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Ii 8~ ~I .0: c: 01 ... , ~. 14 . .. !i c!J . tot . ,.. Yo te the te" "-J.~~ f J efteraon v.... ..~, -vote the ttl.::....:; Y of Jerter",::.: oerta1nlng tc ::.~ ')~' a.ut:.crlI~ c.: !!Or 5, 19501 P'~"" va te the rer. ot:; .....da for roat. iJR." Section MI1 Y.erld.1a.r., 1!. _ 325 teet So..:': Seu thWllt ~;a.~:r.' ..tic:: slrt'.:c::......: -...ticn T'va!.t1. 't) or aa:: ",. ...est &lOt; 111: ~<"@(..ce Kort:.c1' n t of beg1t:J.:.f. .-:Jte the tc1::r''':; ~r.r.le C. ElIl.l~, ; l ton and Edc .( _,pted: est Halt c! t:.t Q\xth p:"1te~~ vote the tol:~:": _ plot or w~ oak 2 at Pit" . e " ine of 2O~"1' d by the p'" . nn t wi t.l:1Zl th~ o count,.; ~ a-es":.Abl1C;e' ~:- i of aa14 ,J.:a1; unt)', col~:' he-follOvi08; l' or......f':l, bl ":~~,!' r tlt1ng tint . ,j .na :'Co' ,.:t' erllne ct '- - Itewood. Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson, County, Colo.,___ Deoember_ 4, 1950 ~ k. 257 t--...9 fj 19 .,........, , ~........ "~ -- - :'~rION or WD - PORTION OF BRENTWOOD STREET ~ '. lotion bv Comlll1ssioner Green, seoond by Comm1Bsioner T d '0 i ~, . rue, an y unan mous yote the follOwing .~~lut10r. dS adopt ed; f~5 ,~eat Ridge Found~tion, a corporation not for profit duly organ1zed and existing u"der and :;,Irtue or ~he laws of the State of Colorado. d1d by deed made May 21, 1949 and recorded 'June 7 :..., 1n Book c3S at pa.~e 412. convey unto the County ot Jetterson for a nominal consideration only :;.dollowing describeQ property e1tunte 1n the CQunty of J etferson and State of Colorado, to-wit:' TOO segment of a. c1rcle of :orty_f1ve (45) feet rad1us, bounded on the West by tn. Eaet line o! E. D. parr Sl.I.odlvls1on Which is ale1 the East line of Erentwood Street, the center ot the said c1rcle being three hundred forty (340) feet East of and five hundred thirty-t~ree (533) fett ~orth ot the 6outh~eGt corner of Section Twenty_t~~ee (23). Twp. Tr.re~ (3) South, Range 69 Vest, 6th P. M. ~~: ~~est Ridge FJundatlon conveyed the aforesaid property to tte Co~nty Jefferson for use as a l~._a_rouna. at the ~ortheiy end of Brentwood Street as it tten e~tended ~orth from West 3Btn Avenue ~~c:' the unc.erst!lnding that the afore-said property would be returr,ed to ;.'heat Ridge Foundatlor. when :~ val no longer needed tor a Iturn-a_roundl; and ~~ land has now been dedicated tor the Northwa~d ex~er.slon of E~e~twood Street beyond the afsre- u.1d property; and i~ ~he&t Ridge Foundation has now requested the Board of County Co~~lB61on~r6 to vaCate t~e above :es::,~oed property; and. '~~ it 16 in the public interest to have Brentwood Street of a u~ifcr~ width; and ~~~ tr.e above described propertJ 11es entirely ~thln the Cour.ty at Jefferson, is not wittir. tte .::l<;s of ar.y clt:,' or tow!!., anc does not for:n the bC~:1da:!"'y 11!1e of a city, town a!' count~'J a.'1d ~~lAS co lar.~ wa~ld by sald vacation be left without an establi~ted pu~lic ~oat con~ectir.? it with l'.:~;.er ewtablis:-.ed public road; ;;~, ':'EERi:J'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED bJ' the Beard of Cou.'1ty Cornn:.ls6ioners of the Count)' of Jeffersor., St~te :: :Obrado, pursuant to Senate Bill No. 255 enacted by the 37t!'-. Jeneral As:=,e:nbly of Colorado and !:~roTed May 5. 1949, that the following portion of roadW'ay lying 'Wi t:-.in the Ca'..lnty of Jefter.or.. 5~a~e ot Colorado, heretofore ded.icated to the public use, be a.'1d ::erebj' 1s vacatedt The segment of a circle of forty-five (45) feet radius, bo~nied on t~e West by the East lir.e of E. :. Parr Subclvision which is also the ~ast ltne of E~et~wood street, tte center of the sald cinle being three hundred forty (34{)) feet East cf a:;d five hundred thirty-three (533) teet 1\o:'th of the Southwest corner of Section ':",.,e:-.tJ'-t:-.ree (23), ':'wp. T~11'ee (3) South. RanEe 69 Yest, 6t~ P. M. ~:. 'lacated pcrtlen to vest in Wheat RidGe Foundation, ....hich is tr.e owner of the abutting' and. re- ~e!'Tlng, however, rights-ot-wa.... or easeme:1te tor the continued use of existir.g gas or water lines r..1ch may l1e Y1 thin or across such 'Vacated portion. z.~!Ii:; - RJ:ZC~;ING "'~D RECLASSIFICATION :;>on action by Commissioner Tr'J.e, second by Com!T'.1ssioner Green, and by unanimous vote the toll(}w1ng :'ts-::Lt1on W&6 adopted: ~~ the Jerrer60n County Plan~1~g Com~is81an ~as proposec t~e followlng a~end~ent to the Zoning :.~s:bt1cn for JefferEon County adopted May 6, 19-+6, as a.mer,ded; and ~~ at least 30 nays notice of tr.e time and clace of Dublic hearing upon the said proposed &~end- :e::t has been given by at least one newspcYJer of' g-erleral circulation in Jefferson County. and (~~S said hearing was held on November 20, 1950; and 'i::.::ns said heari:1g wa.s continued until November 27; and ~~~S or. Nove~ber 27. said hearing was ccntlr.~cd until Decembe~ 4; :~1 TEE:RSr'}P.E., BE. IT RESOt \'"ED tnat tne !ollo",.ing described area be rez.oned and reclassified from ~-1c:.l.ltura1 One (Al) to Reslc.er..tial ~ (R2) District: Tne "'t 5: SEi NE; Sec. 33, T 3 S. R 69 '0'.. except the E. 50 ft. t~ereof. ~~:R LICE~\SE ~E'tlhl..S ":.r::::. Illottor. OJ' CCm.:r.is51oner True, seccn:i by COffi:rJ.ss1oner Green, ar,c, by unatimou6 vote tne !ollowir.g ~5,:Lt1on vas adopted: :~ l~ RElLVED t~At the application of Wallace C. and Irene A. Je~e:t (dba) Hartle Corner Liquore, )2"...2 Morrison Rd., tor reneval of Retail Liquor Store Lic en se be ar.d 1 tis hereby approved ~ -, I'" ~ - I~c Pt 3, Golden, for renewal =t ... FUR'!'F.ER RESOLVED that the ap:c11ca tion of El Rancho Co...ora:J.o, ".,". . totel and Re6taurant License be and it 1s hereby approved. " C t ~1 b W Jewell and Morrison Rd. ;~ IT F'JR'l'SER RESOLVED that the application of Or-een Gables o~n ':':" \"o~u, . ...1" r'neval of Club Liquor License be and it is hereby approve.... :~ I'! r'..."RTRE:R RESOLVED that tne application of Joe He1.:nl1.ch (doa) ~~ed v~~rBe Inn, 5900 w. 45th Ave., ...r r-eneval. of Hotel and. Restaurant License be and it ie hereby al-'.""1""O .... . "b ,,.. .. G. Lic'..:>!" st:Jre, 993 ::1: ro,: F"yo,,,",,'ER p,.rS^L"-D that t1 of Lee 3. Har:rne~ te:' \:: a, ..r. CJ; , ~~r1~D5lVd.,-r~rl~eneval ~eR:~~iiC~iq~~r Store License be ar.d it is hereby approved. . , . Le.:.::ion fost H17g, 1655 S1m."!':s St.. :: ..! F;'r::'EI.R R.t:SCLVED that the application of LaY.e....ood ^'!.et"...car, '-' '.1" renewal of Club Liquor Licer.se be and it is herebj' ap~rov(>j. ~;,:.:l., -.. c.." I " I)- 11,/