HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 256 Journal of the Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colo., Au.&UIt. 2J. 1956 19 ACCIP!l\ICB ar DaD - POR'I'Io. w. 33rd AVDUE P'JlON LAMAR TO MARSHALL - MARSHALL SOUl'II or 32M AVEIUE U)Ioo 1IOtl0ll b;y c-1..iOller '!'rue, second by C~inioner Koch, and by unanllDOus 'Iote the fo11o\l1ng rl!801 uti on WJI adopted: BE IT RISOLVED that & deed rro. JUlius A. ClUIIpbell to the fo11o\l1nl described area be and it is hereby accepted: 'l'be IIorth 25 feet of the West 1/1Othr. of the East onl!-half SEt S....t 1C',.tf; of Section <'), T 3 s, R 1)9 '. of the 5th P. M., alBO the East 40 feet of the West 135.7 feet of the North 315.16 feet of the .est 7 'lOths of the East ooe-ba.l1' 9t ,:;wt JNt of Section 25, T 3 S, R 69 W of the 6th ? M. ACCEP!AICE 011 IZBD - POR'I'IOII DEPEW I'R)I( 61st to 62nd tJpOD .otlO11 b;y C~..lC111er True, second by C~..loner Koch, and by Wla.nilllOus vote the fo11o\l1ng resolution vas adopte-i: \ . IT BISOL'IID that & deed rro. Robert C. ShIIm10n e F. ShIIm10n to the f01bvtng descr: bed area be and it is hereby accepted: 12, 1'o-..nship South, Ral1g1! 69 West Twnt;r-Five (25) feet of the lortbves.l thve West, except the South thirty-three (33) feet thereof. AC'CEP'fABCJl or ~ - POR'l'IOJf CRABAPPLE 1fOR'l'H or llRAtlI lllAD UpclIl .otlC111 by ee-tssiOller True, second by C~lssiClller Koch, and by unanilDOus vote the foUo'ling l"eso1ution vas adopt.ed: I BE IT llISOLVED that a deed from App1e\lQOd Inc. to the foUolling described area be and it is hereby acce~':.ed: Bes:lJmlne at the IIorthwst corner of Lot, e1rood Mesa Ranchettes; thence Southeast aloog the IIorth ana IIorthaaaterl.,y boundary line of said lot 26 feet; henee Southerly to the Southwst corner of sail lot; thence lorthvesterl.,y &10111 the boundllry Une c '0 Lot end Braun Road, Applevooci Mesa Ranchettl!S, 55 fl!d;; thence lort.herl.,y to a point on the lortherl.,y boundary ine of said Lot 48, which point is 28 feet .lest. and lorthvesterl.,y of the Northwst corner of said Lot 47; t ence Southeasterly along said Northerl.;. bo'':''~ary Hne of Rid Lot 48, 28 feet to the point of beginning. ACCEPrAICE or DEED - POR'l'IOB MARSHALL a. ROUlDED CORKER AT IN'l'ERSECTIOB OF NEWLAIfD AND \lEST 1st Upan .otien by C~i.sione~ '!'rue, second by CCllllllissioner Koch, Md by unanimous -'ote the foEoving resolut.io"l ',;as a;iop':.ed: BE IT RESOLVED that a deed from Mark S. Bentson to the following described ",rea be and it is hereby accepted: /------ Beginning at a point on the ....est lineLot 1 Fty Subdivision 50 feet North of the Southvest ~ornl!r of sLd Lot 1; thence to the right along the ire\.1lllferenc of a 15 foot radius cune to a ,'OlOt on the N;rth line of said Lot 1, 118 feet We.t of the Nor h at corner f said Lot 1; thence South 99. 15' ~est a distance of ~~ I feet to a point; thence South O. 25' 'est a distanc of 15 feet to the point of beginning. ~ so beginning at the Southeast comer of Lot 8 rrame SUbdi visiCXl; thence North O. 25' West P.long the East line of Lots g, 7 8IId 6 rrame SUbdivision to a point 135 feet Harth of the Sout east comer o~ said Lot b; the"lce to the left _, ~_ _ "'-"- ... .. l........ .... -- ~ .... ... ~ ",..... - .. -'" I t~ .~rth'l--. o c~ !all.. u ot bel!nnlng. ACCEPl'AJICE 01' DEED - POR'l'ION UPHAM SOt1l'H 0,. 44th PLACE corr....,t ~_.. Lotr' -henl- ""rth ~~- 15'1 ",:,t'l .. tOll''''~'' ';(1 """~ ~S '.~ r:j h.enel 'ltr'l dlsl"ilce of jW teet to a pOlnt; tbence Soutll 090 CJ '.eeL.. ,jjst"".', of, ~ .eet .v ~he po.nt -'1 2'5 of 0 tJ upon .otlon by Co.Bdssioaer True, second by Commissioner Koch, and by unnnlmous 'ote the ~ollo~~ng ,~~O"lt!on .as adDpt~~: BE rr RESOLVED U1at a dtted f1'Olll Sallluel Hudson !U1d Julia Hudeon to the foUo'."ing de5~rited r.1~~a te ''-111 :t is ~reoy acceptei: Tbe West 30 feet ot the North 100 feet of the South 298 feet of Lot J Coulehar. Gra.nge. ACCIP'rAIfCB 01' IEED . PART 0,. HIGHWAY 126 AT PINE upon .otion by C~i5sioner Koch, second by Commissioner T~le, and by unan1mous iote the fo11o~ing resolution .~ ~dopted' BE IT RESOLVED that a deed trom Ella Waterbury ~er to the follo~ing described nrea ce and it is hereby accepted: A pareel at land ln the ~ S~ ot Sectton 27 T 7 s, R 71 W of the 6th P. M., lDOre particularly described as : Beginning on the West line of sa IWt SEL vbich point 1s the true point ot beginning; thence continuing SOuth alOllg sald West line, .23 fe to a point; thmce Easterly and parallel to the 1I0rth line of *in Street Pine Grove Subdiv1810n 132 .51 fe to point, vb1ch point is on the East line of said lf4 SEt; thence Rorth alone sald East line,61.1 teet 0 a poi , which polnt is on the North line of said Main Street in Pine Grope (Sf Subdivision; thence West ly ong said Wo h line 1324.95 teet, more or less, to the point of beginning, except- ins that platted portion in Street. The intent of thls deed is to dedl~ate that unplatted portion lying f'..J Worth ot the Une described herein and Southerly ot the South line of B_ocks :9 to 24 in Pine Grove Subdi',;,siOG, V\ be1D8 a right-ot -way 60 feet vide. \X) ()' -- ~ -'" adoptee: Ul ~ ~ .,.... ACCEP'l'AJICE OF !BED - ROAD llE'l"tIED GREDi VALLEY RANCH UHIT 2 AKD 3 Up<lIl .otian by C~88ioner Koch, second by COIIDisa10ner True, and ) lIB IT RISOLVED that a d...ed trom Gertrude E. Ardelt to the fol;1:oving described area be and it is hereby ac~epted: by unanimou~ 'cote the 1'ollov1n;;; resolution .-as A strip or land s1 tuated in the North lEt SEt ot Section 27, TO'oTlship 6 South, Qange 71 ..est of the I 6th P. M., a&1d strip lylng 25 teet of the follov1ng described center line: Beginning at a point on the 1I'0rth line ot sald Korth ~ Section 27, said no'nt lying 626.42 feet West ot the lIE corner ot sald 1I'0rth 1 NEt S!lC-; t ce uth 750 l' West a distanc~ of 29.34 feet; thence along an 180 =ur:e to the left a distance ot 161.11 ; thence Sout 460 41' West a distance of 45.94 feet; thence 3long a 15. curve ~ the right a distance of 203.33 teet; thence South nO H' west !l distance of 235 feet, ""'~ or 1e~s. to point on the West line ot said North l ot the NEt sse- of said Section 27.