HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 361 Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo,,_ ~""C~ "4,195' B~ , 1-- ....., 361 19_ by Com:nis151oner Koch, e:.::' ~.. -..:::a::~:~u::. ..ate the !'':J:J.ov:r.g reeo';''..:.':.:O:1 vas e.:i-:.":.":..t:i the Jefferson County Planning Cor:rc.1s~ion has :proposed ':.~ ~:'_cving a:Dend.:Dents tOIl t~ Zo."l1ng Re$Olution for county, adopted May 6J 1?46, a8 amended and l' at leut 30 days nO;lce of the time a."1d place of public ~..::.:-_g \1?:m said proposed ~:.:be;lt6. t.z..s beer. gl'/en :. at leut one ne'tl'5p6.Per 0... general c:..rcu...a.tion in Jeffersc.:: C:)''':='-:~. a.:ld on th:s date . . ~, BE IT RESOLVED that Je:fferson C0\.L'1ty Zon:.nr; loti:: ~ . c. ':e a.-tIen'ied't0 :"nc_u=-e ..""_:.i:ln the C ::J!':'l::ie!"::ie.: . 'Diltriet and exclude from the A 2 Ag!-icu...:..tural 'I've Dist::-i::t ~ !:li_o~_"'.g desc!'ibed u."lf...-:'ccr'pOrat.ed. area. of Je!'fe=-- l>>UCt><: .c '!'be South 350 feet or the N"'lrth 430 feet of the East 2_ - :-eet cf 'tt'.e Sou~::.."'est ~.JA...-te:- (S......tJ Se::ti.O:l 24 to..~sr.!.p 3 South. Ra.:'l.ge '7" West l:."i!1C &".l.t:-. cf t':le ~;c--:'c. j::_c.e:J. :l.:lad. rr ~ RESOLVED that Jefferson :':.1u..'1tJ Zcni::t: Y.h~ 1;0. :; G~ E:.1e:-.~c. 'tc tn.c_'.l.c.e ..-:.tr-":'!l :'ne : _ C:x::ne!"C::.e.: O;,~ .trict and exc.l.ud.e frot:l. the R C Reside:-ltial C~mmercla_ D!$t~c: t.:::e fo.....:..o.i.r.g desc~':'b~ :.:.::i;;.:o:-ponted E..rea of County : A tre=~ of grou..'1d in, the Northeast Qua.rte:- of the Ib:-:'r.e.:..::::. ~~er (IS~ !2~) Sect::.o:-.:::'4 T'.::~s:-.~:;: 4 -:':.1t\.. Ra-'1~ ':.') \';'est. descr1.'ted as Be;;il".nini; 8.\.. a. ?o..:..nt J- f~: ..es: of: the S_,lt;.en!:~ ::0~,~=- of sa':':! :r-:-t:lea::t Qua,r-...er of the l:ortheast Quarter (1;Ef- :rr;~) thence i'es~ feet tl~e:-.ce:: ~L Z:.:; :e-et t~r.c~E.ast 2'_~ feet thence South 215 feet to point of beCin:J.inc. Ed.'1B. I... Tto~$cr: Be.me DemQ::J.stration Ae.~r:.t COl.l!:t::. Cor.?r.er - Ken Re..'1e:.-' Ccx::.. Ser.'ice O~ficer - Be:-nard F 0 Kane J'..ls':.ices of Peace In.c;'; B. Toll ~_: H. Lu=cerg Char:es R. Stott J.:;...,-UA!j' , J'U (;~ 111_\'t~ + ~ l t 11 .~:'~.:1or: Cf ~~ - ?ORTIO!\ \::ns"!:'ER S7R~~ 'I' e\" 6 . 1( 1JJ <; _~ e..... :"a,:e 2'" of ":.:,e Jef:~rs:~ .!..-;.1:'.:".:.'::'.0:,:'5 ~0t.oe ~.,e f:::>: _ .,;'....:.r.t; !'eS-~ 1..:.:':'0;1 \18.$ ce!"ttL.. :..::.::1.~ at t.~ ?\:"'.~....-: ~;- -" S!..id Sect~::.: :x. . ~'''_...'~.;.. . ~,'-'. .'. '-.~. ,_, ~ to S6..:.:;~ , """ foadw.y \"':. !Y.:tio:1. ::-u ::;J::r:tiss1oner Tr'u~ second by C':X,:::1issicn~:' ~,8~[ <:..:~::. ; c..:.:',;'ted: . ~.~ "t:' ll? e.:' of ~11.De...l SubdivlSion. :-eco:,ded in :~n~ Ene- '::~ts a"e~ucs e-'1.d a2..2.e:cs ::;ho;.m thereo:. ....~:-~ dedicated to t."': "".:l ?!.~ t!\~ f:>::'~Q'\,,~n:;: des=ribed pcr~i:::m cf street ~s no ~o::::;er ::e~ss,::-- :=-:- .:se b" ~:-.e :;::-":'~~_2 ~,-d. ::;:.;s sa.a. :.'crtion of street t')'o.:: or CO'.l..'1t., a-:.d :,:::ur:ty !"ecords is not vi t!'-.ill t.:l~ ..:..iL'li. ts of a:1' ;:.:, ..0..7: a.~.d (be:: ,.c: _-:)r:; :':.e 'V)u:-.~' _ine of a '~ZAS ~o ~~'1.d ~~'ild hy a vacation of said portio~ of stre~t ~e ~~ vitJ?U~ ~'1. esuabli~hed ?~~lic ~ connectinG it .~.:.~ !l..-:::the:r es.o:.c,blished. publ:!.c roe.J.; e...~d ~r.. ci:esc:ribe<i L"'flI .:Ie r.=.' , '."S?.;.t..S t:-.e Je~fer5011 County Planning CO!:rn.lssio:1 has arpro','ed t::.e $e.:..c. :;::-q:osed 'ace.t:.cn ~f ::.e.i~ portion of f;tre~t 'f "^', ~RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the :Board of Count;' COI:1Cis!;i:::-.e~$. ::~ Jef:erso~ C::~"'.t:-' :clc~, }:'O'sua.::t to the .~:- ~!i~(,:,s c;:' ::hafter 2l?, 1949 Se~sion Lavs of 8ol.orad.o tha~ ~~;e :^___:.'Oo"io.;:; d.escribed. ;:o::--:.io::. c~ street sl.tuate in ::e ::l'.l:,t.- cf Jeffe:::"son. a..,d State of Co:'orado. be 8.:"ld i~ i-s :.'2:'~:_ ::...:Zl.':..ei s...c..,ect !'c a ;oeser .~:ion of ee.se~r.t6 for ,~ ~Cl~.t~::'led use of existing sever t;e.s. -...mter or simi..1.8.r pipe ..:.._:.:~s ~-_:i a??.lI't~ne:.=es exis":.i:-.; di tc:;.es a.."ld appur- :.:_~c::; c-"":1 e~:~s: o,e- electric. tcle;h.o::.e anc. si:i'..-:.lar lines a:-,-=- :l.;:;:'..:.:-:.e"a:-,ccs :.f c....\.i "3"" ~ .:.,--,f escri"t>ed a.-e& :< ~ TJ-..:;.t ?')!"tion ':)! ''':ebster Street betvee~ \okst 3r"th A\'e e:::i ..est :;'2:':d k,'e ::'5 shs'..-:-:' :l:l t:-,e p..:..e.: of' .....e:---:Le _~ S-..:bdi '::':::100 (/ ec':::r.:J..i.:l that the falloYing 'I 1\ II I . :.7:X::;3 CF :'AXES ] .~ ~t_::-. ~::::.. S:J!:Cissioner Koch second bv Ca!l'l!:!11ssioner True a:.:. -::' ;.a:-.i-::::lS".:s ste the f') ~o'~--:'l.[; :-eso:;'uti':Jo vas '-~- :'r:: at a :"<-'--..:..:ar ~etin: held on the ..:.4th d8.y oi" March A. D. -- " ~:?'::-..3 t..,. C::J:::lt,y Assesl$or has recon::nended that the follol..'inc e.::a:..e---e:::'S ('>f the tax fo=- ~ ~'5-+ be a;:pro'.ed; .r;ereof ~:'.. ::z..::.i:?t)RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County ConmUssic:1e:".'O o!' ';e~fers:m Cour.t,y, tr.e.:~~:-:t:: be 8..'1d the:; e..re hereby approved: -r-.-be$!;;e~ '~uation $21,820. Tax abated $1,2:';3 u5. ~soll.ltior; ~ LJ..I_ng ~~ ~ -# ('ebV pure rt . ;~. "3014 . Jat.el:ler:t Name of Owner Propert,;' ?e&SOn for Abate:De:lt r>:m.a2-d L. FleIr.1ng pp ?e~&CO&l is ex~t 45 U,S. ~~ ~ c~u..-ch pur;>05es '5c ~.. as of 3-1-:;4- c':~ c~let.e not lcr.:i ~r ~n ea.lcu.:atlor. reoe-'~r operation L'"J.stead or [:--;.::>::~r_ ....~...,__~ 't.o ?e="s~ ;:ropel"'ty s........:-y:;-.... r_:.:".:~ . card ',-r..;.ue E=-="":.r '!.L. t.t'"8.."lsferr...n.g t,.C -:.a.::::: notice ..-- - . n calculatiOl1 ~~=~e~~ assessment :..are:. M. King ~1ce J & Harold C Wellm&:1 Millard C. & Norma M. ~f1eld Anthon;,' J St.one Geor~ E. Jr, & Geo. E. To~lef80n, Sr. RE RE RE RE pp 980:ati(l!':lf.i \..l~ ~ frO' McCO)' " James S. McMillan pp ;{ r '\ HE pp ?.arold F. &; Vera 1.. Oppenle.nd.er RE L - Gal-'in J..eroy & Eileen BurroughS D, r 1'nylor VlLluntion Tax Abated Abated $ $ 130 8.44 = 15.76 4.930 233 52 1370 87,82 180 10,57 158c 79,16 340 1B,25 21C 1270 900