HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 265 .~-. ~_.~ .,t If' ,- . \,,; _1- "XC.'. - t ......- n' 'trgL\.A.r-.........L ~... ~.~ ".~ ~Qunt wtUClb ""a oak"l. uml:"\."u~... .roml..._j .'jl, . ,,,,I .rd I ,...( l' ~l '. t') '!'ract A, "'h1t"h~h Rubd1vla1on (3111 feet x 21,' r""t) jUl [.,,,1. v" ."ot ."J',' ~ t':'....t r..i:"l ," ~11L: ;,~.,1. '"' ~ BE rr J'UR'fIIU RESOLVED that the proposal to ~nd One D1striCl\ llnd exclude f'roaI the R 3, Rea1dent1 COUIl\y, vh1ch vaa taIuIrI under &4vtBe_nt fl'Olll Mu" ~k. " tv in<ud', .oithlr. trc~' '; -, ~~r::1&.l ovir.g 1e~,-:r1r.e.! .t.rj1n....a1Vor&.t'!d &.~&. o~. Je~rer5OD 'oj' <1i Bap;;ro';~1: of the SO'.1tnea.st ~r 1.o\s 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 Whitchurch Sub. or Section 25, Township 3 South, RMS" I'-'~ OF DDD - W. 45th PLACE 1"ROM GAJUUSOK TO FIELD \ Upot1 _tiOll. by ec-ts.iOll.er True, .ecCl\.! by C~Ba1oner Koch, and by unan1JDous '/ot.e the fo11O'o1.og resoll...t1on '0'8.8 adopted: ! BE rr R!:SOLVED tlat a deed tt'OIII JUles B. C. Boyd ':.0 the follo..tng des-rlbei area be 'Ul'.1 it is her"by a"ceptei: c-ncing at a point vl11ch is 1835 feet South of the rrJ COl"Oer of the !fE~ of Section 22, Township 3 South, Ranee 69 llest or tbe 6th P. M., which point 1& on the N-S center line of s&1d Se'Ot1on; then"e ~t and parallel to t.he B'orth boundary Une ot .a1d Section ~eet; thence South and parallel v1th the "ente,. line of said Sec1;ioo 9 ~eet.; ';bInce West and parallel vith the North boundArl line of sald "ect1on 52'3; thence r.ort.herlJ along the center line ot aa1d SectlO1l 9 teet to the point or beg1nnioc; for roadV&)' purpOS~8. -ACCEf'rAIIC'E OF DEED - GARRISOK FROM 44th to ~5th PLA~::: lJpclo 1IOt101l by ec-1s.iOller True, secCl\d by C~ss101ler Koch, and by unanlmous ';ote the folloving ~501ut.1on vas adopt.ed: BE IT llBSOLVED that a ~ rrc. J_s B. C. Boyd. to the folloving described a....ea be and 1t is he~by !!.Ccept.ed: c-cl.Jl8 at a point vhf.ch 1s 1835 teet South of the rrJ corner of the ICE~, Sect.1on 22, Township 3 South, Rsn~ 69 West, vb1ch pout is Oll. the !l-8 cllDter Une ot B&1d Sect.1on; thence ::ast and parallel '.nt.h the ltortoh bOUndary 11M or aa1d SectlO1l 25 teet; thence South and parallel vith the center line ot said Sect.101l 225 feet to t~ ' JIIorth boua4ary line ot .... 44th Avenue, f01'llllrly Imollll all the Old ';olden Road and Jetre....soo 'senue: thence ~esterl.Y al.cna the ltorth boundary line of aa14 West 44th Avenue to the point vhe~ the ",rth boundary Une of ..est 44th A'NDU8 intersects tbe cllDt4lr 11ne ot a&1.d Sect1Oll.; tbence Korth along the center line of said Sect10c 22;; fee';., -. or less, to tbe point or bel1nn1.n&; tor l'O&dv1ly purposes. UTr~ ...mr.Y ~1'tI -.l) """" ...... ~ -..... Ifl IS' ~ 7'" August .. Clerk - COUDty Court Clerk - D1strict Court Bu1l41q Inspector SUlDIVISIOJI PLATS ACCEPl'ED - EVERaREEK PARK ESTATES UNIT 1 AND UNI'r ;: Of v-;;:J - INSPIRATION POItfI' ESTA~ f'l unanilllOus .-ote the follv."1.r'-t\ resolut.ion vas adapted: &t Upon EtlOll. by C~sB1C11er Tnw, BeC en Park Estates .' 1 and unit 2, and Inspiration P01nt Estates be and they e.re herebv e con"eyw.nce of the'p lic wavs, roads o.n1 stNets shown thereon t>e and 11. 1S . I . h hl'- Oll.d1tions: The COUl).ty of".Jefferson Gooll undertake mainteno..'lce of any sue pu -~ ruction of Buch va,;!~ road or ntreet shall have been satisfa.-toril;: "018plete,i by t.he !Ii IT RESOLVED t~t tbe Pl&taot Ever hereby &ppl'O'/'ed tor tiUna and that ac<:~d, subJect to the tollovina _y, road or street 0I11y atter cons subdlv1~r.