HomeMy WebLinkAboutN 380 ,-- - JltJ."1 . u~ ~Ph J. ','. carter, rge M. Shade, nine Bums, ~ H. stolt~, aht B. ~, I JUstice of the Peac~, for the month of July, 1958. JI.lst1c~ of the Peac~, for th~ month of JUly, 1958. BoDe De~stration Agent,for the month of M&~, 1958. Agricultural Agent, tor the month of June, 1958. Ass't Agri. Agent, for the month ot' June, 1958. T RIDGE PARle AlID RECREATIOII DISTRICT _1:100 of ~ssioner Koch, second by Coa.1ss1oner Schoech and by unanimous vote the following resolution was ted: IS the !o&rd ot Directors of the Wheat Ridge aDd Recreation District has petitiolU!!d for the belov d.es<:ribed ~ a1tuate in the County of JeffersOll, State of Colorado, to be included within the boundaries at said d1strict~ , WHEREAS said property has been properly excluded by Order of the District Court of Jeftersoo County, Colorado the bound.ar1es ot the !forth Jeffco ~tropolitan Recreatioo District; , WBIRBAS proper notU'1catioo havtna been gi'len lIlId a hearing was held on this date; , 'I'IIRKPtBB, BE IT RESOLVED that the following described reeJ. property situate in the County ot JefferS()ll, State Colorado, be induded within the bo\lftdar1es ~ the Wheat Ridge Park lIlId Recreation District, to-wit: A parcel ot land located in the sw: ~ &lid the IlWt S~ ~ ~.:tion 22, T3S, R69W, being lMlre particularly described &II fOll~( to-wit: CcE:encing 300 teet South at the point at intersectioa at the W..st line ot said :;~ ~ lIlId the original South line of West 44th Avenue; thence South along the West 11A. of s&id swt ~ &lid the IlWt sFlk a distance ot 1281.0 teet to the center line of Clear Creek (1932); thence lIort~terly alcmg center line at Clear Creek (1932) to a pvint 5(X3.'? feet ..t at the West line of said JWt SEt lIlId _sured at Right angles thereto; thence IIorth parallel V1th the Vest line of said S'* at aDd the JWt SEt a distallce of 1~26.~5 teet to a point 00 the South line of Vest 44th Avenue; thence 1I0rthlluterly alcmg the South line or Wfost 44th Avem. . cI1..t.Ic. ot 50 teet lMlN or less to a point on the South line or West 44th A~, which point b 1,.58.2 teet Elu1; ~ the West line of tbe sw: ~; thence South parallel to the Bast line a dllltlmce ~ 300 teet more or leu to a point directly East of the point of beginning; thence West "58.2 f'eet to point ~ begl.DIl1n&. Said pe.r...e... coot&1ning lJ,..55 acres, .ore or less, topther V1th -.ter, 41tch lIlId lrrlp.Uoo rights belODgl.ng tbereto or used in coanect1oo therewith lIlId includ1Dc, bat not by ~ ot 11I111tat1011, fourteen (14) inches of _ter per second ot tl_ out of the OaeJ..ette Ditch 110. 5, baYing priority 110. 5 out of Clear Creek with appropriatloo date of _ 31, l86o. .otloo ot cc-s.sslO11er JCoch, secaa4 by C~IIs1oner Schoech and by unanilBOUS vote the tollov1ng res~u1;loo ... 1Ir. IIIn7 Steipllll, at the Boards request, presented IlAIIIeS of persons to work as an active c~ttee to cbeclt i feu1ll1l1tT ot a eo..at7 Hospital with rep.rd to locatlO11, eeono.,y, practicality as cOllp&red with present t , lIlId tbe -.r t'aeetIJ coanected with the establishing of a County Hospital, , TJI.5IUiPVRI, BE IT RESOLVED that the following persons are herebJ duly appointed to act as a County Hospital ttee: Mr. Fred ICirschlte, 1010 Hol1.aDd Street, IAltellOOd Dr. Jbbn ChBIIberlin, Jr., 8790 West Colfax Ave., IAltewood Mr. 0lm1aD Rob ,rts, lli870 West 32nd Avenue, Golden Mr. QILle Sellens, 1965 IIellCc:-b Street, IAkewood I tJJ ___ I 7'\ ~. Z ':fJ ---- eJl ~ r::Jj U> w 00 \) I