HomeMy WebLinkAboutN 213 Journal of the Con miSSIOners of Jefferson County, Colorado,_ January 20, 1958 ~ 1958 r Wfl: '.H. .. '1'':''1 ("., C'U.hI:.IlW IP.. "':.1 r~"J WHEREAS no laDd wllld, by a vacatiOD of s&1d portion of a street be left vi tbout an established public r:Ad connect.- ing it v1 th lII10taer established public road; and WHEREAS the Jefferson CO\lllty Pl8I:Ining C~ssion has appro-red the said proposed vacat10n of portion of a st.re-et.; IiOW 'l'JI5KI!ilIORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of CO\lllty ec-1ssioners of Jefferson CClWlty, Colorlido, pursuant. U> the provisions of CMpter 217, 1~9 SessiOD Law of Colorado tbBt the follOwing described portion of a street situate in tae County of Jefferson, and State of Colorado, be lII1d it is hereby vacated subject to a reservation of e.-nts tor tae cODtinued use of existing sewer sas, water or similar pipe lines and appurtenances, exist.ing ditches and appurtenances, and e.;isting electric, telephone lII1d silllilar lines and appurtenances, if any: A tract of l.aDd in the NEt Swt, Sec. 3, TIts, R69W, of the 6th P. M. described as follow: Beg. at a point OIl the Bast line of tae ~ SwC- of sa1d Section 3; 80.3 feet Korth of the SE corner of the /lEt swC- of s&1d Section 3; thence Westerly at an lII1gle of 900 to the East line of the ut swC- Sec. 3, 30 feet to the BE corner of said tract; thence Borth parallel to the East line of the IIEt swC- of sa1d Section 3, 48.2 feet; thence defleetlng 56.06' to the left, 150.6 feet; thence deflecting 10.52' to the right 176.1 teet; t.heDce deflecting 90. to the left 40 feet; thence deflecting 90' to the left, 179.9 feet tbence deflecting 10052' to the left, 1&".3 feet to the SE corner of s&1d tract. "z..3 - 3 -(.,'1 tV ( = :f~ssioner Schoech, adopted: WHEREAS the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, requires all streets and roads to be satisfactortly cOlllP:'eted bef'Jre the _ will be accepted ~or maintenance by the CO\mty of Jefferson, and second by Commissioner Koch and by unanimous vote the folloving resolution ~ W1IEREA5 the streets and roads as described belo\l bB"e been satisfactorily cOlIIpleted and the CO\mty Road Superviso::- bas inspected the sa.! and rec()lSlended the sa1v. streets and roads to the COIIIDissioners of Jefferson CO\mty fo::- 8C- ceptanee for aintenance purposes,l 1'fOW, ~RE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Jefferson CoUJ1~ COIIIIIl1ssioners that the fOllov1ng st.reet.s and roads are hereby accepted for County aintenance and are hereby declared to be County roads and a part of the County road &ystell: Said roads and/or street are: .... 47th Place, Vance East to the Dead End Also 48th Circle. ACCEPTAlfCE OF ROAOO upon .otion of COIDdssiooer Scboech, second by Commissioner Koch and by unanimous vote the fol:o.~ng ~so,ut1on was :..! I :~