HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ 421 CoVV'\""""'SS (f (- c c .' cis c",~".s ~- " is r 5"~rt- ::2 ~ /Cf1) -, "-lLL LEvY INCREASE _ llchool DhtrIct No. 52 v ~~tl SuperlnteDdent of School., Sera R. Korrle, representIng School DI.trlct Ie. 52 appeared e ore the Board and preoented theIr r1nanc1a1 probleae, aDd aeked the Board'. approTaJ. to ~esent to the State !ax Commisslon a request ro~ an increase in the al11 1eT1 ro~ next rear. ter due oon8id~rat1on. the Board APProyed this reque8~. ;---- 14CATIOII RiSOLIJT!ON _ Val ter e,ee \ lIIIEREAs, Walter eaee bl deed, dated the 15th or October, 1.9111 aDd recorded the 26th or October, 194<l, BoeI: 4}2, page 110. 247. conTeled the prop"rt7 !'.eroln deocrlbed to the ~'" at' Jetterlont aDd . .- lIIU:ai;u, there 11 . a1educrIptloll therell1 eonta1Ded U1 ~ _rd. 'the_ n 99 h.t ...... ell' leu to a poInt.; _n.., the t...... deocr1ptlon obou1.d be .Ulanos 1IW 99 reet ...... or :118. Q 422 "'--' Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo.,_ 19 "7 ~ i { "_ Si:.P:El(EER~ _26TF. (CO~7' D 1 8. point', and YH;FXASt the present ownere, Lel~nd C. Glpe and Clara O. Q1pe, r~Y~ ~gree~ ~~ the de.crIptlon by deed, I?:./~..} '1-~' 1:"'1::<' < e'l C':.":"""f'ct e!'~t;~ ~:-. f, 4'LI B~}<- J ) ~ +1.'- .,. ,i:J ~ X & ""C'IIJ.J ~ ,/' '\l I ~ ~ ,," et " /"J I}b NOW. THEREl'ORE. BE IT RESOLVED. to correct sale. e~o!" A~O aee:l thqt ?ober-t 5, W~:E:J:: C:'J:':<O;)' Ae~es6or, be apPOlnted ae Corn~isF1onpr to convey C~ tehqlf of tte C~u~ty c~ Je~~~~~~~ ~~e f~' lr.g c1eacrlbed propt-rty s1.tuated. in the County o! ':~~~erfl:'J!"., Sta.te c'" C....lo!""::,..,, ~...-~.it: ~. :..~ . _\ Beglnr.lrgat S pOll:t ,:,r. ~he eE'!;\'t 11~e cf Sectlon 26, Town6~lp 3 South, F8r.~e (9 {eft of the 6th P.M. S-1.5 reet Bc.th of t~e r.C"t~ east corner ot saie ~ec~1G~ 26; t~ence w€fte!"ly parallel to the nort~ l~ne ot' sa1~ eectlo~ 2:, 421.25 feet t~ the t~~e ?C~~t of teg~~~1r~; thence south ~ 061 ~a!~ 50 feet; t~ence ~~~tC. westerly 9~ feet more or less to a polr.t wti:h is !6&.5 feet south ~~t 517.75 feet ~e~t of ~~e northeast corner of FA1~ eect10n 26; t~ence vef~ parallel with the n~: th line cf fa~c fectlo~ 26, 37.25 t'eet; thence n:rt~ p~rallel to tt~ e~~~ l~~e ot sald sect10n 26,2: feet; t~er.ce eA.~te!'l:: ':'?.;,a~' ,:,1 to the north line of E8i~ efct1cn 26,:;;.~: '~~: or les~ to the pet;.t a! =egi~;.1r.r. ar:c t~at Faid deed be dellvc:-ed tc the said Lel&:".c :. j~?E' a::-=- :::~:-a c. :,.~~(' a cee~ rrc~ the~ eo~tatn1~g a ?rcp~r de~cr1pt1c~. SEE A1.\O ~ ~"'c€l:" ~f 6K ~~o I r~ 3 "1 .e .;Ii. ~ ~ "'. .~, bl I - ~ or.1 ~I lIlt-' :r~ l1S'~ !SI!~ 11 bIH~ llIlaICI ' IESIGUfl lloo1gll1tl du.001111 ~