HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 254 ~ S al '1"41 tAr I ce II 'luq 'y 11 iRS i " on I' .~t '1 <; 'I 'J" 1 ,PI- I' SMrvtn Klebol. (dba) areen Mountain L''luors for Retail Liquor Store Ll:":""e ..t .,.;1,., 1f'",. WHERIAS on aa!d date the application was taken under advisement; I f,U -= .....1 .::.a"l, _.1 . '-I ROW, THERErORI, B! IT RESOLVED that the app1ic~tion be and it is hereby dinappro 'ed, \$> '1'be Vo" on the foregoing _. all follovo: C:OIIIIIise1oner Koch - Nay Commissioner Schne1der - N~y Commissioner True - Aye ACCBP'l'AICE OF DEEOO - PORTIQI( W. 50th ~T OF V AN GOROON Z. D- J - b~ -z.o e>3e> N N ..J ---- U"\ ~ \%l<lIl _~iOll by Co.a1ss101ler True, lIecond by COIIIIlls81oner Koch, and by \l1lllllilllOUO vote the foUalling ~sol ution \1&5 adopt.<e1: BE IT RESOLVED that a deed from Thurlov E. Ericsson and Ruth Dormer Ericsson to the follo~~ng described ar~a be and ~: i~ hereby ae~Ud: 1leClanll18 at the 1n~rleO~ion d the last 11ne of Lot 1, licholaa Gardens llith the Southerly right-of.'Jay Une or the CoJ.OI'IIdo and Soutbern Railroad; thence South aJ.ong said East line of Lot l, 41. r3 feet to a point j t1~nce ScMt~81:er~ parallel to said Soutber~ right-of-vay 11ne of tbeC:alorado !lIld ;JOtitherr. Railroad to a point on the South l1ne o~ said Lot 1 e.id point beil18 7.18 feet East of the Southvest corner of said Lot 1; thence cont1nuiftC puallel to Mid riibt-ot-vay 11ne 7.49 feet to a point on the ..cst line of Lot 3, Nicholas Gardens; thence Ncrth alaIlc Mid W.at 11ne at Lot 3 anl tbe West Une of said Lot 1, 41.73 feet to a point on tbe Soutberly r1ght-or-~ 11De at Mid Colorado and Southern Railroad; tbenee lortheaster1y along sa1d right-of-way 11ne to point of begianil18. =r and"\) , A tract at laDd ~O feet in width abutting on and parallel ~th the Southerly right-of-~y line of the :olo~ Sou~rn Railroad lying v1th1n the boundaries of Lot 2, Kicho1as Gardens. BE IT nmDIM RISOLVED that He~ S. Hall and Lottie DorMr Hall to the follov1ng described &re" be and 1 t i" hereby aceeptecl : ACCBPrAICI or DDIS - AIIDI8 IOR'rII OF JE'oIELL UpGII .01;1011 b;r ec-1aa1oner"!rue, second by COaIUasioner Koch, and bJ' unanimous vote the following resolution .as ado;;;tei: . Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo.,. ~)-- -;);') ,\ugust 27. 1950 19 _ _' _ "'l- ~- BE rr RISOLVED that a deed from Ilveene Taylor to the following described a,-ea be and 1 t 1.< hcret-y ,,"c 'epted: The E 30 ft of the W lJ07.9 ft. of the sift 3Wt Section 23. T , :i. R -,0'. (Co:-recti,'n :i"e1 of B qol...,q' BE IT Ft1R1'HER RESOLVED that a deed from Leola Wegrlch :;hantpion to the folll)'..i.:'~ je~:'r"il-.e'l b.!"'t?~ ':.~,. ~"".j ~t ~~ t'e!"e'r