HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 191 ~l),- r I I ~ ~ - -. ... ... .... ....., ~ ~ -, Bk ty) ft~q, Journal of the (:('111 111issioners of Jefferson County, Colo., Mq 21, 1950 tW .... ~ ............,...................... iWrIt. lIIItra OILING STREm'S - SKYLmE DRIVE, 'lVILIGRT rJID HILLSIDE IN P,J,;J<<JUNT HEIGH'l'S ~'or. motion by CommisDioner Koch, second by C=i1l~ioner True, Ilnd by UI1:ll1ir.1OUB "lote the ~~ol1.o...tlnE; :-e5Q...utlon it.)p~(",! _'ffi.."E,,s v,e _nd T-.-Hight i n ~u.rIlJ:lO'.In t !:bud hac requested the BunrC of bet~en Morningsidc and Hi:lside. Heights Subui \"Isian, and County CormnissionerG to pE:.\C ~.:ylir.e Dri';e bct....eer. Kit::i:-:g und 1"...1... _~ht I :md HillsiJc between 'I'..iJ.~ght and D:-_'offi Coc:.rt, ,,1:' ctt"eet3 ')f 'o'h!:h :r- ~...r_u.E ~ :aid. ~e r,'. Doud ha~j tendered ~ ~hL'::l: in the omount of ;t2g~~1+ Jl to tht:' Bv[~!'d of :G'JJ:t,. . .'nrl_ ss~c;n~~:, :'l_r :-.;j, +1 v .~ ~h'~-lb,J'.~c :1~l....~d .Jt~cet..., ;4(' . rFiT\l:...:')~t:~, BE IT RESOLVED that the :o'J.nty Ro:1.;:! SUDc:-ir.tcn,i.--,:~t).. r_~-;_: ~-IC street..) . 1:": or- ,--,'1~, J :-,'! ~~~:~, ~ ~:-;': :.... "I, }~rr - RIGflT-OF-.iAY - CITY & COUNTY OF DENVER EO/Jill OF " rEEl COHf.lIS:::rCm:R:: HI' _" :;:)ot~0r 'r-.:,' :'om...l::"G i'Jrler Tr.lC, :;econd b:: :OlIr.1iGs:.one:- Ka~r, :-1.[ld to. .1:1 :........L:Il<YJS ')tt.! :.r:c ~o.L':' _;-~= !"'.3.:;.i:'ltl:.J1 lc;:-t,. i 1IE.R::..iJ t~ Bc<.lrd Of ..ater Cottniss_one::":'> 0:' the Ci :.:r ruld :O;':11tJ of ~n- ::r ::as ;:res~nted -'- ri€.ht-of- ~".I ~~rceme:-:t ".:.ne ~:)'...:tl- 3~ feet of' th~ N rth'..est .-;'''1, -tc::" of the :;outh"./est ~:u[;.~ter, ectlon ~.;..., TCJ-..r.:~hip .) South, ~gt~ 6? ::~t < '~!l' ,':;\- ? M.. a."1d ..1IERE.S ~he Board of County CO!lllllissioners :ire of the opinion that acceJOting _:lid right-of-..,"Y .v in the bec.t lnw:-o- . "f the :":c.mt:: of Jeffer.:;on; ~iO'." TH:..-nEPORE, BE IT RF'30LVED th..'1.t the Ch::.drmn.n of the Board be and he is hcrcb} aut.hori..ed to ;..:.:CC~lt.,.' :'or ~..l or L : ! ~ \ of tke Count; of Jefferc,on. ~ :u ?URl-%-S" PROPERTY AT OLD F .IRGROUNffi Upon ::'1)tion by C0!!Im1ssioner T:-ue, gecond by Commissioner Koch, and bJ' tillanl:nous vctc the fOllc..~.::16 :"t: .o:ution 'rlL~ 1..;io!-';,,~"j _1'fi:Rt:~ Charles . ViD-., ::::0ftI1!i ::u: ic'ners the :U":l o~~ ,~ ; _ efi:- C're,~k, ::md ttorncy for the ..mericnn Agricuiturw. Rese"rch FOU;1d:.tion hu'- offered the B. F>.1'J of :mmty ,000.')(' for 3. deed tc the property kno....Tl :...,3 the Dld f':Lrgr-ounJ.;;; .:..oc ...t....l i1.t Y-ungf~eld 3.:1: '..;w:R.E,-...5 p~rt of said ground has been transferr.:d to the Sr.;hool Distr:..:::t ':0:::" use .J ~1 1l.'lin~en:!...'1 ~~> .::nGi- ~'~:"'1, n_'1'1 "U"'O~'C lIIUL-1>.::..J.....' 3h:ct"C' a: the re=ini.ng ground hu~ been tranc;ferred to the \LSiJ.€" - "" ... ~ t. of ?:-OGpt.:,t Vnl::-y Hc:;-cati:m J a '"-arge _'HE:'.F>S tohe buJ'l1;e,' of the groll.'ld is beine ust'd by the County of Jeffcr::;on. !:0'1l" THER..E:FO..u:, BE IT ~O~VED that the Board of Cl~unt/ C:)runiJsio:1e~: :"f! }!ct tr.e ol:"'~ :lad..:: ry tn": :..me-ri ~'U1 ;"'.'i ~d.""~. , R c.('Il:-ch ?u.ndation for a d"ed to 68.i<1 ground. SRZEI>t':IlT - ~OLOR,-DO DKPT. OF H1G1l',,'WS - TR\FFIC SIGNAL - '''[~DS',.'ORTlI 'JW ,iE:3T 3~nd ;,V::mn: n..11 ~ 1 -, ,. j 4T1