HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 402 Co...,...., h7 '5 S {, (}.... r.'y ) I? ("'c C;.:"J S ;-1uy ::2 /yS-S v ACATIOIl ~ POR'l'IOll ~ S'I'RD'I' III CCJCJLEIIAII ClIWlllI r~~ "1-()<. fit , L tJpoc lIOt.loa 'by ec-1..1oner Tn-, Heond by CalIIlIIl1..1oner ICoeb and bl uaun.oUB vote the follov1ng resolution ...... t.d.:lt' WH!:R!:AS by .. deed. reeorde4 'tn Book '79 at Pap ilJI.9 of the Jef1'eraon County records. cert.a.ln streets fI.\'enues and ll..~y lhovn 'thereon were dedicated to tt. public:: ADd. 1lHER&AS t.he tollov1ng 4el,CriDed portion ot .treet 1, DO longer nee..&&ry tor Uaf! by the publ1c and VRER&AS a&1d portion ot .treet 1a not vi thin t.be U.a1 t. err aay e1 ty or t.ovn &r:l4 doe. DOt form the boundary Hne of , : town or county; and WBXREA.S no land WOuld, by.. vacation of a&id partiCle of street be lef"t without M .et.alJ118hed public: %\;ad COMf!:t1:lO vi th ac.other ntabl1abed, public road; and \rl'RER&AS the Jef1'eraon County Planning Coaaiaa1cn ba.a approved. the M.1d propoMd vacation of eB.1d portion of st~t: JIOW', TRER!1'OR!:, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of c.c:.u:"ty ec-i..iooen of Jefferson CoWl'ty, eolando, purSUllJ'lt to ttl!::-: vtaiona of Cha.pter 217. 1949 Se"lon IAn of ColorMo tbat the tollOW1..nI deacribed portion of street situate in t.ht County of ..JeNer8Oll., and Stat.e of Colorado, be and it 1a hereby Y&eated. IUbJeet to . reaervation of easements tor t.~ continued u.ae or exhtlng &ever, gall vater or aiE.la.r pipe l1ne. azM1 appurtenance, exiBtinr, ditches and .ppurtel'l&'l~ and exl.tlng electric, telePhone and .1a1l&r line. 11M. &pJ:lurt.enao.eel. it any The laat 25 feet or Block 10, Couleh&n Oran@'e, Jetreraon Co\mty, Colorado, except LIST OF CL.l.DE> ALLOIIED - M&y 2, 1955 ::<3- )-6"C-t County General ~nt Clai-.nt Deaerlptlon or Pureh&ae \ Amount ...,,,,,t