HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 348 ..} -+ ~ '-' - Journal of the Commissioners of (L-1..4--5"" Jefferson County, Colo., . ,/ . ,c.. ~-,-~!~.~'-~.~~ Roed . 11"1. had ClMat,r o..r&l Plat ~ lie pal4 ~ of -s... _ 111 or to be collec~ ID~ \be Oount,r Roed aD4 Br14se PIID4 ... U. , (y~ f1' ~ IJI ~--~ - -z.S~3..(;/1 '25.0\0 S . \ __ -'1ca _ ea.L1I1_ loeb, MCCIDll _ ea.L..l_r 8e...1Mr \be tollovlDC reeolutloa -- Mopted: . . _ a plat of ~.. NCiOI'U4 11 na, look 1 .t .... 20 of \be ".rre,... eo.aty recorola, cena1n .~, &. . .-l alle;ra ...... tbencxa wn 6NlcaW4 to \be publie I aD4 I -! U. tal.1.clilflaI 6ncr11ted porU... of .tnna an DO ~r --MrY tor _ by tJIe publlc, ead . .... au.a .-u.. of ~ an .0\ Vi ~ tile llC U of IIIIY el t,r or towa aD4 does ao\ tor. the --..,. li_ ora ctt;J, W. .. -I,,;.IDd -- DO l-.I -U, by a _Uca of 1114 port.l... of .tonet.a be left v1tbout lID eat.abl1abec1 public road e(XDeCtiDg' n ViUl..u.r eatUU'" .-Ue roe4; eel . .d~ tile ".rt....... Cowrt7 pl_t~ ec-l..1CID ... apJll'O"Cl the 1114 propoMd ncatloa ot II1d port.loas of' streets; 1DlI, _. . 1'1' IIEOI.YID B7 \be Ioar4 of c:o.ty ec-la.lcae" of Jetter80ll COWIt,r, Col.onIlo, p~t. ~ the prort.l.. of o.pter 217, i9IJ9 S...lca Lave of Colondo Ulat the t'oUov1q deeer1bed portioaa of streets sl~te in \be c-tJ' of Jlft'erMD, eel staU ot Colondo, be -.d. \hey an bareby ncated, aubJect to a retlervatioa or ea. ,t.s tOIl' \be ecatlJNad UN of a.ll11:lq ~, .., vaUr or ala1lar pipe llDea lIDd ~es, exis;;1DC ditches and ___1 ~.., ... a1dlq elect.r1e, telAp"" eel 8la1lar l1Dea eel ~., it 811,)'; 'ftIe Jut 5 t..t of \be plat.~ .treet abut.t.1q ca lID4 l.Y1D1 ~ately East or Lots 2 and 21; and t.be VeIl1: 5 teet of \be pl.attecl et.J'ed alnattlq oa 8114 lylDc '--'l1ately ..t of Lots 1 and 22, Lakeside. Lf.CID LI~ Al'PLIcm~ - WIl'I'I SPC7l' SJIIIII1WI. DIC - ~ WI8'r AJAC)A IPOD .otlca by ec-1.e10De1" loeb, MCOIIcl by ec-1..1caer 'l'nae lIDd by IDUIl*>u. vote the rollovin!l: ~801ut1on .-s adopted: WIIamAS a bur1n<< an.r notlee, .. require4 by lav, va. !wid 011 thU elate upon the atlplicatiOl1 or llhite spot Sheridan. IDe. tar 1Dt.e1 -.l Reetaunat Ll~ Lleen.. at 520l Ve.t. u-cla Avenue; .... ~_A,.. .."......,..,.v.n ....... ....... --,.. ....... - "-- --~ #.. . - ..--..... "-'--- ..- ~-- - ...,~ ----.. '"-- --- ._-~. ..... llra. ~. 5. to of So\" 37" of' _Met Acres, ~ be use4 for road purpoaeu. th'-. _,;it CJI' J fe,__ .,f 1':___\,0 2~, :;llot ~ " fet., AI::CIIPV.ICl OF Da:D - PORTIOR or KENDALL . sot1l'It or BAYNJD ~~ vv,) N,;') i.rr~v'~.~,,- -,ate, the t'ollcrJ.t~ resolutlor. ~ -'1em of cu.lse1oner Trull, GlIcOnd by COllIlIhs1onllr Koch, Md by unan11110Un \IU a4apted: 1& rl .....lID ....t a dee4. t'rcII .Tene Clay Ashton Md Dort1.a A~hton herelq ac:upte4: 'DIe llltn 25 teet 0;' Lot 24 Bennet Acres r.et ~ Lot 21 Bennet Acre'l ALSO, lIes1 u.nee Eaat 25 1'lIetl thence South 58.5 rU1W1 C\Ll'Ye wbose center 18 96 teat the c~ereDce of aaid ~5 foot n41 ClU'Ve 88.36 po1Dt em tbe South Une or said Lot 18 j 18; tbeDce Borth l~l t..t 1;0 the point of the t'ollov1ng de:>crl.bed area be Illld 1t is (. ACCIP'rAEI OF IBID - CEIt'.rER <lIE POOT OF WEST 37th BE'r. VANCE Al'CD ~ U}IaD .ot1em lq eo..tas1oner True, Second by ec-tss100er Xoch, and by unanlll1OW1 we 1I4opted: . l'f llB9CJL1BI) ~t a deed t'raa tbe \/bntr1dp Methodist Church to t.he f'olloving described area be IIDd 1t is ~eb1 lICCeJItlId: vote, the rolioving ~solut1on Tbe South one foot of tbe East 396 feet ~ tbe lforth-".st Qunrter ot the Nortino'est Quarter ~ the lfortbeaat Quarter of Sectloa 26, Tovnship 3 South, ltt'-nge 69 West or the 6th P. H. A..--_ ce llBED - VAII:B COORr BE. WE8'r 35th IIDd WE8'r 38th. ALSO ftORTB HALF or WEST 37th BET. VAII:E AlII) \lJIlS'oIOR'l'B . ,.loner True, secOll4 B;y ec-tss1oner JCoch, and by unanilllOU5 vote, tbe t'ollOlling resolution BE rr DSOLVZD tblt a deed froII t.bIII Wheatridp Methodist Church to the tOllov1ng described area be and it is he. ..t.;r aceepted: 1'be !forth 24 feet ot the South 25 teet ot the East 396 teet ot the Northl;Of:st ~r of the JIortbwst Quarter ~ the lortheaat Quarter of Section 26, Tovnsb1p 3 South, R!mge 69 West, or the 6th P. M. Also t.bIII East FU'ty feet or the West 246 teet ot the East 390 teet or the Rortbwest ~ of the IIortbvltst Quarter of tbe tfortbeut Quarter of Section 26, To...nahip 3 South, Rsnp 69 West of the 6th P.M., EXCEP'l' the South one root t.blllreot. Aa2PfA1ICE ~ DEED . PORTICB OF SOOl'H XERDALL a 88lmt OF BAYAUD ~ .otlon by ec-1ss1cmer True, second by C~sa1one1" Koch, Md by \U\an.1l11OUS vote, the follovtng resolution - 811Dpted: _ l'f JlllSQLVED that a deed fTOlll J_s E. ClII18dq Md Jessie Z. Canaday to the follo\'1.ng described area be and 1 t 18 _reby acCllpted: Tbe East 25 feet of Lot 25 Bennet. Acres lying Sout.h of Rocky !4J\U\t.a.in D tch and t.he East 25 feet. orLot 22 Bennet Acres; ALSO, begl.nn1nc at the NOrthellllt corner of Lot 19 Bennet Acres tMnce \oIe,t 25 feet; thence south 58.59 feet 1;0 a point on the c1rcumt'erence ot a "'5 foot radius cun-e ,,-hose IIeIlter 1896 feet South ~ the point of bes1Mingj thence to the right along the circUlllference of Bald 45 radius curve 88.36 feet. to a point; thence South "{.58 feet to a point on the South line or sa1d Lot 19: thence Ea.st 25 feet to t.he !;oHt,h....d M_~_ -" --, ~ - ,< . - ,- ". ",L~ _ . I I