HomeMy WebLinkAboutO 033 , , \ , (1\ \ <f o :=; ..y J'" 0p0l\ tll)t.1.0I\ or :::(lIIIIIli88ioner \(OCh, ~' """" ",,'d" ",",' sol" ,lO" ond 1.1"'" _ .. ~... ,,,,, . "". ...... _ ".."'" .."..", ,:-:,::;,",,';~'1 .f ",,' ,. j,,,';'on ,.....". ,..,,,bod .. _ ":1-'-.....-.... _,u.o""" 'to""'" ,....,> 0 _..... ..' ~_ ,. ........ ... "",'" ,ot ""'.""..' , ~. '\ 1 l ____, --___ _........ __ r---- __..... ...._ ____ ___._ __ ____ ._ .. l~ ^ feel ~'oencf ~-.,t .,.~ -~' , viti" -, Sor" Unl!!'. a&1q u.. a~. ncel c1: .1.05.7 Iee1;; toonce 50\1,," and parallel Vlth tile t:ast hne of said ~ a distance or 75.0 feet to the point of beginning, excepting there froll the East 15 feet thereof deeded tor the UIle of Gvland Street a public 'Jay. ~ OF A IDD - l"red Reichert, Wbeatridge Water Diatrict, Toby SlII:lth Clark and Lilian Clark, \Ial~r Lee Tachanz and Lucille Maude Tachanz. t1poD art.ion 01' C~sll1oner Koch, second by COIIIlII1sBioner Schoech and by unanimous vote the tollO\l1ng resolution ... adapte4: . rr IEOLVZD that a Quit ~ Deed rro. Fred Reichert, Wheatridge Water District, Toby SlII:lth Cla.rk and l.i1.1&11 0JIrk, 1Ial1ler I.e 'l8et.Da ~ Lucille Maude Tache.nz conveying a parcel of land to JeN'ersOll County, deacribed .. tallGIIII 'be and hereby 18 approved and accepted for re"ording: , ~ 'ACCEP'rAIICB OF IEID - Beade !fare I t1poD 8Ot1on or ec-1aa1oner Koch, ~aA-+-' 1--.. ----: JIll) JIIU.~ !be 1IHt 15 teet of the ~ 150.00 feet of that part of the tolloving deacribed Eatate; ~ ~ or tile _ ~ "'* of Section 27, 'l'3S, R69W, described as follOWll: Jleg1zm1ng lIt.a PIIa't 910.55 f'eet 1Iorth or the SoIltheut corner or the "'* of aaf.d Section 27; t'-e v.et.165.1 hn; ~ Borth at right angles 262.9 feet; thence East at right angles 165.7 fMt; u 1e Soath at ri8bt lIIl81es 262.9 feet to point 01' begiIll1ing. WIIIA2RIIXJB WA'!IR DIS'l'RICT !be Weft 15 feet of the JIorth 1~.0 feet of the South 150 feet of the follov1ng deacribed BRate; tla~ pu1; or ~he _ SlIt KWt or Section 27, T3S, R69W, described.. follOWll: ""-"lJ a~ a point 910.55 feet lforth or the BE comer or the "'* of aaf.d Section 27; ~ VNt. 165.7 feet; tbeace Borth at right angle 262.9 feet; thence kat at right azwlAl165.1 feet; theee SoIlth at right angle 262.9 feet to point at beginning. Qy SMmI CLARK AID LILIA1f CLARK '!'be We81; 15 teet of that part of the DC- SEt INt of Section 27, T3S, R69W, described as tol.1.olllll: JlegiDD1ng at a point 910. 55 teet Iforth of the SE comer at the w: :If Section 27; thence West 165.7 teet; thence North at right angle 262.9 feet; thence Eaat at right lIIIgle 165.7 feet; thence South at right angle 262.9 feet to point of ~nn1"g. WAL'!IR LEI 'lSCBAIZ and IU::ILLE MAUlE 'l'SCHABZ '!'be Weolt 15 teet of the East ~ of the North 105.00 feet of that part of the w: of Section 27. 1'35, R69\i, beginning at a point 705.55 feet North of the SE corner of the "'* of Section 27, T3S, R69W and running thence West 331. 2 feet; thence at risht angle JIorth 205 feet; thence at right angle East 331.4 feet 1lIOre or less; thence at ri8bt ansle Sol.&l;h 205 feet to the point of beginning, except the West 15 teet thereof, also except the right of w.y described in Book 510 Paae 57. '=' T I '" '-- ......", <--.. 0' J" seeond by ec-1ssioner Schoech and by unani1llOus vote the fol1oving resolution ...