HomeMy WebLinkAboutN 148 I .~B I ~ourndl of tt\c ~O~II!llssi\.J1Jc:rs 1m Jefferson ~unty. Colorado.... May 27 __. -Rn~-.Ui!tt..t;2...~ utI_a ~ 19 51 Al.lClIPJUCI ~ A PLft - IDdIaatr1al Park, P111Ag llullber OI1e ~ -"on ar ec-tsslaDer ScboeClh, aDd by ajortty vote, tbe follov1n8 resolution .. &d.opted.: II 1'1' lIISQLVED ~t tbol Plat ar Indwltrial Park, lI'I.lln(J n~r one, described as follovll, De and. hereby 18 accept.e4 I tar rec:.~: , I I I ~ I " Y' ~ ~ IIDm - W. 20 tt ar 44th West of VaDee bt. Begl_tllg at . point ar the Bast line ar the "* Sec. 13, '1'35, R69w, ttat Is 636.~' South ~ the IE comer thereof; thence Soa1:h aloas aaid Eut l1De 412.23'; thence West 825.66' tbellce IIorth 519.3' to a poI.Jlt ~t 1. 81.8.64' \18111: of ea1d !lUt line; thence East 6clI..32 , 1 thence SoIlth 107'; tbeDce Jut 217.32' to the polD1; of lIeS1Jm1Ag except 30' off the East side for an ex1et1.q roed bee laid out, adld1ridK 8Dd platted tbe _ into lota, blocks, .treet., plae.. cad aY'elllle. .. lienal elIIMl WldR the DIDe IUId lI1:y1e .. Arvad& Induetr1al Park F1l.ln& !lulller ODe IUId doe. by tbeae ~ IJ'IUlt IlII4 CCIIl:"1 to .Jefferea\ OOUnty, CQlorado, in fee SUWlB, all such ~, place. _d ..,...., IIIld ttat tboae certain re.trict1ve covenant. recorded in Book 1062 at Pa&es 3~, 325, ]2(j, aDd 327, .tall ~ to a.U lot. aDd blocks In thiB filing. $.O\D N __ -"on of ec-s..siClD8l' Scboeeh, aDd by ajortty vote the fc-llov1.ng resolution .. 8dDpt.ed: . rt ..cr.ftIl that the *.-tT DMd of S&tfta7 stans, Incorporated to Jeffersoa County C<lIlveylng the fol.lov1Jll 6lecribe4 paoeeJ. of l&Dd be IDd bereby 1s &wl'(hv4 aDd accepted for reeordin8: '!bt Jut l33.4 1'eet ar the South 20 fen ar 1Dt 5, Coulehan's C1:r8np, Jeffersoa Couaty, Co1.orIIdo, DCBPr the BaIt 35 fen thereof. Sub.ject to: (1) CUrnDt t&.Jces Dot ,.10 dellqueat; (2) 81ach .. U. reat.rlct1ona, reMl"l&tlons, cand1t1on., coy aDd r1&btI-ot~, it azq, .. are ot record. 0)CIa ..u. of o...l..~.ClD8l' Scboeeh, aDd ~ ...,ortty vote the follov1ng resolut1ou .. aGe II 1'1' III80LYID \bat the Quit Cl&1II DHcl of PreDc,1s E. Schneider to Jeffersoa County conve ~be4 parcel of l.Ind ~ IIDd hereby 1. a~ 4"ld accepted tor recording: ar the Jforthwe.t Q\arter ot st ot the 6th Pl"inclpal M&rid1an ~ AIm RlCLASSIP'ICATICII CASE 'B~ JIoward B. . Upon 8Otlon or ec-.....10Der Sc:boeeh and by ajorl ty vote the tollov1.ng resolution .. adcp JI& rr Rl8Cl.YID tat the JeffenGll CouIlt7 ZOa1JI~ Map DUIllered 59 and 60 be -.ended to include IlI..tr1ct and ucl" rra. the III-I District, the Following de.crlbed un1.'.1'::01'p01'I\ted area of ---~- ~- - ---- -..- --. -- .-....... 'I"IlrW'I""III"l _... 'In:-D'PI'.1'I"IIII1 Awn l'I"W' wnTT'M't: --- I I O\l '"F (: C2 ...f" ~ 11