }, tr,enc~ Sast t':l the point or beginning, all 1n AJlended Plat of Hender8on'. Subdivlsion, .11 .itus.te in t!-".l" Co..::.:! -or Jeftereon, State of' Co.lo.rado. UP WHJ:RUS, lt would appear to. the Board that sald area deeignated a8 road or etreet ha!': neTer ,e"n opened to or u.ed bl the public or the County of Jefferaon, State af Colorado; that :';.e ;,ar. ~1"1 lign1ng 841d petltlon are the owners or all or the property abutt1ng on sald area, a;.j t~at ~o per.on ar perlonl except lald petit10nerl .ould be lnJured or other-tee afrec~ed bY t~e va~- tian of 1&14 ~a. liD WHEREAS. a&1d are& 1. not neceslary tor publio travel between any polntl wrAtsoever a~d tr~: I.ld area 1. not now nor wl11 it be in the tuture neceslary tor public u.e. -;ROW. THEREfORE. BE IT RESOLVED B1 the Board of Count1 Co.ml..10n.... or tn. County of Jeffersor., State at Colorado, 1n regular aeeting assembled, that ..1d petit10n be granted and that fl8.1d a!'tl heretofore d..cr1bed in ",hi. re_olutian be and the la.e 11 hereby ....eated ae a p\1b11e rOB-d., !t!'te' or park and that all rlght, ela1a or interest of the Countl ot Jetter.on, State at Colorado. ar.j or the pub11c ln and to said area ls hereby relealed, re11nqulahed, and real,ed. -BE IT rUR!'HER RESOLVED that Arthur Apel, County AIBelBor at Jerteraon CoW\tJ State of Colo:-'CO, or hi_ luco..eor in oftloe, be appointed Commleeloner tor and on behalt ot ~h. Count1 at Jefrer60~. State at Colorado, to .ake, exeoute and dellTer to any proper part1el in lnterelt, conveyanee or all right, title and lntere.t, ir any, or the County 01 Jettereon, S~te ot Colorado, ln and to ..14 area. Ibould luob conTeyanoe be required to perrect tltl' to tb. land ..braced .lth1n ~14 --arl. ln lueh partlel. Upon .o~loA b1 Coaml1110ner Biggina, .econded b1 Co~le.loner Green. ~e .boye re.olut1on w.' unan1aoulll approTed bl the Board. COMXISSIONER TO EXECUTE DEED. (~~"1111oner Green lnto~ed the Board that certaln land beretotore had been COGy.,ed to the Co~~t1 .~~.r D. and a.~l~ t. ~old tor. right ot .&7 1n conllderatlon ar the conyel.noe to ..14 ..tle' b1 the COUlltl ot thl abandoned por~lon ot ~h. Count1 road ..14 road be1ftil!l' changttd to the land conTeled bl the Arnold.. ..~ --Upon .ot~on by C~11.1on.r Green and leoonded bl Coacle.loner 81gg1nay the Bnard unan1aous11 La .'"""""... . <0;. -~ ~j fj-~ o Ie.. ;J.~.-3-{1 (}J ') "1:\1 <) -ty~"^- " \~ ~; ;~- """"_~l"'.,., ,',