HomeMy WebLinkAboutM 382 .). ~._ _;~d u" ftl_. .he L 200 _. .)f tI .!l,t, 1 ft 1 Ie ~l fl~ d ld j i" I T4s, R69W. 7. That portion oc' the EAst 12) C't of said West hnlf 1yin3 :~o\Jth of the D &. HI ?Jl r-O-\l, 8. All Highvov' and street ri~lt~-or-vny. Location: Approxillllltely 0Wt to Si1lllllll StM!eta an,l )th to 11'th Avenu,,". BE IT Ji'URTH!:R RESOLVED t!lat the protestlllltS' petition to vacate the proceedingn of l)ecelll'ber 24, 1~5'), '.lith respect to CUe No. A-273 be and heNbY i8 OE3IED. ACCEP1'AlfCE OF IlEIID - John Gravina UpaD .ot1on of C~allioner Osborne, second by C~asioner Schoech lllld by ~\.mOWI vote the follov1ng re501utloo 1IU adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Deed fI"Olll John Qravlnn to the follov1ng Oescrlbed property be and hereby is accepted: '1'be East Ten (10) feet of Lot Tvt!lve (12), Block Fourteen (14), Glennon Heights Subdivision. ACCEP'lAICE OF TEED - Elizabeth S. Davis UpaD ~tion or C~ssioner Osborne, secood by C~Sllioner Schoech and by unanilllOUll vote the fol.1oving re801ut1oo 1IU adopted; BE IT RESOLVED that the Deed from Eli~beth S. Davis to the follov1ng ducrlOOd ?r"",erty be and hereby is accepted: 'nIe \.'eat 20 ft of the East 50 rt of the ::allt 225 feet of the North 396 feet of the NEt 1'l'4 of Sec. 26, TIS, R6<J.1 of the 6th P. M. ~ ~-~-\'i1 r n 9 P ( :",,/).. ' r : ACCE?TANCE OF IEED - Gladys H. BartholClllll!\l Upon motion of Ccarls~ioner Osborne, second by COlIII1iosloner Schoech and by unanl!1lOus vot.e the follov1ng resolution ..c: vas adopted: f BE IT RESOLVED that the Deed from Gladys H. BartholOlllCW to the folloving descrtbed propert)' 1'-.. bJld he:'Cby ls ? accepted: (' The JIIorth 25 ft of the East 215.9 feet of Block 4, Highland Gardens, which strip of land is presently in use 8.S West 35th Avenue, a public '0"8.)', 'nds cooveyance is Cl8de for Road use only. ~ 'J-'3 - i - L 1 r"o, f f VACATION - portion of a turnaround Upon motion of ec-1ssioner Ollborne, second by C~8Bioner Schoech and by unanitlOu!l vote the folloving r'C901utiOl1 ~ adopted: WHEREAS by 3 plat of James Sybdivision recorded In Plat Book 8 at rage l,) of the Jefferson County records, ce!"tain streets, avenues and alleys soo,," thereon '.-ere dedicated to the Public; an:! WHEREAS the follov1ng described portion of n turnabout is no longer ncceacmYJ' for US" 1':. the ;u1'11c; and WHEREAS said portion of a turnaround is not ..~thln the limlts of ~: city or to,," and does not foro the boundary line of a city, to"" or county; and WHEREAS no land would, be n vacation of Bald portion of 11 tunlaround DC l,.rt ...tthout nn c"~'\"li,,l1ed public roaJ. connectinll it vi th a."lother e!ltabUshed oubUc rend: nnd r-' ~ \ Jl -.i I ..Y (f r-' vhlch ( ~ ';L'3 - 1- t q ~ OZZ \ r [ f Jl vJ ,0 ;J -J rt ,). ~_ ~;~tJ.J u_ fit_ .he L_ 2crl_. )f 11 "nd ft I le ~i ,It ,I irJ t I" T4s, R69W. 7. That portion of the East 1::') ft of said West hnlf lyln3 :;outh of til," !J & HI PIl r-o-v. 8. All Highway and Street rlghts-of-vay. Location: Approxlmntely Oo.k to SIIrl<lll1 Streeto an,l "th to ll,th Avenue"_ BE IT Ji'UR'1'H!:R RESOLVED t!lat the protestants' petition to vacate the proceedlngo of December 24, 1~)'j, '11th respect to Case No. A-273 be and lwreby IS !DIED. ACCKPrAKCE Q1I' DEED - John Gravina Upa:1 .otioo of' C~sllioner Osborne, secood by CaB1ss1oner Schoech and by unanimous vote the folIov1ng resolut1on \IILll adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Deed from John Gravina to the folIoving deocribed property be ane hereby 1s accepted: 1'be East Ten (10) feet of Lot ~lve (12), Block Fourteen (14), Glennon Heights Subdivision. ACCEP'rARCE OF TEED - Elhabeth S. !lBvl!l Upa:1 .,tion of C~ssiooer Osborne, second by C~lISioner Schoech and by Wl6lIimoUll vote the folloving resolution 1ll\.S adopted; BE IT RESOLVED that the Deed from Elizabeth S. !lBvis to the foUov1ng described pro;:erty be and hereby i5 accepted: The "est 20 !'t of the East 50 !'t of the ?:ant 225 feet of the North 396 feet of the NEt N'4 of Sec. 26, T3S, R6g..r of the 6th P. H. ~ ~ -~-b~ ACCE:?l'ANCE OF !EEl) - Gladys H. BartholOl1lev ,-o? f( !r/jl..'-r: Upon !lOtion of Comm1s"ioner Osborne, second by C0IlIl11os1oner Schoech and by WlanilllOus vo';.c the folIeving resolution vas adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Deed from Gladyo H. BartholOlllC\I to the folloving described property 1-.. 6.lId he=""by is accepted: The lforth 25 !'t of the East 215.9 feet of Block 4, RighlWld Gardens, strip of land is presently in use U West 35th Avenue, a public 'ouy, 'lb1s conveyance is l:lllde for Road use only. VACATION - portion of a turnaround Upon !IOtioo of CcmIissiOller Osborne, second by C~ssioner 5choech and by unanlcouo vote the folloving resolution \88 adopted: WHEREAS by 3 plat of James Sybdiv1s1on recorded In Plat Book 8 at Page 1'5 of the ,Jefferson CO\mty records, certain streets, avenues and alleys shown thereon '.-ere dedicated to the P\:blic; anJ WHEREAS the follov1ng described portion of a turnabout IS no longer neceaGary for tl3C t-;; thc ,llblic; and WHEREAS sa1d port1on of a turnaround is not 'o~thin the limlto of nnv' city or town and does not fore the boundary line of a cl ty, town or COtUlty; and WHEREAS no land vould, be a vacation of !J(l.ld portion of 11 tunl<lro\L'1d hc l,'ft ",ahout an c,;';...'\hl L;hcct publi c ron.:i connect1nll it vi th !1.'lother established oublic road; o.nd I --:: ~ -;, (